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"Dead Space: Deep Cover" - Cineverse & Bloody Disgusting Announce Scripted Audio Series Based on EA's Video Game! "Dead Space: Deep Cover" - Cineverse & Bloody Disgusting Announce Scripted Audio Series Based on EA's Video Game!

Bloody Disgusting, will produce the new scripted audio series “Dead Space: Deep Cover”, based on the popular video game Dead Space.

"Dead Space: Deep Cover" - Cineverse & Bloody Disgusting Announce Scripted Audio Series Based on EA's Video Game!

This'll be cool, I'm a huge fan of Dead Space

Current daily at work
  • I'll admit that it looks cool, but man...I just have a hard time seeing how that could possibly be functional.

  • Maybe one day I'll learn how to use Vim
  • This is exactly how I learned all those years ago, and to this day, I still use vim regularly. As in, literally, I was using it on a server this morning to make some changes. It's just become natural to me now.

  • Is there a community for advertising new communities?
  • IMO it’s fine to just make a post about it in one of the larger communities that seems appropriate. Now is exactly the time for us to promote one another! And Lemmy doesn’t have an algorithm, so you’re going to have to do some leg work to get the word out. I think people will be appreciative and understanding of that, I would be.

  • Hellebore, a small press devoted to British folk horror and the occult Hellebore

    Hellebore is a small press magazine devoted to British folk horror and the occult.


    I saw Grady Hendrix recommend this on Facebook (sigh, yes, Facebook...I know, but plenty of people--like Grady Hendrix--still use it) and thought it looked fascinating.

    > Founded in 2019 by writer and editor Maria J. Pérez Cuervo, with art direction by Nathaniel Hébert, HELLEBORE is a small press devoted to British folk horror and the occult. As well as the magazine of the same name, HELLEBORE has published a travel guide (The Hellebore Guide to Occult Britain) and a card game (The Magical Card Battle of Britain). A World Fantasy Awards finalist in 2022, HELLEBORE has been featured in Fortean Times, Starburst Magazine, Rue Morgue, SFX and others.

    Would there be interest in having someone maintain the infrastructure/scaling/security/load balancing of a Lemmy instance, while handing off the moderation duties to someone else?

    I'm nearly of a mind to start a couple of Lemmy instances and front them with a load balancer--I have the resources and technical ability to build a Lemmy instance for scale--but I have zero interest in moderating the thing. I don't want to deal with the headache of everything that goes along with that, and don't want any responsibility for the users or content.

    Would anyone be interested in a 'Lemmy Infra as-a-Service,' where I keep things running but hand off the management keys to you?

    Is anyone else upvoting every comment and thread or is it just me?

    Whereas I might’ve been less generous with upvotes on Reddit, I think it’s important in these early formative stages to let others know that I appreciate their contributions. I hope it encourages growth and activity!

    Bring funny content from creators at /r/comics please!

    I'm one of the recent Reddit converts, and one of my favorite subs is /r/comics. It's one of the few places that makes me laugh, a bright spot in my day, and as someone with dogshit mental health (like everyone else I guess), losing access to that sub is going to hurt, bad. If you follow artists there, please consider posting their work here!

    EarthPorn Leigh
    oh thank fucking god

    The /r/earthporn subreddit was one of the top 5 subs I was desperately going to miss, thank you so much for making this!!

    Enjoying the New England sunset in a vintage MG

    I was riding my bike a few weeks ago and came across this couple parked in their old MG, watching the sun set. They allowed me to take a few pictures of them. Wish I hadn't cut off the back part of the car in the composition, but alas.

    Taken with a Canon EOS R7, 18mm, f/5.6

    (Also I know this is my 3rd upload in the past couple of days, but I'm trying to help get this community going!)

    How is Lemmy supposed to replace Reddit?
  • I want Lemmy to succeed, I want to be optimistic about it as an alternative to Reddit, but OP is correct, and we need to be honest about this very simple fact:

    The Reddit we knew and loved is gone, and that’s a sad, tragic thing, and there likely won’t be a 1:1 replacement for a long time, if ever.

    It’s okay to admit to ourselves that this whole situation sucks, because it absolutely does. That doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy Lemmy and other federated things like it, and it doesn’t mean that federation doesn’t have advantages over Reddit, but let’s be honest: most of us were happy at Reddit, using our favorite 3rd party app (like Apollo), and we wouldn’t be here if the admins weren’t happy to kill what we once loved.

    All we can do is try to make the best of it.

  • [Match Day Thread] Champions League Final | Manchester City vs Inter Milan
  • Fuck, City wining the triple is going to make me sick.

  • Preferred Vendors
  • Juniper for R/S, Palo for firewalls. At home I use pfsense and UniFi APs and in that environment they’re great.

  • Valak, the demon from The Nun and The Conjuring series, scared the hell out of me

    These kinds of monsters are totally cliche, but even as a veteran horror fan and late-30s male, this one still creeped me the fuck out. Anyone else?

    Supposedly Valak first appears in The Lesser Key of Solomon:

    > Solomon features King Solomon of Old Testament fame who was renowned for his wisdom. At some point around the second century B.C., the idea spread that the king’s realm of knowledge had also included certain secrets of astrology and magic. The grimoire bearing his name lists the 72 demons that the king supposedly vanquished during his reign, providing readers with their names and instructions for expelling them should they come in contact with such spirits themselves. Valak, which is sometimes also spelled Ualac, Valu, Volac, Doolas or Volach, is the 62nd spirit listed in Solomon, according to which he “appeareth like a boy with angels wings, riding on a two-headed dragon.” His special power, according to the text, is finding snakes and hidden treasures while leading an army of 30 demons.

    I don’t believe in any of that and I’m not at all religious, but it’s creepy and interesting to me anyway!

    What is your boomer opinion
  • I like that Lemmy and Masto don’t have those fucking algorithms. It’s a relief.

  • StokerCon 2023 in Pittsburgh, PA

    StokerCon is next week! I'm going, and will be moderating a panel on AI. I also have a story that's in an anthology (Mother: Tales of Love and Terror, by Weird Little Worlds) that's up for a Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Anthology. Is anyone else going?!

    'I've taken the decision' - Messi to join Inter Miami 'I've taken the decision' - Messi to join Inter Miami

    Argentina legend Lionel Messi will join MLS side Inter Miami after leaving Paris St-Germain.

    'I've taken the decision' - Messi to join Inter Miami

    I would've loved to see him in the Premier League, but it'll really be something to see him in MLS. He's 'only' 35, still has a couple of seasons left in the tank. He'll be a monster for Miami.

    How much money does need to temporarily boost their servers?
  • spy on all the traffic

    That's...not how things work. Everyone has their philosophical opinions so I won't attempt to argue the point, but if you want to handle scale and distribution, you're going to have to start thinking differently, otherwise you're going to fail when load starts to really increase.

  • How much money does need to temporarily boost their servers?
  • You could configure something like a Cloudflare worker to throw up a page directing users elsewhere whenever healthchecks failed.

  • Review thread: Boogeyman

    Saw this the other night, really enjoyed it. Don’t think it was particularly scary, although a few scenes were, but it was a fun watch regardless.


    The monster at the end was really neat. I liked how it opened its mouth and there was another monster inside, trying to come out. The way it would mimic others as well was unnerving! That and the tiny little pinpricks of eyes throughout various scenes were well done.

    Is this community alive?

    Oh, I would really miss the horror subreddit if I’m forced to move. Anyone around…?

    SemioticStandard Leigh

    Horror author from New England. Principal engineer. Active HWA, Codex member.

    Co-founder, Rocky Linux and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation.


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