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No need for raises
  • It's an episode where all the 21+ adults live in a labor-camp type facility; the high-energy-producers ride bikes that generate electricity all day and earn points to spend on food/digital rewards/ad skips/etc. It's actually one of the best episodes IMO

  • Yeah, really rebels
  • I unironically like wearing grey to workout. It's like the perfect signal for "don't talk to me, I'm just here for the exercise"

  • What's something you wish to bring back from the late 90's/early 00's internet?
  • Goofy, random flash videos. AlbinoBlacksheep was like the internet in its prime

  • Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny?
  • I only ever go there to check the front page/news now. Lemmy is growing fast, but being decentralized, at the moment it's still easier to catch up on politics and world news using reddit.

  • Do you prefer contacts or glasses? Why?
  • I've never really been able to use eye drops and when I've tried my eyes would reflexively close. I don't get how people can handle putting contacts in regularly

  • Reddit's Traffic is Down 3.36% Month-Over-Month, According to SimilarWeb
  • Reddit is pretty much at the point where you can open any thread on the front page and the comments will be indistinguishable from a Facebook comment section.

  • Online dating
  • "It's something you've never heard of"

    "How do you know?"

    "...because I'm never going to tell you about it"

  • Online dating
  • Smart move. Wouldn't want to intimidate anyone with your superior taste in music

  • What video game have you played the most, that you think is garbage and no one else should ever play?
  • The game I've played most that I don't recommend would have to be Ark. You really need to like a certain type of survival challenge to enjoy it, and even I didn't have much fun myself.

  • What's your "old person" trait?
  • That's what the emojis are for. Unlike the shitshow most of us just came from, here it doesn't cost real money to add a tiny picture of ๐Ÿ… to a comment.

  • What are some of the best purchases of your life?
  • Art supplies, nothing else compares to the feeling of freedom I get when crafting something and having tons of options for things to work with. I'm actually thinking of buying a cheap laser engraver next so I can turn digital art into all sorts of stuff.

  • Removed
    sleeping cat
  • No pic uploaded

  • It took the sitter a hot minute to find him this morning
  • Looks like the pic didn't upload right

  • I tell Dexter every day that he is very handsome, but I'm pretty sure he already knows that.
  • I'm starting to think it's time for a "Handsome Cats" community here on the Fediverse

  • mashed potato breakfast bowl

    Bacon bits, shredded cheese and one fried egg on a bed of leftover mashed potatoes. Bone apple teeth๐ŸคŒ

  • It's an older meme that seems to have made a revival recently, but tbh I'm tired of seeing them already

  • Clash of Twitter
  • I would like to award your comment with one lemmy gold๐Ÿ…

  • Is it just me or did anyone else became a more avid poster since joining lemmy?
  • I think it helps that the community vibe is completely different here. On some reddit subs your posts would get automatically removed for the most arbitrary reasons, and that really discouraged people from participating. Here I haven't encountered anything like that yet and most of the people that do participate have been super cool too.

  • Immersion-blended strawberry milkshake

    I found the strawberries on sale for 98 cents a pound a few weeks ago and hulled, sliced + froze them. Milkshakes are a delicious way to put them to good use.

    My amateur recipe:

    • handful of strawberries
    • 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream
    • just enough milk to thin it out into a drinkable viscosity
    • and a tiny pinch of salt to make the strawberry's flavor stand out more
    What is the best way to discover new communities?
  • There's actually a community called "New Communities" that shares them all the time. I'd drop a link but I'm still confused about how exactly to link communities

  • Jerboa currently unusable for other people?

    For the past day or so every time I try to open Jerboa it just crashes immediately without an error message why. Is there any scheduled update/fix for Jerboa? I'd like to be able to browse on mobile again and really enjoyed the app while it was working.

    -posted from my pc (only because I can't get the app to work)

    the bus I was riding earlier got rear-ended by a fking semi-truck

    To my knowledge no one was injured. The semi didn't have a trailer attached so the crash didn't feel too intense, surprisingly. I did have to wait 20 minutes for another bus tho which was mildly infuriating


    Infamous 3-day-no-poop-challenge OP, mizu, tries to play it off like they didn't know what's been going on.

    ShlorpianMafia ShlorpianMafia
    Posts 20
    Comments 22