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Ukraine says it thwarted a plot to overthrow the government
  • Isn't their government currently illegitimate because they refused to hold elections?

    This lets me know you are full of shit. Russia is also a topic of this conversation and the haven't had a legitimate election in decades.

  • Ukraine says it thwarted a plot to overthrow the government
  • No.

    We get rid of old munitions and equipment.

    Companies get rich by replenishing stock with new military contracts.

    We get new data that we can use to war game without actually fighting first hand.

    You might not think it's worth it, but the people benefiting do.

  • Finally, proof that the aliens were working with Hitler!
  • Simple symbol? What craziness are you talking about? The next thing you'll tell me is that "humans" are able to come up with a shape of a 3d triangle on their own, in different places, without extraterrestrial help.

    I've only seen that kind of innovation with children playing with blocks.


  • Finally, proof that the aliens were working with Hitler!
  • Thanks for confirming my eyes. I couldn't see anything in the last image, but wasn't sure if I was just blind.

  • To those of you who drink tea: What brand of tea do you drink?
  • I like their moroccan mint.

  • To those of you who drink tea: What brand of tea do you drink?
  • PG Tips for my black tea. Stash for my green tea.

  • Games that stuck with you
  • I never played Outer Wilds and I don't know anything about it, but I absolutely love Disco Elysium and Hollow Knight. I might check out Outer Wilds since I agree with your write ups with the other 2.

    Thanks for the rec.

  • Neighborhood overwatch
  • The recoil is what I was thinking about first. No sandbags or anything to keep this baby in place means that you might get 1 or 2 shots before the gun falls backwards off the ledge. And that's if racking the bolt doesn't already do it.

  • My name is graphito and I'm a conclusion shopaholic
  • I remember that for the doc. I think part of the reason they don't want to accept the truth is because the community and friends they made along the way in believing this bat shit crazy stuff. Someone should make a post flat earthers group. Shit add Scientology and any other crazy cult type behavior.

    My theory is we are very easily susceptible to friendly groups that accept us because we want that community. That idea that we have a lack of a "3rd place" after work and home creates a desire to connect on a different level. The details of believing the earth is flat, Trump is the second coming, or the anti-vaxers don't matter as much to some people as being around others and being accepted.

  • Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison
  • It just devolves into a paranoid scheme and murder web for survival.

    This sums up a lot of the Rome docuseries episodes I've seen.

  • Highlander reboot, starring Henry Cavill in the lead role, the movie is set to start filming in early 2025.
  • the second movie was weird but ok

    I'm sorry. I mostly agree with your outlook and concerns, but I have never heard anyone heap such HIGH praise onto the second movie.

    I also did really like the series, so maybe just a difference of opinion. I do think Cavill would be able to do Highlander some justice for the reboot.

  • Make it stop.
  • About the bear...
  • Well, no they didn't apologize. I didn't expect them because of the situation. I was literally walking quickly through a crowd of people. They only had a very small window to talk before I was already moving away with my wife in hand. By the time I noticed and stopped and asked my wife, the good samaritan was far enough away in a crowded bar that she wouldn't be able to say anything.

    Maybe I don't take offense because she didn't treat me like a suspected harasser. She didn't treat me like anything. She looked out for my wife. I greatly appreciate that she was looking out for customers that drank too much. That was the end of my thoughts.

    Why should I be offended that the club was trying to make sure their customers were safe? I guess I would be offended if they stopped me and separated us and asked 20 questions, but that isn't the case. The interaction took maybe 5 seconds and I didn't noticed until I was pulling on her arm and had some resistance. I looked back and by that time she was pulling herself toward me.

  • Cognizant descent
  • Yes. I tell anyone I can at work about the public library and how you can use Libby or Hoopla to get free books. Some audio books for those not wanting to read. It is a great asset.

  • What ridiculous history fact is your favorite?
  • Hey, that dude was in West of Loathing. Now I know he was a real dude.

  • Starter Guide
  • Best I can do is 12 years @ 240p

  • They Came to See Trump. First They Heard a Pitch to Buy Gold and Silver. At a recent campaign speech, one of Donald Trump’s warm-up acts was a precious metals salesman being sued by feds for fraud
  • I would like to think that people are doing that, but we just don't know about it, yet. Just like I hope there are some people signing up for project 2025 with the intent to sabotage it, if they get picked.

    Probably not happening, but it would be nice if it was.

  • Arizona toddler rescued after getting trapped in a Tesla with a dead battery | The Model Y’s 12-volt battery, which powers things like the doors and windows, died
  • Oh great! So someone couldn't pull themselves up by their bootstraps and now they want a hand-out. I bet this "toddler" doesn't even pay taxes.


  • What's was your favourite fast food product that unfortunately got retired and never came back?
  • Two things from Wendy's:

    First bring back the old chicken nugget meat. The spicy nuggets taste like trash now.

    Second that Jalapeno Fresco Spicy Chicken Sandwich.

  • Original Mortal Kombat Movie poster 1995
  • I still thing this was the best MK film made. This was bad but good. The second one was just bad. The new one was close to being good, but was taking itself too seriously. I think the first one has the best balance.

  • Lizalfos Tails

    Why is it so hard to find the tails on these lizards? I mean I see them when I fight them and yet I hardly get drops. I'm having flashbacks of hunting Goretusk Livers for pie in Westfall.

    Blood Moon Refreshes

    What are some of your routines when a blood moon hits?

    I was working on upgrading my barbarian set, so I fought some lynels and got a few fairies from some stable wells. I'm assuming some people have a bigger checklist for blood moons and I'm looking to grow mine.

    Anything else like Hyrule Science?

    I just discovered this channel about the physics of the game engine and how items interact. Is there anything else like this that you all use?

    In BOTW I know I was still watching "X number of things you still don't know about BOTW" up till TOTK came out. I enjoy the quick rapid info style as I'm sure there will be things we continue to discover about this came for years.

    Notyou Notyou
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