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Sind Sonnencremeangebote zu Beginn des Sommers üblich?
  • Sonnencreme niemals auf Vorrat kaufen wenn octocrylene drin sind. Selbst ungeöffnet wandeln die sich in benzophenone um und die verursachen Krebs. Klar weiß man nie wie lange die schon im Geschäft rumstehen aber daheim noch lagern erhöht das Risiko nochmals unnötig.

  • u up?
  • It actually became more frequent when sms became free in my country around 2010 / when people switched to services instead of sms.
    But it has also become easier to block messages on most services so it keeps the balance.
    The age doesn't matter. If anything, they usually become creepier the older the guy is.

  • What a CASHLESS society REALLY means
  • That way nanna would need to know that the children are struggling with this. A lot of children wouldn't tell from the shame and since they are doing something 'forbidden'. I know I wouldn't have told my grandma.

  • What a CASHLESS society REALLY means
  • Young children can not create a bank account so they can not get money transferred. In case their parents set up a bank account, the parents will have access to that money and see any transactions.

    Now you are probably a good person who would not steal money from your children. However some parents are not good people.
    There are also a lot of cases where parents don't want their children to have things they need, like soap or tampons. Doubt much has changed about that from the time I was a child. It would be a lot harder for children to access things like that if no one can slip them some secret money.

  • Mysterious meat allergy passed by ticks may affect hundreds of thousands in US, CDC estimates
  • We're not even in the US. We assume he got it from a trip to Mexico because he has never been to North America at all.

  • Mysterious meat allergy passed by ticks may affect hundreds of thousands in US, CDC estimates
  • My husband had it.

    We never bought meat to use at home anyways, so in that aspect nothing really changed.

    However it was kinda cumbersome when invited by other people, especially since we live in a backwards place where people consume meat daily. E.g. grandmas kept cooking red meat despite me trying to explain it multiple times and getting offended when he didn't eat it.
    Oftentimes my husband would just eat a bit of it anyways and then spend the evening in the toilet throwing up, just to avoid the strange drama that telling people you can't eat meat causes.

    That's also how we figured out it goes away, since the doctor made it sound like it would be permanent. But eating the bit started to get less bad and then eventually stopped causing any issues. Now he can eat anything people serve again, which is saving us a lot of headache and drama.

  • Replace Torrenting with Usenet
  • In Germany they provide relief from the constant fear your vpn might leak and you'll receive mail.

  • No Kevin
  • Doubt it's without the owner, might be a two story building with one floor being an airbnb and the other the owners flat or some similar setup.

  • A little girl said monsters were in her bedroom. It was 60,000 bees
  • They can sting, they just mostly choose not to.

  • How financially literate are Europeans? Not very - but who knows most?
  • If someone asked me to calculate it in the street I would be blue screening but here it was a multiple choice with the options set in a way that you don't really have to calculate compound interest at all, you just had to know it exists (over 110€).

  • I forgor to follow the rule earlier, so here's a shitty meme I made
  • Any idea what to replace the apple with if you're allergic to apples (and similar fruit)? I'd prefer to go hungry for an unhealthy length of time before I'd consider that option.

    Edit: now that I think about it, people below 50kg prop don't really need that tip anyways

  • JavaScript Daily Quiz and Code Snippets
    1. Question is often not showing
    2. On the email regex question, it says option 1 is correct but the explanation says option 3 would be correct

    I can't upload images ATM since there is something wrong with my instance

  • Pizza metrics are out, gay analytics are in
  • I assume it means some employees would go there after work (6pm) but they apparently had to work overtime, hence the dip. A lot of people having to do overtime is usually an indicator of something being up.

  • Why don't idle games mine for crypto?
  • If the idle game is running at 100% there is no power left to also crypto mine. If the idle game runs at 10% you could use 90% for mining but then you would pay for 100% energy usage instead of 10%. You'd probably end up paying more than you'd mine.

  • To borrow a line from Letterkenny, it's like getting fingered with salad tongs.
  • They won't agree no matter how hard you push.

  • Stable android app completely broken after 6.6 update

    Even on a fresh install you can literally do nothing anymore with the browser, every action makes it crash. Can't close or switch tabs. Beta is the same thing but I explicitly use the stable to avoid such issues. This is absolutely infuriating.

  • That's just DNS and exactly how you do it on android too, the op made it sound like he has something better that's exclusive.

  • Apple
  • But that is so much worse then the free system wide AdBlock you can use on android without root, why do you think it is better?

  • Apple
  • Can you elaborate on how to use AdBlock on iPhone? Everytime I try to look it up I can only find ad block for the web browser. Last time I was told that's all you can do, is this outdated?

    Edit: you're not just talking about using DNS right? Since that's just the same as android.

  • Apps with tablet UI?

    Any recommendations for apps with a proper tablet UI?

    Alternative für Wecker ohne Ton gesucht

    Ich suche aktuell eine Alternative für meinen Wecker und finde leider nichts, kennt jemand eine Lösung?

    Benötige Feature:

    • Nur Vibration, kein Ton
    • nicht im Schlaf wegdrückbar
    • unterschiedliche Weckzeiten für unterschiedliche Tage
    • nice to have: Möglichkeit einen Tag zu überspringen ohne den Wecker manuell wieder aktivieren zu müssen (damit ich es nicht versehentlich vergesse)

    Preislich bis 40€

    Hintergrund: ich kann nicht hören, also Wecker mit Ton fallen bei mir weg. Bislang hatte ich ein MiBand 4, welches ich mit Sleep as android am Telefon synchronisiert habe, per 3rd party app. Sleep tracking und das ganze Zeug brauche ich nicht und habe ich nie genutzt.

    Jetzt wurde irgendeine Komponente in meinem Setup geupdated und nun kann man den Wecker einfach snoozen in dem man auf das Armband drückt. Zuvor musste ich aufstehen und den Wecker am Handy ausmachen. Das führt jetzt dazu, dass ich ständig meinen Wecker einfach im Schlaf wegdrücke und es nicht mal mitbekomme.

    Einfach nur das Handy unter dem Kissen auf vibrieren funktioniert nicht weil es dann am morgen irgendwo am Boden liegt und über kurz oder lang wahrscheinlich kaputt gehen würde.

    Ich dachte ich kaufe mir einen Wecker mit 'Bedshaker' als Alternative, müsste aber feststellen dass man dort nur entweder Wecker an oder aus haben kann und keine unterschiedlichen Zeiten für verschiedene Tage.

    Wichtig ist auch, dass mein Partner und die Nachbarn nicht mitgeweckt werden, also es darf nur Vibration haben und keinen Ton.

    Am besten wäre einfach wieder irgendein Bluetooth Tool das vibriert wenn ein Wecker, von mir aus auch die Stock-Clock-App am Handy losgeht. Aber leider finde ich kein equivalent zum mi band bei dem man dem Wecker nicht am Gerät einfach snoozen oder deaktivieren kann.

    Testament, Vater ohne Pflichtanteil wenn kinderlos möglich?

    Ist es möglich einen leiblichen Vater komplett zu enteeben, auch ohne Pflichtanteil, wenn man seit über 10 Jahren keinen Kontakt hat und dieser entsprechend auch keine Verzichtserklärung unterschreiben würde?

    Es gibt keine direkten Erben wie Kinder. Der Ehepartner soll am besten 100% bekommen, Mutter unterschreibt Verzichtserklärung.

    Sirence Sirence
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    Comments 63