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2 yr. ago

  • low battery

    Cool watch tho

    ...or... Are you trying to activate one of those weird modes?

  • Just finished season 2 of Dark

    It's excellent. I love they don't care about the usual time-travel paradox, but embrace it

    Why can't I be my own grandfather after all?

  • Not in one single place.

    I am lucky right now that my life is spread over 2 continents, with vastly different cultures and climates, and I love it

    I also love the contrast, because not any single place is perfect, and switching every few months is just the best

    There's no single one-size-fits-all solution to your question. But maybe there are several answers.

  • Debian pour l'OS ; techniquement c'est US mais c'est non-profit et est supporté une éternité. Autre linux pas US: openSUSE.

    Hardware : Asus (Taiwan), Samsung (Corée) et Clevo (Espagne) ou Tuxedo (Allemagne) mais ces deux derniers sont sûrement basés sur des composants chinois

    Autrefois j'aurais dit OnePlus pour les téléphones, parce que c'est hongkongais, mais bon de nos jours... Nothing Phone est fondé en UK par un ancien de OnePlus il me semble. Probablement fabriqué en Chine anyway

  • In the absence of a user manual or trustable reference, you cannot know if the mechanism has over-winding protection.

    Being hard to wind up probably means it's an older model or design. Start by giving it 15 strokes from completely stopped, and check out how long it runs; increase from there but stop as soon as you reach 30h, which should be the minimal power reserve of a mechanical watch.

  • France

    VPN Providers Consider Exiting France Over 'Dangerous' Blocking Demands * TorrentFreak

  • You can't deny what she likes ; what you can do is ask her to explain: what is it about it that resonates with her? Can we sit down, turn the volume way down, and spend a few minutes checking out her fav's in that style while she tells you why she likes that stuff?

    (The subtlety here is not asking her to justify herself, but to explain to that out-of-the-loop, quite-geriatric Dear Bro)

    Her answers don't matter much - what matters is asking her to view the topic critically, and verbalise it that so that you "get" that side of her.

    Also, "I love you but I fucking hate that shit" can work you know.

    Good luck.

  • By taking care of her. Take initiative, propose movies / games / ice-creams whatever. Things you like, things you think she'll like. She's having a hard time reaching out to you, do your best to reach out to her.

    It's not your fault, but it isn't hers either. Try to have fun together, she'll get to know how you work and you don't one step at a time.

  • Je "suis" .ml moi, et les posts Lemmy sont identiques à priori ; je vois une différence avec les liens Archive, ou .world n'a que 15 commentaires, et jlai'lu 6


  • Ah je l'ai déjà vue celle-là, "z'y-va explique-moi la théorie du genre pasque je suis trop bête, j'ai pas compris"

    Faut supporter le cringe, voire le pathétique.

    J'imagine qu'il y a des droitistes articulés (avez-vous lu l'article du WSJ "Next: Defund the UN" que jai posté dans étatsunis ?), mais en général on arrive à de vastes silences accompagnés de "tu vois quoi", "et tout ça hein" et autres "ouais moi je sais pas bien mais"

  • Le plus intéressant est de leur demander de définir ces termes :

    • woke c'est antifasciste ? Vous êtes fasciste ?
    • woke c'est antiraciste ? Vous êtes raciste ?
    • woke c'est proféministe ? Vous êtes antifémisniste ?

    Etc etc tu peux en balancer à longueur de journée où jamais ils pourront avouer que woke, c'est tout ce qu'ils osent pas avouer être, inavouables.

  • Ballaké Sissoko & Piers Faccini "Our calling" vient de sortir et est en tournée aussi

    Je les ai vus (et entendu) en vrai et c'est très bien

  • Mobile version just for your Lazy-Potato Sunday Sofa browsing :

  • In short, like anyone else:

    He's absolutely right, and utterly annoying

  • A bit late tho. This should have been his first reaction, as underlined in the article, rather than coming after losing Marcan and Herbst.

    As a Asahi user I am a bit partial to this: the kernel has tons of corporate-backed devs on a stable payroll - Asahi is 100% volunteers, and this shit reminds us of the frailty of it all.

    And of the human being behind:

  • ...After coming in mid-fight with "you are the problem", acting just like another bickering drama-queen & solving nothing, worsening the situation & prompting actual damage.

  • Voyager

    Feature request: Favourite Communities between Home/All/Local and the full list of subscribed communities


    Arbitration at least, or some form of: Torvalds Yes to Rust, No to Small-town Dictators

  • "You can ignore the SHA... files if you do not know what they are needed for. They are not important for you."

    ...That's where I stopped reading this.

  • Same here, android 12, oppo CPH2135

  • J'aime bien faire des mots en croix dans les cagoinces. Victoire donc incontestable de Big Mots En Croix ::: spoiler sur mon temps optimal de défécation. :::

  • États-unis

    Le WSJ publie un blurb de Heritage Foundation : "Next, Defund the UN"

  • Seems I gotta try KOReader then, thanks!

    Mine is a 2E, the only less-sluggish thing I found I could do was to limit the number of books on it, which seems ridiculous because I have zero PDFs, only epubs & barely using 2.3GB out of 16, and what does it have to do with page turns anyway ?

    Ah, it'll remind me of the times I "hacked" my kindle just to display the cover of The Hitchhiker Guide To The Galaxy :)

  • Linux

    karolherbst 🐧 🦀 ( "MAINTAINERS: Remove myself"

    Forum Libre

    Ça fait 34 ans que je suis avec elle, mais il doit quand même y avoir des limites non ? C'est important dans un couple d'avoir des limites.

    Forum Libre

    Mon setup

    Forum Libre

    C'est fini !

    Forum Libre

    Au bureau on dit pas Gauche / Droite mais Fleuve / Falaise

    Forum Libre

    Y'a du monde au bureau aujourd'hui

    Forum Libre

    Aujourd'hui je suis allé dire bonjour au bureau du dessus

    Forum Libre

    Parfois mon bureau me fatigue un peu

    Forum Libre

    Mon bureau a besoin d'un coup de peinture

    Forum Libre

    Mon bureau est un peu mou du drapeau ce matin

    Forum Libre

    Y'a des gens, iels grimpent sur mon bureau

    Forum Libre

    Le train passe à côté de mon bureau


    Feature request: block posts by url

    Forum Libre

    Y'a du soleil à mon bureau

    Forum Libre

    Il y a des bebêtes rigolotes dans mon bureau

    Forum Libre

    Y'a des trucs dans mon bureau.