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What is your favorite obscure old hot take to ever pop up on this site? For @Civility purposes, nothing from active users, please. Also "power dynamics" isn't obscure.
  • There was a person who was convinced that nobody actually enjoys music or art. They said everyone is just performatively pretending to enjoy these things for some reason. Or maybe everyone is just imagining their emotional responses to music/art, like some sort of mass delusion. I don’t remember all the particulars; this was a while ago.

    I still kinda wonder if that person was just a really good troll

  • why is linkedin like that
  • ConkSat is the only good thing on linkedin. It’s a god-tier aerospace parody account

  • Currently in San Francisco
  • Start the Bell Riots

  • If you see this, brush your teeth
  • You’re gonna damage your enamel if you brush that often. You do not have to brush every time you eat (unless you have a specific situation where a dentist advises you to, I guess).

    Also, the concept of halitosis was popularized in order to advertise mouthwash

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What Are You Playing thread
  • Started another attempt at pathologic 2. It’s actually been quite a while since I’ve played any games, but patho has been showing up in my dreams lately, so I decided to give it another go

  • Locked
    The tragedy of himbo death
  • I think that’s a really bad faith interpretation of his comment

  • Classic rock hate thread
  • What do you think the worst classic rock song is?

    Jack & Diane

    What is the most overrated band or artist?

    I’ve never liked Van Halen

  • many g*mers yearn for the bear
  • Because it’s a scene about fucking the bear, duh

  • Positive things about living in the US
  • Then go over to Texas and you tend to get genuinely, weirdly friendly people.

    So true though. I’ve lived here my whole life, but most of my coworkers are from other states. I’m the one that’s always convincing people to eat lunch with me instead of alone at their desks. It’s been fun getting all these dorks to open up and get to know each other.

    I also enjoy occasionally sprinkling some leftist stuff into these lunch conversations. Nobody expects communism from the person with the yeehaw accent howdy-skull

  • Is Salsa a Vegetable? Why or why not.
  • It’s not a vegetable, but it is made of (mostly) vegetables.

  • Where do russians fall on the whiteness scale?
  • Bringing back the Spanish casta system but make it leftist this time