Whale capsizes a boat off the coast of New Hampshire.
Whale capsizes a boat off the coast of New Hampshire.
Whale capsizes a boat off the coast of New Hampshire.
I’m team whale.
Nature finally realized it's in a war
Welcome to the revolution, comrade whales
"I don't need to wear my life jacket. I'm a strong swimmer."
Everybody is a strong swimmer until they are:
Yeah, but other than that everybody is a strong swimmer.
Bro's like "they're dead, time to gtfo"
I mean......to be fair, thats probably the best thing he could have done/said. He realizes in that moment that he's in the path of danger. Step 1......get the fuck out of there. Worry about step 2 when you're safe.
So I’m not a boat person but I was under the impression that the law of the sea requires other boats to aide people in the water. Like I think it’s a requirement. I’m pretty sure it’s the reason why tankers and whatnot stop and help ships in distress. Could be just something I heard as a kid though.
They can just 3D print a new boat. I see that model everywhere. Just need to change the scale a bit.
I have no context on how this situation happened, but I'm going to guess there where a few signs the capsized boat captain ignored. Hope the whale wasn't injured.
Nah surely the person recording just happened to capture the unprovoked incident
As god is my witness that boat is broken in half
I saw that that happened off the coast of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, but this is saying Great Britain? That's a Humpback, and I've seen them off the coast of NH
They must've got it confused with Old Hampshire.
Bro in the hoodie gonna skedaddle out of there.
I'm not sticking around to explain to the whales I've sided with them against the wealthy.
Haha. Hope you can swim friend, gotta get my dad's boat back.
Yeah, they'll do that. Don't get close.
In true New Hampshire fashion, the whales too became ungovernable.
Whale: It's just a prank, bro!
Come on guys, I was just getting over my fear of kayaks.
Well, do you see any kayaks being attacked in the video?
Didn’t they study this and the theory was they were juveniles just playing a game?
It’s like cow tipping but with boats.
That was specifically the orcas going after boat rudders. This is just a couple of dinguses that got too close to a whale.
Michael Cera is so scared!
Thats like accidentally stubbing your toe on your way to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
Poor non-fish.
That whale's name? Kamala Harris.