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Five jailed for taking direct action against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza
  • Come on mate, you were really keen on this one.

    How much of the UK’s annual total of £18.2m in arms exports to Israel comes from this factory?

  • Five jailed for taking direct action against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza
  • Alright I'm gonna educate your fucking dumbass then.

    When the problem is that Hamas only exists in the context of isreal’s genocide of the palastinian people, yeah.

    Hamas was founded in 1987. Its founding document calls for pushing the Jews into the sea. Unless you're about to play the white man useful idiot and say 'oh but they released a new version which refers to 'Zionists' not 'Jews' in which case just walk off a cliff.

    There is no evidence whatsoever that Hamas would be happy with anything less than the ethnic cleansing of the vast majority of Jews from Israel. We could debate what that fact means, but there's no debate that it is a fact. I'm not going to entertain claims that Hamas is interested in a two-state solution, in case you want to try that angle. I'm not stupid enough to entertain that idea.

    Let's move on.

    Calling for their defeat is calling for a continuation of that genocide dumbass.

    Before Hamas came to power, Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza. They used the army to pull Jews kicking and screaming from the homes their ancestors had lived in for thousands of years in Gaza. They disinterred Jewish graves, reburying them within Israel's recognised boundaries you fucking idiot.

    There has been no genocide. Even the so-called 'Nakba' doesn't even put a figure to the dead, the number is so low. About 700,000 Arabs either fled or were expelled during the 1947 civil war and 1948 independence war of Israel following the United Nations-backed decision to recognise a State of Israel. In the following few years, some 850,000 Jews either fled or were expelled from the rest of the Middle East, almost all of whom came to Israel because it was the only option, and is why the majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi (Arab) Jews.

    In 1947 in India, with no United Nations recognition, the country was partitioned at the behest of its people to create what we now have: India and Pakistan. Some 20 million people were displaced, and nearly a million were killed in the violence and slaughter that ensued.

    Does that get you enthused? Ha! Of course it doesn't. We both know you don't give a shit about those million dead in India/Pakistan, you only care about the ones where Jews are involved.

    But that requires empathy. Empathy for a people who have been murdered, displaced, and put behind a wall.

    Do you mean the Gazan or West Bank Arabs? Because the Gazans is fairly straightforward: Israel pulled out, disinterred the Jewish graves, ripped Jews from their family homes of hundreds of years, and gave the Gazans a UN-backed and verified free and democratic vote.

    They voted for Hamas. Who swiftly sent their Palestinian 'comrades' on very long walks off very tall but very slim buildings.

    Hamas then began, for example, to take the highly productive and profitable vegetable greenhouses created by Gazan Jews and rip them up to use their materials for rockets, such that within about a year or so of the withdrawal the Palestinians had destroyed one of their best opportunities for prosperity. I guess that's worth it if you can kill Jews by doing so, right?

    Empathy for a people you have been told your whole life are brainless, heartless, brown terrorists with no goal but the elimination of Jewish folk instead of what they really are. People. People who have been abused by a colonist state for 80 years, fighting back against that state in the only way they can anymore.

    Oh fuck off with the phony emotional language. I'm not interested in this soppy western leftist shit.

    Rape is not resistance. The Palestinians invented the use of children as suicide bombers. Israeli mothers sent their children to school on separate school buses because they knew that if a Palestinian detonated a bomb on one then at least one of their children would survive.

    Meanwhile, the Palestinians were celebrating museums dedicated to rejoicing at the dozens of civilians murdered in the suicide bombing of the S'Barro restaurant.

    A Palestinian suicide bombing at a pizzeria in downtown Jerusalem on 9 August 2001 killed 16 people, including seven children and a pregnant woman. A further 130 were wounded. The attack occurred during the Second Intifada.

    After the suicide bombing, Palestinian university students at the An-Najah University in the West Bank city of Nablus created an exhibition celebrating the first anniversary of the Second Intifada.[25][26] The exhibit's main attraction was a room-sized re-enactment of the bombing at Sbarro. The installation featured broken furniture splattered with fake blood and human body parts.[25] The entrance to the exhibition was illustrated with a mural depicting the bombing. The exhibit was later shut down by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.[27]

    How lovely. What humanistic freedom fighters we have on display here.

    Thankfully many of the organisers were killed in the years thereafter.

    Hamas shouldn’t exist, but Israel made the conditions where a group like Hamas will exist. And as long as the palastinians continue to exist and exist under apartheid, then Hamas or similar groups will continue to exist. This leaves you with 2 options. A. Give them their God damn land back and let them have their own independent state. B. Genocide.

    Netanyahu was not elected as Israeli PM until 1996-1999, briefly. So you're presumably referring to 2009-onwards when he was re-elected PM.

    What do you make of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's 2008 offer, mirroring the December 2000 Cliton Parameter offer, to Mahmoud Abbas of a sovereign Palestinian state in 100% of Gaza, about 97% of the West bank with the largest Jewish settlements on the border annexed and equivalent land given to Palestine to compensate for it, with full aerospace sovereignty, etc? Was that a bad offer? Did Mahmoud Abbas make a mistake in rejecting it in 2008 just as he did twice in 2000?

    This leaves you with 2 options. A. Give them their God damn land back and let them have their own independent state. B. Genocide.

    They have land: in Gaza and the West Bank. They simply have to make the choice to recognise this. If they want to claim a separate sovereign state's land, i.e. Israel's, they're welcome to declare war. They just don't get to cry when they get their shit pushed in by Israel.

    Calling for anything other than option A is to call for genocide. Even if you don’t see it that way, that’s the reality of these situations. There’s history to show this, it isn’t the first apartheid state in existence. It isn’t the first ever genocide. We know how this goes. And history will remember it as such.

    The word 'genocide' was first coined by a Jew in order to find a word to describe the systematic extermination of 2/3 of European Jews within a span of less than 10 years. Even today, it's not clear that the total number of Jews globally has returned to the pre-Holoacust level.

    Conversely, the population of Palestinian Arabs has more than quadrupled – this being, by the way, the same population which openly sided with Hitler and enthusiastically endorsed, imbibed, and reproduced Hitler's Nazi propaganda across the Middle East, such was their hatred of Jews, which is why even today so many Palestinisns are huge fans of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

    Here's a great photo of the Grand Mufti of Jersualem, Imam Hajj Amin al-Husseini, being best buds with Adolf Hitler in opposite chairs.

    Should we go further? Aw, yeah, you're right. Let's go further.

    Fun fact: Your boy, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem? He was sought for indictment as a war criminal for his role in recruiting Muslim volunteers for the Nazi German SS during WW2 but escaped from French detention in 1946.

    Ya boy also published an interesting pamphlet at some point between 1941-45 titled 'Islam and Judaism'. It was directed at Muslim recruits of the Nazi German SS, whom he supported with balls-deep enthusiasm. In the booklet, al-Husseini emphasized the superiority of Islam over Judaism, stating that it is unworthy to mention Islam in the same breath as Judaism. He freely paraphrased Qur'anic passages without reference to sura and verse, and included apparent quotations that are not found in the Qur'an. This booklet was intended to demonize Jews and Judaism, reflecting both al-Husseini's poor religious credentials and his conviction that the pamphlet would not be subjected to critical scrutiny.

    I was going to ask what your alternative solution was, but then I realised you're just going to say 'A single state in which Muslims and Jews live in equality' and that at no point in typing out that sentence would you realise how fucking laughably stupid that idea is.

  • Five jailed for taking direct action against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza
  • Advocating for the defeat of Hamas is 'calling for genocide'?


  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act
  • Yes, in the same sense that I deny the existence of unicorns. I'm also a unicorn-denier.

  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act
  • He's said a lot since October 7th and before it.

    A selection of more recent ones by running a search for his tweets using the word 'Hamas'

    Hamas' Qassam Brigades are guerilla fighters engaged in armed struggle against an occupying power, which is their right under international law.

    The only men on this planet willing to do something about children being murdered in Gaza are to be found in Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Resistance Axis. So obviously the Western Zionist media have no answer but to frame these Resistance fighters as "terrorists"

    Hamas have just captured a group of Israeli soldiers


    Iran’s president and foreign minister have died.

    If it is an act of God, there is naught we can say. If it was an act of treachery, this will not deter or hinder the Resistance.

    Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah have always become stronger after losses like this.

    The struggle continues.

    Why do you denounce Hamas and Hezbollah?

    Do you also denounce the French resistance when you condemn the Nazis?

    I'm so bored of Westerners comparing the only armed front that Palestinians/Arabs have to their oppressors, and acting like this is some kind of nuanced comment

    They hate Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. because they fight back. Because they refuse to roll over when the Israelis and Americans snap their fingers.

    That is the only reason, and nothing else.

  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act
  • He also regularly writes for and appears on Al Mayadeen (Hezbollah affiliates), the Iranian Regime's Press TV, and Russia Today.

    And yes, you would be correct if you guessed his views on Syria's Bashar al-Assad based on this information.

  • Five jailed for taking direct action against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza
  • So it's not an Elbit Systems factory, it's a separate French-owned company which owner company has a separate contract with Elbit Systems, and the article doesn't actually say what this particular factory produces, who it sells to, or what the financial value of it is.

    Great. Really cleared that up.

    How much of the UK's annual total of £18.2m in arms exports to Israel comes from this factory?

  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act
  • Also if committing massacres made the PLO a terror group

    No, it's when you commit terrorist acts that you become a terrorist group. Like the PLO did, repeatedly, over many many years, and bragged about.

    Terrorists are by definition non-state actors.

    And yes I've seen the Pallywood stuff coming out of Gaza just like everyone else has. It's the same bullshit they pull every time they cross a line and find their shit getting pushed in by Israel like in Lebanon in 1982.

    receives billions in funding and weapons from the US and UK

    In 2023 total UK arms exports to Israel totalled £18.2 million. We do not provide them with foreign financial assistance.

    So you were only off by a little bit.

    In 2023 Israel received approx. £3.3 bn in foreign assistance from the USA, the large majority loaned to purchase US supplies of both defensive and offensive munitions. That same year, Egypt also received about £1.5 bn in foreign assistance from the USA, Jordan £1.7 bn, etc.

    As I said it is a form of political repression.

    Yes, that's why it's good

  • Farage set to make third visit to US in two months since elected Reform MP
  • Taking his day job seriously, I see

  • Five jailed for taking direct action against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza
  • No. I want the IDF to be given the weapons to finish off Hamas. The Palestinians have no future while Hamas rules in Gaza, and the IDF are the only military force in the world with both the capacity and motivation to destroy Hamas - it certainly won't come from Palestinians themselves. Israel can't plausibly be expected to allow Gaza or the West Bank to become a state if that means Hamas coming to power.

  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act
  • The PLO was a terror group.'alot_massacre

    Two examples off the top of my head of a terrorist group engaging in terrorist violence.

  • Five jailed for taking direct action against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza
  • I don't agree with their methods or their objectives, so I don't see anything to praise here as 'brave'.

  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act
  • Only a handful of countries consider Hamas a terror group. Funnily enough these are the same countries that are complicit in Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

    Those are also more or less the only countries I'd trust to be able to correctly identify a terrorist group.

    This is a “leopards ate my face” law. It’s fine until you get caught up in it however unlikely that appears now.

    I simply don't support terrorist organisations. It isn't difficult.

  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act
  • I don't have a problem with any element of that law.

    I'm profoundly comfortable with people being arrested and imprisoned for substantial sentences for expressing support for Hamas and similar Jihadi terror groups.

  • Thames Water barred from billing customers for pension shortfall
  • Well, bit of good news for you there – included in Labour's Kings Speech was a bill to make CEOs of water companies individually criminally liable in egregious cases of sewage pollution etc.

  • Thames Water barred from billing customers for pension shortfall
  • IIRC, since privatisation the total amount of water company debt is roughly equivalent to the total amount paid out in shareholder dividends in the same timeframe

  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act
  • Good, for months now he's openly expressed his support and encouragement for a proscribed terrorist organisation, i.e. Hamas. He's not ambiguous about this: he thinks October 7th was great and that Hamas should do it again. He literally travelled to Iran and posted photos next to IRGC rockets and missiles with the caption "Long live the resistance".

    He's not a journalist. He's a vicious antisemite who takes pleasure in attacking Jews and is a proud and unrepentant promoter and supporter of terrorism.

    Throw away the key. I don't know why he's allowed into the country at all.

  • Five jailed for taking direct action against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza
  • Tends to happen when you knowingly break the law

  • Starmer urges Iran to 'refrain from attacking Israel' in 'rare' phone call with country's president | World News
  • You realise that cartoon came from a far-right Neo-Nazi forum, right?

    And you realise what that does to this conversation?

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    Communitarian social democrat. Roman Catholic. Interests in literature, history, philosophy and collecting vinyl records.

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