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  • If they get dinit i'll probably try it

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • no way! sherlock, are you going to tell me that water exists next? holy you people watch too many movies. I don't know if you live inner city in some crap us state, or some slum in some third world country but no fucking duh.

    Even in the states, cops get reported all the time, the vast majority of times I hear of when cops do get reported and no real disciplinary action is performed, is almost always because it's some crappy city where the police literally can't find anyone to replace them. This is why things like transparency in the process are needed. But lets pretend for a second that most cops in the world are these corrupt maniacs that hollywood likes to make them out to be.

    3 really bloody easy steps literally any crappy US state or really any state/country whatever in general could take right now would completely resolve this issue.

    • Make bodycam footage of incidents publicly accessible only redacting necessary footage by way of destructive blur and blur only. This will keep the privacy of folk in while still making sure that each and every officer can be held responsible for their actions.
    • Make a brief "internal investigation" status publicly available when one occurs, and make all information admissible in court. When you pair this with incident footage from publicly available bodycams. This both protects innocent officers by way of making it abundantly clear that a case is moot, but also prevents internal corruption by making it easy for effected parties to hold corrupt officials responsible via court.
    • increase funding for police in an open manor, all expenses should roughly detailed and publicly available, so they can accountably increase spending on things like de-escalation training, non lethal subjugation training whether this be grappling arts, tasers which aren't completely useless, whatever it doesn't matter. Just give them more options and better training.

    But no. we can't do this. Because guess what, politicians, democrats and republicans alike for US folk are all greedy assholes who benefit from division. Everyone want's to scream defund the police, or treat the police as some overarching messiahs and either get rid of them wholly, or let them act with impunity. It wouldn't even cost that much money to do the first two points which are the most important ones.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • That's quite possible, probably even quite likely. It doesn't make it right.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • I am absolutely not a cop. I am a computer technician. Always have been, always will be. Pretty dumb assumption to make.

    I don't have a lack of imagination nor a lack of empathy. I'm sorry, but the vast majority of people will not have a long lasting mental injury because they have been respectfully handcuffed. Now if they haven't been respectfully treated, then yes, I could see that, but as I have implied multiple times and explicitly stated a few times now, if a cop properly tells you why you are being detained and restrained, does so without being violent etc. the chances of that being traumatic IE. "causing severe and lasting emotional shock and pain" or "psychologically or emotionally stressful in a way that can lead to serious mental and emotional problems" is not going to happen unless you have some pre-existing mental conditions regarding how someone handles stressors.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • Of course it isn't right. When did this become right or wrong? It's about traumatic or not. There are lots of things in life you have to deal with that aren't right. They're very wrong oftentimes, but you deal with that. Being traumatized over something like that is just insane.

    I would get being upset with it maybe for a couple days. But having a long lasting mental injury because you got handcuffed is... Impressively weak.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • It's just the sad state of reality. People get hurt when cops don't act on this. Unfortunately many police are poorly trained and filtered out, so this does lead to many instances where people do get hurt because of them responding. Police officers need to be more strictly trained and monitored when dealing with situations like these, and the transparency of stuff like this is shockingly little.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • Some are yes, but the overall majority are not. A lot of this comes down to demographic location.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • I'm not sure whether that being traumatic is a good thing or a bad thing, but if something like that is the extent to which someone could get trauma, I can only suspect they have lived quite the good life I suppose.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • I don't mind being called a bootlicker. Police have saved my life before, and they've saved the lives of people I deeply care about. I have also seen policemen, who have helped peoplle out get attacked. I genuinely hope you are never put in a poosition where police have to save your life, But if they do one day, I hope you'll change your mind.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • Removing another person’s bodily autonomy under direct threat of violence is just another day for police, but for the rest of us it’s a pretty fucking traumatic thing to be on the other end of.

    I don't think it's traumatic at all if the police handle it right, as I predicated earlier. Police in most cases don't need to throw you to the ground, don't need to scream at you etc. It does happen yes, and it absolutely shouldn't happen unless there is an extremely good reason for it. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm specifically saying, if the police handle it right, it's not traumatizing nor humiliating

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • Too much stock? Your bodily autonomy is being removed, under overt threat of further violence if you resist. It’s humiliating if seen in that condition because of assumptions people make. For someone who has done nothing wrong why the fuck wouldn’t they be indignant?

    Perhaps if you don't understand what police officers go through, I could see it. People do make assumptions yes, but those assumptions go away pretty damn quickly when people see you being uncuffed too.

    Me too, and I knew that they at least had a reason to think I was up to no good (I was not), it’s not the same as literally minding your own business in your own home and having them barge in. Not really apples to apples to this situation here.

    Perhaps I'm guilty of omission, if you were cuffed and thrown to the floor for no reason, I could understand being angry, however if you are explained why you are being detained which as I said, I think this case was handled right, can't say I understand german so perhaps i am mistaken, there is no reason why you should feel humiliated.

    every time I have witnessed, or was handcuffed myself, the reasons were always explained, specifically in my case, I was told I was being detained and restrained for the safety of the first responders.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • There are lots of times when you need to act on anonymity. For one, many people who report crimes that happen to others they witness, if it has happened to them, will absolutely refuse to give out any identifiable information, especially if those crimes are... sexual in nature.

    Are you saying that if someone like this reports said crime, the police should not act on it? I strongly disagree, I do think officers need to be more forth coming about why something is happening, and why someone is being treated X way, but I still believe 100% that officers should act on it.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • If you feel humiliated because you have been placed in handcuffs, That's really just a personal issue. How is it a form of public humiliation? It's a safety precaution. Anyone who doesn't understand that safety comes first should be the ones feeling humiliated.

    I myself have never once felt dehumanized, nor humiliated being placed in handcuffs. Yeah people will assume you have done wrong, that sucks, but people will really quickly change their minds when you aren't put head first into the back of a cop car. Personally I would feel 100% more humiliated if an officer looked at me, and thought he didn't need to cuff me :/

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • This is always felt really weird to me in general because on one hand you do have a lot of over aggressive police officers in the States but on the other hand you also have a lot of police officers who are like been through the drill and are just calm as fuck about it.

    I feel like the immediate pucker factor would be nine times higher if you're in the States, but then it either goes to shit real fast or settles down real fast.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • To be clear, handcuffing does not mean you're being arrested, it means you're being detained. It's not about them getting you ready to take you away. It's about them verifying that you're not a threat.

    Whatever the claim was, whatever the claim was. Being bogus obviously, but it was bad enough that the police felt they had the need to break in and clear before proceeding any further, which means they were probably told he was a threat.

    I always felt like people put too much stock into being handcuffed or not, yet it sucks. I've been handcuffed before, In a similar but not nearly as severe circumstance.

    It's not meant as a punishment. It is just protecting the officers who arrive on scene because yes, people do cooperate and then they pull out of knife or gun and try to kill the first responders.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • I strongly disagree with this. Police should be given permission to do these things. Very rapidly with little evidence so long as they're handled right.

    In fact, this is one of those cases where it looks like it was handled right. He went to the door, came in, and it sounds like they were invited in. He was not arrested immediately and thrown to the ground. Yes it sucks, But there are very much very many cases where it is absolutely necessary.

    Rather than them not being able to do it, I absolutely believe they should be allowed to do it. Just be more strict on how it's handled.

  • I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • This would be a great comment if this was America...

  • The Madness behind the Linux Source Code Comments - YouTube
  • I'm not sure how that related to what I said. I didn't say the video had any stuff like that, nor did I imply it.

  • The Madness behind the Linux Source Code Comments - YouTube
  • One of the ones we had to take out. I'm still mad because it wasn't even that bad. It was a massive really long function that should have been refectored but kept getting put off. The comment was along the lines of

    // TODO: take this fat bitch to the gym later.

    Had to get removed because insensitive, well the function finally got refactored at least lol.

  • The Madness behind the Linux Source Code Comments - YouTube
  • There's literally nothing edgy about it. Standards change, that's not edgy.

  • The worlds biggest Iphone featuring Android

    While not seemingly relevant at first glance, turns out they are using Android under the hood Specifically, BlissOS 15 which is Android 12L.

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