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2 yr. ago

  • As an autist, I find this assertion nonsensical and offensively reductive.

  • Mostly for the convenience of having all of the games on one platform?

  • I loved the Game Gear. It truly blew my mind when I learned as an adult that it was basically a Sega Master System made portable. Made me imagine what could have been if the Game Boy had been a portable NES.

    Favorites: Sonic Spinball, Castle of Illusion, Taz Mania, Chuck Rock, Mortal Kombat.

  • The right is funding him in an effort to split the vote on the left in an effort to boost Trump. They're especially desperate to split the Democrat and Independent votes since it's become very obvious that RFK Jr has been fragmenting the voter base on the right. The libertarian votes that Trump just assumed would be his have a very good chance of going to Master Brain Worm.

  • O**o


  • This is such a ridiculous story. The whole thing sounds like the plot to a movie. I'm thrilled Braxton had finally been able to do the job he was elected to do, but I suspect this isn't over. I just hope Braxton and the citizens of Newbern stay safe and ultimately prevail against the hatred trying to upend their town.

  • Pakled Clumpship inbound

  • Sometimes, it's because they've lost the source code. Perfect example is Panzer Dragoon Saga. SEGA would love to remaster it, but the original source is gone, and it's apparently too financially risky to invest in rewriting from scratch.

  • Stephen King's Bill Hodges trilogy: Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, & End of Watch.

  • Love this!

  • Popcorn, specifically. I used to go to our local theater for the popcorn. They have a ticket plus large popcorn and drink for $9, it's a great deal. Then I figured out how to make my own popcorn that tastes just like the theater stuff with ghee and fine salt, so now I'm more inclined to just stay home and make my own.

    Still gotta do the drive-in at least once a year, though.

  • I saw that that happened off the coast of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, but this is saying Great Britain? That's a Humpback, and I've seen them off the coast of NH

  • Oh, I completely agree. It's vile. That's just how thoroughly entrenched the homophobia is in "traditional" patriarchal groups. Patriarchy doesn't like the queer because our very existence undermines the premise of their entire power structure. This is also the same reason that most of these chuds don't care much for the neurodivergent. We don't fit into the status quo, typically.

  • Just to be clear, here, I'm not suggesting that the neo Nazis actually did take over, only that that image was the wider public perception.

  • Because some people interpret it as flamboyantly queer when a male does it.

  • That's true everywhere. The issue isn't what they are, the issue is how they were deliberately misrepresented. A whole lot of films and shows made it a point to conflate punks with white supremacists.

  • That's got a great ring to it!

  • Because the Nazi skinheads did a great job of co-opting the punk title for most people who weren't actually interested in punk. The news media were very complicit in pushing that specific image to undermine the punk movement to the general public.

  • You do get to transfer your three most powerful demons out of your OG compendium when you start Vengeance, so you get some carryover from having played the original. I get why they didn't allow direct save game transfers on account of features vanilla doesn't have that would need to be accounted for in Vengeance, such as Magatsu Rails, the landslide of new side quests, and the few dozen new demons available to recruit and fuse.

    I get the irritation with the Golden Syndrome. If I'm not sure I want to double dip, or I am not confidant the game will do well enough for an upgrade, I'll wait.