Shaper @ Shaper Posts 1Comments 17Joined 1 yr. ago
I did not know about this. Thanks for letting me know!
Thank you for your answer. Yes, I could have used a little more tact and I hope to learn from this. I will be by her side and hopefuly she will get tested properly.
Yes, I have come to understand that if she feels identified with the content she watched then that is all that matters. Of course, this is true because she is not self diagnosing but rather feeling encouraged to look for help.
Thank you.
Thank you for your perspective.
Thank you so much for your perspective. Yes, I think right now all I care is for her to feel at ease around me, and not regret sharing her thoughts. Sadly it is true than even well intentioned and dedicated professionals may be overwhelmed by their jobs and not be able to deliver the assistance people need, so I want to make sure she has the support she needs to keep on going.
Thank you so much for this insightful answer. You've given me much to reflect upon.
Thank you, yes, I should apologize more explicitly I think, just to be on the safe side.
Should be spinning green nothing Rule
More than half of all new engineers of the world are chinese.
Pueblo Nuevo is my favourite of the album, and one of my fav instrumentals of all time
Torrent Client + VLC. Call me old fashioned.
Really? Tor or VPN dont work?
Thanks, I'll check it out!
I have such fond memories of playing twisted metal III on pc with my father using this emulator. You know, back when two players had to share the same keyboard to play.
I tried to move my friends server to Revolt but we abandoned it because we could not make a music bot work. That's literally all we use. Is it possible to stream music with a bot?
Dont forget registered voters are not all of the population, and that there's evidence for widespread voter supression.
No such impeachment underway, unfortunately. Congress voted against it yesterday, in yet another proof of loyalty towards this facist maniac.