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committed to genocide
  • Why is it that when democrats don't get what they want they lash out against the actual left, instead of the far-rightists (who are actually making things worse)?

    I still see democrats blaming "Bernie bros" for costing them the election, which is seriously wrong.

    I wouldn't be surprised if eventually some of them begin to blame "the woke" for their defeats

  • Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case
  • "History will not be kind to us"

    I mean, the US also supported the Guatemalan genocide and appartheid South Africa, yet nobody gives a crap.

  • Mexico City may be just months away from running of out water
  • First of all, pretty much all of the indigenous city is gone. All of the bulidings are from colonial or posterior times. And second, cities are built on water all the time (Vence, Suzhou, Amsterdam) And they managed to subsit just fine. The problem came when all the infrastructure used by the natives was destroyed and the solution used was to drain the lake, which has only led to a massive ammount of problems.

  • China to ICJ: Palestine has ‘inalienable right’ to armed resistance
  • Who told you that? The only one who is still on Israel's side is the US

  • Biden considering executive action to close southern border, sources say
  • And democrats call themselves leftists...

  • The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years
  • If you want something manufactured in a country that isn't commiting human rights violations then you are not going to find it (not even the US, which is also funding a genocide right now)

  • The future is in good hands
  • You think people defeated the Nazis with just words?

  • Anon watches youtube in 2024
  • Lol no

  • Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President
  • If he's so good why do we need articles to constantly remind us of it?

  • [Hot Paper Comics] Well now I hate you for new reasons
  • The word "liberal" is associated with the right everywhere except the US.

  • Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll
  • "the scope creep of feminism that causes it to encompass issues like disability rights and economic inequality, I think feminism is becoming indistinguishable from leftism."

    Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?

  • I'm begging you to learn how to use this term.
  • You got called a fascist becasue you wrote:

    "12 percent of Bernie’s supporters stayed home in 2020."


    "Why would I lecture anyone fucking over leftists? Fuck socialism."

    Which is are pretty much rightist talking points.

    Edit: You also said that leftists and POC need to be "put in their place" whatever that means, so I'm not surprised you got called that.

  • Pelosi Wants FBI to Investigate Pro-Palestine Protesters for Financial Ties to Russia
  • Vietnam war all over

    "Foreign agents are brainwashing our youth to be against the war"

  • Netanyahu defies Biden, insisting there’s ‘no space’ for Palestinian state
  • Telling him anythin is not yanking the chain. As long as the US keeps supplying him with weapons and money he knows he can keep doing what he wants.

  • Netanyahu defies Biden, insisting there’s ‘no space’ for Palestinian state
  • How is Biden yanking the chain?

    He hasn't done anything to stop the funding and the sales of weapons.

  • Why is this so difficult?
  • Who voted that government in?

  • A reminder to all you far left and far right nutjobs that think Joe Biden has done nothing significant in office
  • Yeah no, I'm allowed to criticize Biden as much as I want. If you don't want to hear any criticism of your favorite candidate then just ignore it.

  • A reminder to all you far left and far right nutjobs that think Joe Biden has done nothing significant in office
  • Jesus Christ I swear Biden supporters are starting to get as annoying as Trump supporters.

    You can't criticize anything about their dear leader ot they come out of the woodwork to defend him.

  • Senate votes against Sanders resolution to force human rights scrutiny over Israel aid
  • Israel support is one of those things where you can confidently say that both sides are the same

  • Cloud jaguar

    Muyal Hix Uwahy Huknahb Ajaw (Cloud jaguar is the spirit of the seven lakes lord)

    Muyal Muyal_Hix
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    Comments 58