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OpenVPN vs WireGuard
  • It isn't even close. I'm glad this makes the decision so easy!

  • Manage your backstory expectations lol
  • A good option, if you want that kind of story, is to give a reason for your character suddenly becoming weak again. Maybe they have a traumatic brain injury and have to relearn things. Or maybe they somehow get switched into a new body and nothing is quite the same. In TTRPGs the possibilities are almost endless!

  • this is cirno
  • No shot, that one isn't even blue!

  • this is cirno
  • Based on my sample size of the rest of the posts in the community, I don't think this looks like cirno!

  • The true bbeg
  • "Sorry I have to cancel today, something came up"

    >Looks at my notes for the session. One sentence: "escape through tunnel?"

    >Oh good I'll be able to prep better for next week.

    (Next week)

    >Looks at my notes for the session. One sentence: "escape through tunnel?"

  • Mullvad VPN - Infrastructure audit completed by Radically Open Security
  • Usual use case is just privacy or sometimes getting around region-locked content. I personally have very sadly switched away from Mullvad as well due to the lack of port-forwarding. My ISP does not allow it and I use it to play certain games with friends (I do not want to pay to host a server to do something once a week).

  • [v0.2] Helpful ShotaNu Cat - Userscript to go with
  • The tampermonkey install method throws the following error:

  • NSFW
    Sagiri's Outfits (Asa AKA Teng Zi)
  • Every time I see Band-Aids on nipples I think of that scene from The Office where they are running for charity, but Andy forgot his "nipple protectors" or something so he starts bleeding all over his shirt from chafing

  • NSFW
    Only socks (Possum machine)
  • Love that they censored her thigh for us: I don't think we could have handled that!

  • NSFW
    Loli Body Type Chart for this Community
  • Well, from the post:

    Per the vote, oppai loli is no longer allowed...

    So, presumably, it is based off the vote.

  • NSFW
    Would you drink it?
  • Yes, I personally am a huge fan of the taste of sunscreen 😭

  • Introducing the Proton Drive Windows app
  • The lack of port forwarding is a pretty big shortcoming for me. I just recently switched away from mullvad for this reason. :(

  • cancel landlords
  • They yearn for the (crypto)mines!

  • Lemmy bot to automatically reply to YouTube links with Piped ones
  • Turns out I did not try enough instances! threw a certificate date error and threw a js error (or semething). works fine!

  • Lemmy bot to automatically reply to YouTube links with Piped ones
  • I've tried a few different instances and videos will not play. I'm using Brave and a VPN: blacklisting issues?

  • Mousepad Mousepad

    Where you put your mouse !Trans_Flag

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