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Any news/rumors on SteamOS 3.5?
  • everything runs on Valve time.

    Shit, I guess we were lucky to get SteamOS 3 then!

  • What's the best financial decision you've ever made?
  • Then it’s a shit hobby, or the wrong time in your life for that particular hobby. Hobbies aren’t meant to be financially sound investments, and the best hobbies aren’t cheap.

  • Reddit Gives Final Warning to Subreddits Using NSFW Protest Tactic
  • Best idea I’ve seen so far is to comply - and let the nsfw posts just keep on coming. Show the advertisers how their ads are being shown next to nsfw, and see how that goes.

  • Film companies demand names of Reddit users who discussed piracy in 2011
  • So piracy is a civil crime, not a criminal one? Awww 😩 All this time I thought I was cooler than I really am. (Sad arrr noises)

  • BotDefense is wrapping up operations : r/BotDefense
  • Lol I remember trying to get my parents to get an ISDN line installed back in ‘95 or ‘96 - the price was ridiculous. I was stuck on 56k until 2001 when I went to work for an ISP and was able to get a 1.5M SDSL line and was fucking ecstatic. Used it to run a CS1.6 server from my closet.

    Edit: actually I did have a 1.5/128 ADSL line somewhere in there for a little bit.

  • BotDefense is wrapping up operations : r/BotDefense
  • Shit, I used to run a WWIV 4.23 BBS back in the day. First modem was 9600 baud. Then 14.4k, 28.8k, and lastly 56k - screaming fast! Nothing like watching boobie pics loading one line at a time…

    Edit: I remember signing up with Prodigy and participating in my very first AMA, with Quark and Dax from DS9. Good times.

  • Locked
    Terrifying: Sacramento Sheriff is sharing license plate reader data with anti-abortion states, records show.
  • So let me get this straight… people aren’t upset that these automated plate readers are even a thing to begin with, but that they’re being used to prosecute crimes that they don’t agree with?

  • [HN] Judge rules White House pressured social networks to “suppress free speech”
  • I apologize, I misread your statement - you said “Trump appointed judge, is relevant.” My brain read “Trump appointed judge, is irrelevant.

    My bad!

  • How does this instance feel about this growing pact against federating with Meta?
  • Honestly, this would be a non-issue if we could block instances at the user level. Since they’re not federated yet, and User-level instance blocking should be coming, I say we wait and see.

  • [HN] I Posted Myself Out of a Job
  • For reals. This person sounds insufferable, I would have fired them too.

  • AMAs are the latest casualty in Reddit’s API war
  • They’re expecting lawsuits to fly, and don’t want to touch it with a 10-foot pole lest they get dragged in.

  • What if: The Lemmy code was never developed? What would you be doing right now?
  • A big problem with this is that since 2016 the bots and hired commenters have thoroughly poisoned the intellectual well. What used to be considered extreme in 2016 was so artificially boosted that now real people have completely bought into the bullshit.

  • Reddit users lost?
  • I wonder if you could guesstimate based on ad-buys - cost, interactions, etc.

  • Indiana Jones and Flash flopped hard. Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films?
  • Only when it’s pointless.

    Two words: female Bond.

    Plenty of great movies with females and/or female leads. Ghost busters was not one of them.

  • Indiana Jones and Flash flopped hard. Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films?
  • Plus I can pause to pee, vape away, set the volume on my surround sound exactly where I want, etc. And my 84” 4K DV/HDR+ OLED may not be a gigantic silver screen, but I enjoy it. Combined with 120TB of storage for Plex, I’m more than happy to wait for the bluray remux.

    I used to fucking ADORE going to the movies - but nowadays, it needs to be a spectacular spectacular. Last movie I saw in the theater was Top Gun 2, and it was worthy.

  • Indiana Jones and Flash flopped hard. Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films?
  • No. Marketing typically equals production costs. So $400mm production + $400mm marketing = $800mm breakeven.

  • Is there a way to ignore all content from specific instances?
  • Kbin has this ability, but Lemmy does not (yet).

  • Homeworld 3 - Cinematic Teaser
  • What a shit trailer. Three scenes repeating with no sounds. What?

  • Hiding "read posts" also hides your own posts from your profile

    FYI. If you uncheck “Show read posts” from your profile settings, it also hides posts you’ve made from your account profile.

    Quick pic I snapped from our cab ride into Rome yesterday

    “I see you’re going on a looong journey! I see you’re going…. to Rome!

    “But I am in Rome!”

    “Do I lie?”

    Unable to link new communties via search

    Edit/Update: Searching by !community@instance fails, searching by the full url works.

    Original post: So if my understanding is correct, a Lemmy instance won’t be aware of a community on another instance until the first time it is searched from your home instance.

    If that understanding is correct, then the process does not seem to be working from





    To try and get these communities visible from, I’m entering the search term as shown above into the Communties search field and smashing Search a few times. Normally there would be no results, but if you then search for just the community name it shows up as being connected - that’s no longer happening.

    If I am misunderstanding or doing something wrong please let me know.

    Edit: Searching for the entire url seems to work sometimes

    Example: - no joy - worked! - worked!

    Edit: it appears the problem with ! is on their side - found a post where they were misconfigured and only federating with two other instances, and have ddos shields up.

    The constant stream of new posts makes scrolling/browsing unusable.

    Has anybody figured out a workaround or fix for this?

    The behavior I’m describing is when sorting by All > anything (top, hot, whatever) you get a feed. Great! I start scrolling and then the page jumps. Then jumps again. And again and again and again… it makes trying to actually preview or click anything a nightmare. Scrolling back to the top of the page shows why - a ton of new posts from across the Fediverse are up there! But I’m not sorting by New, so what gives?

    Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner



    Models from

    Both printed at 0.1 layer height on Bambu X1C. Roadrunner printed almost entirely with silk, Wile E Coyote printed mostly from matte, with the flames being silk, and the cart, ropes, fuse, and matchstick being wood.

    SickIcarus SickIcarus

    Just another Reddit refugee

    Posts 6
    Comments 29