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Could use some help.
  • Sorry, just because you're not capable enough to work with something that wasn't completely fine-tuned for you at the factory doesn't mean many of the rest of us have any problems with these machines. I do manual bed leveling and I can walk away from my printer for a year, turn it on, and pop out as good of print as the previous time it was used. How well does your "real" printer work after a year of neglect and with all the fancy gizmos turned off?

  • Could use some help.
  • Hmm I'm out of ideas then, sorry. Still wouldn't hurt to do a single-layer test print (there are various models that put squares all around the bed) just to see how that's looking. If the issue had been confined to one side or one corner it might have been a mechanical issue, but random areas makes it a lot harder to figure out.

    If I remember right, jerk settings should be rather small, like single-digits, but I think calibrating your e-steps will go a lot further for cleaning up the prints.

    One other step (and of course I cannot remember what this is called) is related to calibrating the filament 'pressure' along each path. It takes a bit of work to set up but the goal is to create a profile so you get a perfectly consistent amount of filament extruded through the entire length of a path, which compensates for excess amounts at the beginning and end of each path, or too little extrusion through the middle. You might even have to compile your own firmware to enable it if there's not an option in Marlin to turn it on from the software (I was compiling my own anyway for a DIY direct-drive extruder), but it really does make a difference and it's a set-and-forget thing that you only really need to do once.

  • Could use some help.
  • Creality bases are notoriously NOT flat although I've heard their quality has improved over the years. I have one of the 1st-gen Ender 3 Pro machines with a terrible dip in the aluminum base. One nice thing about a thicker bed material is that you can use discs of aluminum foil the shim the base. I started with a glass bed and 13 layers of foil to get the glass reasonably flat. I have since moved to 3mm G10 with a PEI sticker which is working pretty well (in case you want to try PEI again). I found some scrap G10 material on ebay and chopped it with a table saw, sanded all the edges, then got a PEI sheet that was 10mm wider than my bed to allow for some slop. Putting down the stickers is a lot easier if you have someone helping you. Then trim the overhang and you're ready to go.

  • Could use some help.
  • Yeah that's a pretty tight range for the bed leveling, shouldn't be causing any issues then. OK another possibility here... the failing prints, are they on the left side, right side, one specific corner, or does it tend to move around between prints?

    E-steps varies per extruder, not per manufacturer. What they recommend will get you close but there will always be some variance. On my printer Creality recommended a setting of 93 but my measurements put me up around 98, so quite a difference. Are you still using a bowden tube style extruder or did you upgrade to a direct drive? And is your filament spool mounted on top of the printer (if so, what guides have you added for the filament path), or did you move it off to the side?

    Erg sorry, jerk is probably what you're looking for here. It's been awhile since I did much printing so I keep confusing the terms.

  • Could use some help.
  • Belt tension should be tight enough that you can strum it and hear a tone. It's possible to tighten a belt TOO much, which causes extra stress on the motors. This would result in the motors being physically very hot. However if these were both printed at the same time, that wouldn't be the issue here.

    I wonder, how level is your bed? Yes yes, you have a bltouch and all that, but you still need to manually get your bed relatively level. Were these two prints next to each other or on opposite sides of the bed? How did the other prints in the same batch compare (like was there an obvious pattern of failure from one side to the other)? The bad print looks to me like the nozzle is too close, so it might be interesting to see what your first layer looks like in a test across the bed.

    Even in the good print there's some blobbing at the end of each path and the main surface should be the same height as the walls around the cutouts. Did you calibrate your E-steps? It kinda looks like you're pushing out a little too much filament. depending on your slicer options, you may also check acceleration to slow down the head at the end of each path, which can help give the whole path a more uniform output.

    One other consideration, although not as likely... Warm up the bed and check to see if all areas feel like they're about the same temperature. If part of the heating element went bad then maybe you're over-heating one part to compensate for a lack of heat on the rest of the bed. I only mention this because the bad print looks like it has a slant to it, but that could be an illusion of the photo.

  • What camera should I buy
  • My best lens for capturing the sun and moon is a Canon EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6, which sounds like pretty much the same lens you have with a different mount? I found a Kenco doubler that doesn't seem to produce any artifacts (this one goes on the back side of the lens) which has worked really well for grabbing sunspots. Wish I'd had more ambition to get out this Summer, there's been a LOT of sunspot activity that I've missed.

    On the other end I have a Sigma DC 17-70mm f2.8-4 which I've been using for model trains. I paid $233 for that one so it's my most expensive, but getting a faster lens really helped with those low-light shots. Sometimes you find great deals, sometimes you find Chinese garbage. Luckily I never paid much for garbage.

  • Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • Who said anything about it being standard? I said I know this CAN happen, and I said it was quite some time ago. We can only hope this insanity isn't still in practice anywhere, but I learned long ago that expecting a corporation to NOT do foolish things will give me the same disappointing results as expecting money to come out of my ass. If there's a manager involved, then something on the tech side is going to get fucked up in the name of saving a buck. Therefore I cannot just assume OP gets a normal NAT address, nor can I assume they have any other firewall type device between them and the internet. With limited data, the best I can do is try and provide some general information, hopefully encourage them to ask more questions or provide more specific information, and just hope they don't have a ridiculously stupid ISP that makes things needlessly complicated.

  • Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • Most of my experience is with iptables, but yeah, I think until you start adding rules nothing is implicitly denied? Once you enable a couple of initial rules then you should have good blocking from the outside while allowing internal traffic to connect freely. It doesn't get in your way until you start using it, but then it doesn't take much to get it going.

  • What camera should I buy
  • When you say old gear is not cheaper... I take it you're looking for some pretty modern stuff? When I decided to get more involved in photography I picked up a Canon Ti4 used from ebay. It was about 6 years old at the time and I picked up a good one for around $250. The same thing with lenses, everything I have is from ebay and everything was relatively cheap (although I'd love to get one of those Sigma 600mm lenses, but oof!). Yeah my body is closer to 12 years old now but I still use it all the time and it's done well for me, plus the EF mounts are common as hell, and all of my lenses have image stabilization built in.

    If you're having trouble getting trash photos, maybe check back with this group on what lenses match the shots you're trying to take? There's definitely some garbage lenses out there, and early-on I discovered Canon's own 300mm EF lens have two different models that look identical, but there's a huge difference in the quality between them (which is why the good one costs twice as much, even used).

    One good thing about Canon is that you have Magick Lantern available. Most of us can't afford the functionality that this software provides for free! If you want to stick with Canon and get the best bang for your buck, check to see which bodies ML is compatible with to narrow down your selections. After that I would check the lens mounts to see what other mounts can be adapted to fit a body to give you the widest selection of lenses possible. This is usually a one-way street due to focal length so it might pay to choose a body with greater adaptability.

  • Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • You're right, it doesn't make any sense. And it didn't make any sense at the time either. After setting up the router with a laptop, I moved the connection to the firewall but it refused to connect. When I finally got ahold of tech support they said the connection locks into the first machine that logs in and they had to release it so I could connect the new machine. And just like that the firewall was given a routable IP address and connected to the internet. Stupidest thing I ever heard of, but that's how they were set up. Now this was around 15+ years ago and I would certainly hope nobody is doing that crap today, but apparently that was their brilliant method of limiting how many devices could get online at once.

  • If the Universe Is a Hologram, This Long-Forgotten Math Could Decode It
  • I'll have to check it out, thanks for the link! [Edit] oh it's a book, not an online article.

    Yeah this article is really long, and a lot of it is over my head (especially the math), but they have brought up several interesting points and provided a much easier-to-understand model of the holographic universe. I mentioned this theory in another post here a few months ago and was basically shut down with claims that this wasn't even possible and the theory had been long-discounted, and yet here we are with modern work still plugging away at the concept. It makes me appreciate just how much hell all scientists go through when they posit theories that contradict other people's personal beliefs.

  • Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • What are you talking about? You're assuming that every residential router is going to have some kind of firewall enabled by default (they don't). Sure, if OP has a router that provides a basic firewall type service then it will likely block all incoming unauthorized traffic. However OP is specifically talking about a linux-based firewall and hasn't specified if they have a router-based firewall service in place as well so we can only provide info on the firewall they specified. And if you look at UFW, the default configuration is to allow outgoing traffic and block all but a very few defined incoming ports.

    You're also making the assumption that OP is using NAT, when that is not always the case for all ISPs. Some are really annoying with their setup in that they give a routable IP to the first computer that connects and don't allow any other connections (I had that setup once with Comcast). In this case, you wouldn't even need to define port-forwarding to get directly to OP's computer -- and any services they might be running. This particular scenario is especially dangerous for home computers and I really hope no legitimate ISP is still following a practice like this, however I don't take anything for granted.

    Regardless of what other equipment OP has, UFW is going to provide FAR better defaults and configurability when compared to a residential router that is simply set up to create the fewest support calls to their ISP.

  • If the Universe Is a Hologram, This Long-Forgotten Math Could Decode It If the Universe Is a Hologram, This Long-Forgotten Math Could Decode It | Quanta Magazine

    A 1930s-era breakthrough is helping physicists understand how quantum threads could weave together into a holographic space-time fabric.

    If the Universe Is a Hologram, This Long-Forgotten Math Could Decode It | Quanta Magazine

    A 1930s-era breakthrough is helping physicists understand how quantum threads could weave together into a holographic space-time fabric.

    Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • Sure it CAN be configured, but the typical policy of firewalls is to start from a position of blocking everything. From what I've seen, on Linux the standard starting point is blocking all incoming and allowing all outgoing. On Windows the default seems to be blocking everything in both directions. Sure you could start with a policy of allowing everything and block only selected ports, but what good is that when you can't predict what ports an attacker might come from?

  • Firewalls: what SHOULD I block?
  • You've got it backwards. A firewall blocks everything, then you open up the ports you want to use. A standard config would allow everything going out, and block everything coming in (unless you initiated that connection, then it is allowed).

    So the question you should be asking, is what services do you think you're going to be running on your desktop that you plan to allow anyone on the internet to get to?

  • Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton
  • I've also read about the John Deere issue as a leading instigator of right-to-repair laws. They weren't able to provide authorized local repair techs when a tractor breaks down, so farmers were stuck waiting 1-2 weeks for someone to show up while crops were rotting in the fields (think of how fast your fresh fruit rots in your kitchen and then imagine dozens of fields of that crop going to waste). And the biggest insult was when the repair tech drove into town for a $5 part that the farmer had already identified but couldn't replace because of manufacturer lockouts.

  • A word about systemd
  • From my own experience it was more about being a solution in search of a problem. I see some comments about how the old init system was so horribly broken, and yet the reality was it worked perfectly fine for all but some very niche situations. The only advantage I have ever seen with systemd is that it's very good at multitasking the startup/shutdown processes, but that certainly wasn't the case when it first arrived. For example I had a raspberry pi that booted in 15 seconds, and when I loaded a new image with systemd it took close to two minutes to boot. And there were quite a lot of problems like that, which is why people were so aggravated when distro admins asked the community for their thoughts on switching to systemd and then changed the distros anyway. This also touches on the perception that the "community" accepted it and moved on -- no, systemd was pushed on the community despite numerous problems and critical feedback.

    But we're here now, systemd has improved, and we can only hope that some day all the broken bits get fixed. Personally I'm still annoyed that it took me almost a week to get static IPs set up on all the NICs for a new firewall because despite the whole "predictable names" thing they still kept moving around depending on if I did a soft or hard reset. Configuring the cards under udev took less than a minute and worked consistently but someone decided it was time to break that I guess.

  • Deleted
    Need software for local web server dummy simple easy quick
  • What's your fear of editing config files? They're just text files, and manual edits certainly allow a degree of customization that you'll never find in a GUI interface. My own config is set up with domain name folders under /home/ to contain the many domains I run, that's something I've never seen handled by a GUI and yet it makes so much more sense for keeping files organized.

  • Can we get the ten commandments posted in both US houses of Congress?

    I would love to have them light up like a scoreboard as each representative takes the floor, showing all of the commandments they have broken. If people want so badly to bring religion into politics then lets just show them exactly who they've been voting for. Maybe we can get the news networks in on this too, displaying it on the side of the screen similar to a sporting event.

    United States | News & Politics Shdwdrgn
    Insurrection happening in the Capitol? MTG is such a joke

    Marjorie Taylor Greene, the bastion of factual information, has once again shown the nature of her character by claiming that peaceful protestors at the Capitol are in fact an "insurrection of terrorists". Don't you see all the violence and mayhem being caused in this video clip? No, me either...

    If you want to make such bold comparisons, lets start out by checking how many people are running for their lives or the number of deaths involved between these two events. Or maybe we should be asking why MTG thought it was an "honor" to meet with the people responsible for murder and the attempt to destroy our democracy?

    Systemd timed out waiting on device, after replacing mdadm drives

    I have an annoying problem on my server and google has been of no help. I have two drives mirrored for the OS through mdadm, and I recently replaced them with larger versions through the normal process of replacing one at a time and letting the new drive re-sync, then growing the raids in place. Everything is working as expected, with the exception of systemd... It is filling my logs with messages of timing out while trying to locate both of the old drives that no longer exist. Mdadm itself is perfectly happy with the new storage space and has reported no issues, and since this is a server I can't just blindly reboot it to get systemd to shut the hell up.

    So what's the solution here? What can I do to make this error message go away? Thanks.

    [Update] Thanks to everyone who made suggestions below, it looks like I finally found the solution in systemctl daemon-reload however there is a lot of other great info provided to help with troubleshooting. I'm still trying to learn the systemd stuff so this has all been greatly appreciated!

    On Saturday, Oct. 14, Longmont will experience an 80 % annular solar eclipse Where & When | 2023 Annular Eclipse – NASA Solar System Exploration

    The Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023, annular solar eclipse will cross North, Central, and South America. It will be visible in parts of the United States, Mexico, and many countries in South and Central America.

    Just in case there are others like myself who rarely check reddit any more, I thought it would be helpful to cross-post this. It won't look like much unless you have the solar eclipse glasses, but I plan to break out my tracker and camera (with solar filters!) to try and get some pics.

    What are your tweaks to bring down POST times on new servers?

    I've spent the past day working on my newest Poweredge R620 acquisition, and trying to nail down what things I can do without checking. Google has shown me that everyone seems to be having similar issues regardless of brand or model. Gone are the days when a rack server could be fully booted in 90 seconds. A big part of my frustration has been when the USB memory sticks are inserted to get firmware updated before I put this machine in production, easily driving times up to 15-20 minutes just to get to the point where I find out if I have the right combination of BIOS/EUFI boot parameters for each individual drive image.

    I currently have this machine down to 6:15 before it starts booting the OS, and a good deal of that time is spent sitting here watching it at the beginning, where it says it's testing memory but in fact hasn't actually started that process yet. It's a mystery what exactly it's even doing.

    At this point I've turned off the lifecycle controller scanning for new hardware, no boot processes on the internal SATA or PCI ports, or from the NICs, memory testing disabled... and I've run out of leads. I don't really see anything else available to turn off sensors and such. I mean it's going to be a fixed server running a bunch of VMs so there's no need for additional cards although some day I may increase the RAM, so I don't really need it to scan for future changes at every boot.

    Anyway, this all got me thinking... it might be fun to compare notes and see what others have done to improve their boot times, especially if you're also balancing your power usage (since I've read that allowing full CPU power during POST can have a small effect on the time). I'm sure different brands will have different specific techniques, but maybe there's some common areas we can all take advantage of? And sure, ideally our machines would never need to reboot, but many people run machines at home only while being used and deal with this issue daily, or want to get back online as quickly as possible after a power outage, so anything helps...

    Renaming multiple network interfaces in Bullseye is broken

    I have been struggling with this for over a month and still keep running into a brick wall. I am building a new firewall which has six network interfaces, and want to rename them to a known order (wan[0-1], and eth[0-3]). Since Bullseye has stopped honoring udev rules, I have created link files under /etc/systemd/network/ for each interface based on their MAC address. The two WAN interfaces seem to be working reliably but they're not actually plugged into anything yet (this may be an important but untested distinction).

    What I've found is that I might get the interfaces renamed correctly when logging in from the keyboard, and this continues to work for multiple reboots. However if I SSH into the machine (which of course is my standard method of working on my servers) it seems to destroy systemd's ability to rename the interface on the next boot. I have played around with the order of the link file numbers to ensure the renumbering doesn't have the devices trying to step on each other, but to no avail. Fixing this problem seems to come down to three different solutions...

    • I can simply touch the eth*.link files and I'm back up afte a reboot.
    • Sometimes I have to get more drastic, actually opening and saving each of the files (without making any changes). WHY these two methods give me different results, I cannot say.
    • When nothing else works, I simply rename one or more of the eth*.link files, giving them a different numerical order. So far it doesn't seem to matter which of the files I rename, but systemd sees that something has changed and re-reads them.

    Another piece of information I ran across is that systemd does the interface renaming very early in the boot process, even before the filesystems are mounted, and that you need to run update-initramfs -u to create a new initrd.img file for grub. OK, sounds reasonable... however I would expect the boot behavior to be identical every time I reboot the machine, and not randomly stop working after I sign in remotely. I've also found that generating a new initrd.img does no good unless I also touch or change the link files first, so perhaps this is a false lead.

    This behavior just completely baffles me. Renaming interfaces based on MAC addresses should be an extremely simple task, and yet systemd is completely failing unless I change the link files every time I remote connect? Surely someone must have found a reliable way to change multiple interface names in the years since Bullseye was released?

    Sorry, I know this is a rant against systemd and this whole "predictable" naming scheme, but all of this stuff worked just fine for the last 24 years that I've been running linux servers, it's not something that should require any effort at all to set up. What do I need to change so that systemd does what it is configured to do, and why is something as simple as a remote connection enough to completely break it when I do get it to work? Please help save my sanity!

    (I realize essential details are missing, but this post is already way too long -- ask what you need and I shall provide!)

    tl;dr -- Systemd fails to rename network interfaces on the next cycle if I SSH in and type 'reboot'

    Your dreams are a gateway into a parallel universe -- Can you prove it?

    Your dreams and imagination evolved as a view into another universe. As with the current beliefs, you cannot decipher technical information -- no words in books, no details of how devices work, so even if you can describe things you see from another place, you could not reproduce a working version.

    Now how do you convince others that the things your are seeing are really happening without being labeled insane? And how could you use this information to benefit yourself or others? Take a peek into the multiverse to see how other versions of yourself have solved these problems...

    Self-hosted captcha for matrix-synapse registrations?

    I have a self-hosted matrix-synapse server up and running on a Debian linux server, but before I open it up I want to at least get a captcha service in place to reduce spamming. The only module I've seen to handle this function appears to require setting up a Google recaptcha though, however I would prefer to keep all of this entirely self-contained for the privacy of my users. Can anyone recommend a module that allows for a local captcha option? For that matter, can anyone also recommend a captcha system that is pretty straightforward to set up (which is compatible with matrix-synapse) and uses basic preinstalled code bases like perl or python?

    And while I'm here, I would also like to provide the option of registering with an email address, but I'm having trouble finding any clear how-to pages on this. Seems like that function might be built directly in to matrix-synapse but I'm just not finding anything helpful. Any suggestions?

    I'm fairly new to matrix in general, but I have an initial setup running with the homeserver, Element web page, and an IRC bridge, so if I can just nail down the validation part of registrations I'll have what I think is a good starting point to launch from.

    Just a random thought, but has this been proposed before?

    I was reading another article which discussed taking measurements of distance stars at 6-month intervals to create a 3D map of their relative positions and direction of movement. This got me to thinking... has anyone proposed 'dropping' stationary satellites outside of Earth's orbital path for continuous monitoring even when our planet is no longer in that spot? It seems like such an arrangement could provide constant monitoring of things that are happening on the far side of the sun, and they could each act as a relay to each other, bringing the signals back around where we could receive them.

    It could be fascinating to be able to constantly monitor the path of know comets, or perhaps even to detect large meteors which are safely away from us now but might some day pose a threat. Studies like mapping star positions could rapidly expand with the availability of continuous data feeds, and I'm sure if such a tool were available scientists would come up with a host of new experiments to try.

    A couple other things also come to mind. First off is radio telescopes, which can gather more sensitive data by having sensors further apart. Of course in this case they would only be able to peer in two directions unless you set up the array to rotate as a singular ring (which greatly increases the complexity). The other idea was that I know some phenomena are so large that it takes a huge array of telescopes or sensors to even detect them, and something this large could detect truly astounding low frequency events. Throw in some gravity detectors and watch as the waves propagate through our solar system.

    I'm just thinking there's a lot of possibilities here and a lot more data could be collected if we could drop four or eight satellites along the way. I would assume the idea has been proposed before, I just didn't know if this is even feasible?

    Yummy puffball or destroying angel?

    Turns out both grow in my area, and look identical to this when young. Yikes! So based on a post yesterday, I took this outside and sliced it in half. So far it looks promising (I think?) and I'm not dead yet.

    This was found growing in a Colorado yard near the base of an elm tree, in an area where there are also rotting cottonwood roots. Altitude is right at 5000 feet. It wasn't my yard so I'm not sure how many days it may have been growing before I picked it today. I have put both halves in the fridge for now, is there any other information I can provide to help identify it?



    A full size copy of the inside can be viewed here:

    Bullseye missing the startup messages

    I've been running systems up to Buster and have always had the 'quiet' option in the grub settings to show the regular service startup messages (the colored ones showing [ok] and such but not all the dmesg stuff). I just upgraded a server to bullseye and there are zero messages being displayed now except an immediate message about not being able to use IRQ 0. Worse, google can't seem to find any information on this. If I remove the quiet option from grub then I see those service messages again, along with all the other stuff I don't need.

    What is broken and how do I fix this issue? I assumed it would be safe to upgrade by now but this seems like a pretty big problem if I ever need to troubleshoot a system.

    [Edit] In case anyone else finds this post searching for the same issue… Apparently the trick is that now you MUST install plymouth, even on systems that do not have a desktop environment. For whatever reason plymouth has taken over the job of displaying the text startup messages now. Keep your same grub boot parameters (quiet by itself, without the splash option) and you will get the old format of startup messages showing once again. It’s been working fine the old way for 20+ years but hey let’s change something just for the sake of confusing everyone.

    [Edit 2] Thanks to marvin below, I now have a final solution that no longer requires plymouth to be installed. Edit /etc/default/grub and add systemd.show_status=true to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. In my case to full line is:

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet systemd.show_status=true"

    Don't forget to run update-grub after you save your changes.

    Any recommendations of countries to block from server logins?

    I run my own email server, and a friend received a compromised laptop from work which resulted in a spam attack from Russia yesterday. Turtle settings saved the days with thousands of emails still in the queue when I saw the problem, however it made me realize that everyone with accounts on my server are local, do not travel, and have no requirement to send emails from outside the country.

    I found how to use the smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps setting in postfix to block a CIDR list of IPs, then found a maintained list of IPs by country codes on github. Cool so far, and a script to keep my local list updated was easy enough.

    Now the question is, what countries should I be blocking? There are plenty of lists of the top hacking sources, but it's hard to block #2 (the US) when that's where I am located. But otherwise, does anyone have a list of countries they outright block from logging on to their servers? From the above google searches I have 17 countries blocked so far, and in the first 30 minutes already stopped login attempts from three of those countries, so it appears to be working.

    Of course I could write a script to parse my logs to see who has already made attempts, but that's what services like fail2ban are for, and I'm just wondering if there are any countries in particular I should directly block? My list so far includes the following: ae bg br cn de hk id in ir iq il kp ng ru sa th vn

    The question itself may not be that interesting, but I thought at the very least some folks might be interested in my experience and think about doing something similar themselves. I can post more details of what I did if there is any interest.

    My first pink oyster pins!

    First pics of my first pins. I cut slits in the bag on Sunday and saw the first pins appear yesterday morning, now they're growing fast. This clump is already a full inch (25mm) tall, and I have four openings in the bag that are all pinning. I've been misting them a couple times a day but now I'll be working from home until next Monday so I can try to spray them more often.

    For anyone who hasn't seen my previous posts, I started out with a very small sample of spawn from ebay just over two months ago. I expanded that out in jars of rye berries and popcorn kernels, and then on July 4th I split a jar between two fruiting bags with pasteurized straw (I also have two bags of blue oysters and opened one of those on Sunday, but no pins from it yet).

    This is my first time trying to grow mushrooms so I've been researching and asking questions every step of the way, but so far so good! I also have never tasted oysters before so that will be a new experience too. Now I just have to temper my impatience until it's time to harvest...

    [Update] Adding a second pic this morning. This is about 12 hours later and they've grown significantly again. For reference, the bag is about the size of a sheet of paper.



    [2nd update] It's been five days now since I opened the bag for fruiting. Here's a pic of what the mushrooms currently look like. As far as what I've read, I expected them to get MUCH larger than this, but with the upturned caps I really believe these are done growing and should have been harvested yesterday (note this image shows the largest clump of the group). Any thoughts?


    A question about low-tech humidity control

    My first oyster pins appeared today and I've been thinking about humidity control. I have this big tub I made my still air box from and I've been wondering about using it to hold the two fruiting bags I have. I was concerned that maybe the X slices wouldn't get enough fresh air if I covered them, but then I've been worried about keeping up the humidity. Now that I'm seeing some pinning though I'm feeling like the humidity is more important? I live in Colorado, which isn't quite desert but the humidity in the house typically drops below 40% during the day (it's high right now because we've been getting some rain showers).

    For reference, my SAB is a typical DIY, made from a large tub with just a couple hand-sized holes cut out. There's not a lot of airflow in that room anyway, and I'm not sure how much fresh air the mushrooms need once they start growing. Of course I realize they won't be able to stay in the SAB too long, I know they'll outgrow the available space, but I'm just thinking for the next few days, or however long it takes them to really fill in.

    So, any thought on this? Should I close them up in the box or just leave them in open air?

    Openfire chat missing features when clients log in to multiple devices under the same account

    I have Openfire set up with the monitoring service plugin which we have been using with Pidgin on the desktop. One of the things I've noticed is that when I sign in to another computer on the same account, I do not get a history of recent messages (which I thought the monitoring plugin was supposed to provide).

    The other thing that doesn't seem to be working right is when I am logged in to two computers simultaneously (using the same account). I expect to see chat messages showing up on BOTH devices so I can go between machines, which again is something I thought the monitoring plug was supposed to provide.

    The settings I believe are related are under "Offline messages" which I have set to always store, and retain for up to 30 days. Should I bee looking for anything else?

    I have been using Pidgin with XMPP on Google for years, so I know both the XMPP protocol and the Pidgin client are capable of handling this functionality. I've been digging around trying to find a solution, and see a lot of things claiming Pidgin is the culprit here, but those messages are a decade old. I can't seem to find any information on the subject for Openfire newer than about 2016.

    I'm hoping there's a setting I need to change or another plugin I need to add to get both of these features working on my server? I really love the software otherwise but this seems like a really basic function that should just work, and I am hoping someone can point me to whatever I'm missing.

    Pinning behind the air filter in fruiting bags?

    So my two bags of pink oysters, which haven't appeared to be doing much on anything, have suddenly pinned right behind the air vent on both bags. The first picture is a bunch of little guys like I expected it to start out as, but the second bag is one massive stem as wide as the cap! For reference, the air vent patch black clicks on these bags are about 1.25" wide.

    Did I do something wrong in sealing the top of the bags, or is it common to see this happen right behind the vent? Maybe I put too much straw in the bags? It's hard to see in the pictures, but they seem pretty healthy, however there has been VERY little mycelial growth in these bags so far and it seems premature to start opening them up. Any suggestions?

    ! !

    Russian Missile Strike Damages Chinese Consulate in Odesa Russian Missile Strike Damages Chinese Consulate in Odesa

    The Chinese consulate general in Odesa was hit by Russian missiles on July 20 following the Kremlin’s pull-out from the deal that provides Ukrainian grain to hundreds of millions of Asians.

    Russian Missile Strike Damages Chinese Consulate in Odesa

    In addition to damage at the port terminal where grain for China was stored, a second attack has now resulted in damage to the Chinese consulate.

    A question about the color of pink oyster spawn

    I have some pink spawn which was being expanded out in jars of rye berries and popcorn kernels. There's been good growth and since a couple weeks ago the jar appeared to be completely colonized (at which time I left one jar sitting and moved another jar to a couple fruiting bags). It's been sitting on the basement floor since then, but I've noticed some pink coloration that seems to have gone throughout the jar, and there seems to be a bit of the pink also in the fruiting bags.

    I prepared some jars of blue oyster spawn at the same time, using the same batch of rye and popcorn, and those jars are still snow white. This has me wondering, could I have possibly gotten contamination ONLY in the pink oyster jars while all of the blue oyster jars somehow escaped contamination? Or is this pink color natural for pink oysters? It just seems like an awful big coincidence that only the pink oysters would get contaminated when everything was prepped together in the still-air box and there was definitely cross-exposure between the jars.

    Since this is my first batch of oysters I'm just not sure what I should be expecting.


    What the heck -- my popcorn is sprouting???

    At the suggestion of another member I tried expanding my spawn on popcorn kernels. This involved boiling for about 20 minutes, drying, then pressure-canning for 90 minutes at 15psi. After cooling my spawn was divided between the jars, which were allowed to grow for a little over two weeks. On Monday I transferred the contents of a couple jars to fruiting bags with pasteurized straw and started seeing growth by the next day. I thought all was well.

    On Wednesday, I started noticing some green stems. As I've been watching, this is actually growth from the popcorn kernels, and it's happening in all four bags! Now I'm quite frankly amazed that the cheapest generic popcorn from the store even has the capability to sprout, but after I put it through all that cooking I would have assumed it simply wasn't possible. I also wonder why it didn't start trying to grow in the original jar, and why it waited until it was in the bags?

    So is there anything I should do about this? It will probably be at least another couple weeks before the mycelium is grown out enough to open some air holes for fruiting and I'm worried the corn will be trying to create its own holes before then, but maybe the bag is tougher than it looks. Anyway, any suggestions other than letting it go and waiting to see what happens?

    tl;dr: Spawn grown on popcorn kernels, now popcorn is sprouting despite extensive cooking.


    [Update] It's NOT the popcorn, there were other seeds in the straw!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    A person with way too many hobbies, but I still continue to learn new things.

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