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TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 15 - Gen9 - AMD
  • Any time! Can't say much about the robustness if the hardware though, as I tend to take stupidly good care of my machines.

  • TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 15 - Gen9 - AMD
  • Have a tuxedo machine with TuxedoOS at work. I needed an NVIDIA card for cuda so I had a few kinks to iron out (NVIDIA I stg...) but the tuxedo customer support was here with me through it all, treated me with respect at all times and forwarded all issues to NVIDIA immediately, and they got fixed soon after. Solid team, sleek machines, nice distro.

  • GNOME 47 Can Now Be Built With X11 Support Disabled
  • Not op but we do magic cookie shenanigans at work to run a graphic app as another user. I believe that's not a thing in Wayland.

  • GNU-Linux
  • Goodness gracious, breathe man ^^

  • ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
  • That actually would make more sense :D

  • ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
  • more confused french noises

  • ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
  • I'm confused, why French?

  • What is your favourite shell to use
  • How have I been using zsh for this long yet never heard of that? I gotta give it a go, thanks!

  • Which are your preferred laptops?
  • I did have a couple of issues with a model with an nvidia video card, but the tuxedo tech I got in contact with took great care to troubleshoot the issue with me and report the issue up to the Dev team that works with nvidia. So compatibility may not be 100% but the service is great. Now I got no more issues with it.

  • Cool strap for a bag
  • Nice, are those fpdcs?

  • Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid
  • Can confirm, I wish my electricity bills had turned negative too lol

  • Many such cases
  • Last time I tried it claimed it did but the installer failed to run every time

  • Many such cases
  • We use foxit reader on Linux for that at work.

  • Many such cases
  • "Online login protects your laptop from being stolen" is the most unhinged broken logic I've read in a while ngl

  • Many such cases
  • Still use and like it

  • Many such cases
  • Wait, as in office 365?

  • Windows updating just before thesis defense
  • That's a very generous estimate. I didn't know about it and I work in IT.

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • I work in a medical startup and we provide an AI powered service for semi automatic target detection for neurosurgery specifically for Parkinson's and essential tremor. Many patients have benefitted from it so far with excellent results and the fact that it allows surgeons to perform the entire surgery under general anesthesia makes it much less traumatic and available to many more patients.

    It's okay to reconcile that AI is both an amazing tool with a lot of great benefits in some areas AND a lot of assholish data theft and overhyped, unhelpful bloat shoved down our throats in others.

  • Anybody from around? Can't find how to reach these fine folks and having major registration issues.

    I created an account, but never received the password by email, and now I'm stuck at the door. :c

    Keeping family history alive!

    Hi, first time posting on lemmy, I hope yall will enjoy my late grandfather's happy lil Mac Plus! Maxed out at 4MB of RAM and modded with power through SCSI and a low rpm fan. That's a fully working ImageWriter on the left. :)

    Nisaea Nisaea
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