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Signal under fire for storing encryption keys in plaintext on desktop app
  • There is just no excuse for not even salting or SOMETHING to keep the secrets out of plaintext. The reason you don't store in plaintext is because it can lead to even incidental collection. Say you have some software, perhaps spyware, perhaps it's made by a major corporation so doesn't get called that and it crawls around and happens to upload a copy of a full or portion of the file containing this info, now it's been uploaded and compromised potentially not even by a malicious actor successfully gaining access to a machine but by poor practices.

    No it can't stop a sophisticated malware specifically targeting Signal to steal credentials and gain access but it does mean casual malware that hasn't taken the time out to write a module to do that is out of luck and increases the burden on attackers. No it won't stop the NSA but it's still something that it stops someone's 17 year old niece who knows a little bit about computers but is no malware author from gaining access to your signal messages and account because she could watch a youtube video and follow along with simple tools.

    The claims Signal is an op or the runner is under a national security letter order to compromise it look more and more plausible in light of weird bad basic practices like this and their general hostility. I'll still use it and it's far from the worst looking thing out there but there's something unshakably weird about the lead dev, their behavior and practices that can't be written off as being merely a bit quirky.

  • Spain introduces porn passport to stop kids from watching smut
  • I wish they would just push all the big mainstream porn sites to remove the most abusive misogynistic content rather than slapping these checks on everything.

    Also this will never be okay until there is a zero knowledge version that means neither the government, nor the sites, nor any other party can establish a given person's habits which is probably not something they'll ever do because tracking is probably part of the point.

    I'm not a fan of the easy access to porn that kids have or the proliferation of the industry in general but I am worried that as part of this harmless things like erotic roleplaying websites will be swept up as part of it and well I use those. And their point is not porn though some people host and share porn as part of it (which is why it'd get swept up with it eventually probably), it's about writing, smutty, erotic writing. And I'd rather not have to tie my identity to my desires to roleplay out an elf who ends up at a gangbang with the wolf-men tribe to my real life identity (I'm not claiming that's something I do there but it's an example of something that would be kind of embarrassing for others to know and it's far from the weirdest stuff that goes on in places like that).

    Government having credits for how often I could say log in and continue a long-term erotic writing campaign with someone is just weird but that's the end point of this kind of thing. Having credits seems not helpful anyways, the true porn addicts are just going to download stuff then share it in private forums, discords, p2p, etc. If the point is to stop kids from accessing this the credits thing seems odd.

  • Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs.
  • M-Discs had merit in the DVD era. It’s a common refrain of those who don’t know the intricacies and read a wired article years ago to claim they mean anything in the Blu-ray era. They don’t.

    Standard Blu-ray Discs have all the technologies that supposedly make m-discs so long lasting and as far as media that isn’t continuously updated and hashed from live storage medium to live storage medium (cold, archival storage unpowered) they are about as good as you’ll get.

    They are much tougher than DVDs. Of course a variety of things go into how long a disc remains readable and without damage to data including luck with regards to no impurities in the batch. Even m-disc themselves based their longest claims off storage in ideal situations like an inactive salt mine (commonly used for archives by governments). Kept out of sun, away from extreme heat (including baking in uninsulated 120 degree F heat all summer year after year), away from high humidity and away from UV exposure to the data side of the disc as well as scratches and such and they should last a quarter to half a century, some more.

    In the Blu-ray era m-discs are just an overly expensive brand.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Kind of like Microsoft then. They buy up or spend money trying to break into all kinds of different areas but consistently take bad L's and get pushed back to their core business time and again after face-planting and alienating those who gave them a shot.

  • Israel threatens to 'take Lebanon back to the stone age'
  • Hamas is a legitimate resistance group exercising their legitimate, legal right under international law to violently resist unlawful colonization, occupation, land-theft, and genocide. They have every right to exist, they have every right to use violence against settlers who should leave and give back the stolen land.

    If you want more moderate types, know that the zionists intentionally crushed them and propped up Hamas to create just this kind of argument and by spouting it you're carrying water for them. Only the end of the occupation and the formation of a full Palestinian state will result in the breathing room for the creation of moderate groups and opinions.

  • Girl, 15, speaks out after classmate made deepfake nudes of her and posted online
  • It should be considered illegal if it was used to harm/sexually abuse a child which in this case it was.

    Whether it should be classed as CSAM or something separate, I tend to think probably something separate as a revenge porn type law that still allows for distinguishing between this and say a girl whose uncle groomed and sexually abused her while filming it as while this is awful it can (and often does seem) be the product of foolish youth rather than the offender and those involved all being very sick, dangerous, and actually violent offending adult pedophiles victimizing children.

    Consider the following:

    1. Underage girl takes a picture of her own genitals, unfortunately classified as the unhelpful and harmful term "child porn" and she can be charged and registered as a sex offender but it's not CSAM and -shouldn't- be considered illegal material or a crime (though it is because the west has a vile fixation on puritanism which hurts survivors of childhood sexual trauma as well as adults).

    2. Underage girl takes a picture of her genitals and sends it to her boyfriend, again /shouldn't/ be CSAM (unfortunately may be charged similarly), she consented and we can assume there wasn't any unreasonable level of coercion. What it is unfortunately is bound by certain notions of puritanism that are very American.

    3. From 2, boyfriend shares it with other boys, now it's potentially CSAM or at the least revenge porn of a child as she didn't consent and it could be used to harm her but punishment has to be modulated with the fact the offender is likely a child himself and not fully able to comprehend his actions.

    4. Underage boy cuts out photo of underage girl he likes, only her face and head, glues it atop a picture of a naked porn actress, maybe a petite one and uses it for his own purposes in private. Not something I think should be classed as CSAM.

    5. Underage boy uses AI to do the same as above but more believably, again I think it's kind of creepy but if he keeps it to himself and doesn't show anyone or spread it around it's just youthful weirdness though really he probably shouldn't have easy access to those tools.

    6. Underage boy uses AI to do same as 4-5 but this time he spread it around, defaming the girl, she/her friends find out, people say mean things about her, she has to go to school with a bunch of people who are looking and pleasuring themselves to fake but realistic images of herself against her consent which is violating and makes one feel unsafe. Worse probably being bullied for it, mean things, called the s-word, etc.

    Kids are weird and do dumb things though unfortunately boys especially in our culture have a propensity to do things that hurt girls far more than the inverse to the point it's not even really worth talking about girls being creepy or sexually abusive towards peer-aged boys in adolescence and young adulthood. To address this though you need to address patriarchy and misogyny on a cultural level, teach boys empathy and respect for girls and women and frankly do away with all this abusive pornography that's super prevalent and popular which encourages and perpetuates abusive actions and mentalities towards women and girls, this will never happen in the US however because it's structurally opposed to being able to do such a thing. Also couldn't hurt to peel back the stigma and shame around sexuality and nudity in the US which stems from its reactionary Christian culture but again I don't think that will ever happen in the US as it exists, not this century anyways.

    Obviously not getting into adults here as that doesn't need to be discussed, it's wrong plain and simple.

    Bottom line I think is companies need to be strongly compelled to quickly remove revenge-porn type stuff (regardless of the age of the victim though children can't deal with this kind of thing as well as adults so the risk of suicide or other self-harm is much higher so it should be treated as higher priority) which this definitely is. It's abusive and unacceptable and they should fear the credit card companies coming down on them hard and destroying them if they don't aggressively remove it and ban it and report those sharing it. It should be driven off the clear-web once reported, there should be an image-hash data-set like that used for CSAM (but separate) for such things and major services should use it to stop the spread.

  • The EU are voting on Chat Control this Wednesday 19th June
  • So first it's client-side scanning for CSAM. Not without some nobility. But the problem is once you wedge open that door it's technically possible to do it for other things and so you become compelled to.

    It'll move from just CSAM to stopping and tracking "propaganda" as deemed by them which will be narrow-ish at first (anything pro-Russia, RT links, etc) but gradually expand over time to anything outside the mainstream branded as extremist (and guess what, privacy advocates will definitely fall within that label). And once that's in place the private stake-holders, copyright holders will come knocking, they'll say rightly so "hey you have the capability right now, we demand you implement client-side scanning to detect copyright violations" and then that will be ordered by a court, further enshrined by a law and oh look now you can no longer send political thought that the ruling regime disagrees with, can no longer surf the high seas, and so on and so forth. Congratulations and please enjoy living in the "garden" of Europe.

  • If you were offered knowledge of exactly when and how you'll die, would you take it? Why or why not?
  • Yes. Though I wouldn’t want to know the exact day if I could help that. Knowing the year or month would be enough to plan. To have a will. To say the things I want to say to those I care about. To make peace with the end. To do what I can of a bucket list and to feel a bit more secure up to that point not worrying about death.

  • U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal, a Reversal of Decades of Cuts
  • China: has like 300 nuclear weapons, none of them stationed outside their country. Has no forward military bases from which to stage or launch attacks, has limited forward radar visibility of incoming attacks. Has a couple SSBM subs which likely operate entirely in the south China sea from which it can launch. Wants to expand to 1000 by 2030.

    Russia: Has over 4000 warheads, most aging. Has no meaningful forward military bases outside their country for staging attacks on the west. Has no meaningful forward radar visibility of incoming attacks from beyond its borders. Has a few SSBM subs from which it can launch.

    US: Has over 4000 warheads, many aging. Has many hidden, classified, constantly operating SSBM submarines which regularly intentionally cruise to the north Atlantic (near Russia), the south Pacific (near China), and a variety of other locations. Has ground-launched missiles, an air delivery system. Has world class sonar (included super-sensitive listening stations bolted to the bedrock of the east and west coasts) and aggressive drone campaigns to hunt and constantly track Chinese and Russian missile subs to allow them a first kill. Has forward warning radar systems positioned thousands of miles from its borders in northern Canada, in Europe, in the Pacific on island chains. In addition has a massive, the most massive spy satellite network in operation constantly watching other powers in incredible detail. Has a space force dedicated to among other things sabotaging Chinese and Russian space assets with kill switches or remote disable explosives which could be used in aggression to blind their enemy first. Of all major world powers will have the most warning and most time to react decisively in case of a full scale launch and attempted sneak first strike on them by either Russia or China. Stations nuclear weapons with allies in "sharing" agreements where the US has final say on their use and launch in countries from the UK to mainland Europe near Russia to Turkey, is considering such an agreement with South Korea right on China's border.

    But tell me again how the US is backed into a corner in this situation and has no choice but to build more warheads and pour hundreds of billions that could feed, cloth, shelter, and provide healthcare to its people into new delivery systems which will fatten and enrich defense contractors to the tune of hundreds of billions of overage costs if not trillions for systems that may or may not even work thanks to contractor greed and sloppiness.

  • What are you average file sizes for movies and series?
  • What are you average file sizes for movies and series?

    Movies? 4-8GB for most 60-120 minute features. TV shows. For live action 800MB/episode, 500MB/ episode for animation. For hour long stuff probably 1.2-1.6GB/episode.

    What would you do? what's your target size for movies and series? What bitrate do you go for in which codec?

    HEVC 10 bit. I target in the 7000-9000kbps bitrate range generally. For animation that can be as low as 3000-5000kbps. Sometimes a bit higher for very grainy old films, occasionally a little lower for grain less modern digital camera work that hasn’t had digital grain added.

    If you want to maximize space savings without losing quality you have to understand what needs more bitrate and what can do with less. Across the board you could do something like CRF 20 but you’d have outliers where you don’t get enough bitrate and those where you still end up with rates of 14,000kbps.

    The above is for 1080p content.

    If you can stand HD video content at 2-3000kbps more power to you but on a large TV I can tell. I think even being reckless and not caring about future-proofing less than 6000kbps is a bad idea for anything but TV shows. Even those I think outside animation you want minimum 2000kbps for 1080p.

  • Xi Jinping blasts US/NATO for bombing China's embassy in Serbia
  • Unlike the US which has totally forgiven Iran for the embassy thing in the 70s which was half a century ago and as we know now embraces them as brothers.

    And by contrast the US was inviting the attack on its embassy because they had with the help of the British used the CIA (based out of that embassy) overthrown the leadership of Iran and installed a brutal dictatorship. Additionally no lives were lost in the incident itself.

    This is the international law equivalent of barging into your neighbor's house because you hear them having a domestic dispute and in the middle of pistol-whipping both parties stopping to go to their kid's room and shoot her in the leg. Do you think if you were that kid you'd be cool with the person who did that with premeditation 20 years later? 40 years later? Or would you blame them forever for being an unhinged maniac who injured you, gave you a token apology that claimed it happened by accident when you knew otherwise, gave you compensation (but only after they got compensation for you for some damage you did to their yard in a fit you had later while feeling powerless after their violence against you) and has basically shrugged the whole thing off while using their connections to the law to prevent themselves ever being prosecuted and going around the community promoting themselves as the arbiter of decency and a paragon of law and order and goodness and continuing to lie about their deliberate intent.

    So why should they forgive and forget what was never fully admitted to? A crime done by a nation that believes itself not bound by laws or convention trying to operate with impunity as the world's unappointed emperor at the end of the cold war.

    A nation that within the next 6 years no less went on an adventure through the middle east that left hundreds of thousands dead, millions displaced, illegally invaded another nation in Iraq based on lies, etc. This wasn't a one-off oopsie, this was part of a pattern of behavior. The US has never shown real contrition (which by definition must include admitting it being deliberate instead of trying to obfuscate with lies about it being an accident).

  • Handbrake/ffmpeg: What free video codec to use for 720p videos?
  • DVD's max out at about 580p (for PAL, NTSC is 480p), resolutions are measured by the number of horizontal lines of pixels (counted from top to bottom of video/screen), not vertical which at 4:3 square aspect ratio on dvds does tend to be 720 pixels (by contrast full resolution HD video's number of vertical lines is 1920 while it's horizontal lines are of course 1080, hence 1080p). You're not the first person to be confused by this.

    Professional encoders who fully understand the encoders and the schemes in use and care about not seeing artifacting or low quality would never intentionally go as low as 300mb for a feature length movie of even an hour. Yes there are people who do such things but they're not well regarded and it won't look even passable on anything larger than a phone screen.

    Recognized quality groups that seek low sizes might get an animated feature (less bitrate needed due to lack of fine detail in animation vs real film) in SD quality down to around that. But for most live action content the sizes I see from the best of the best concerned with smaller release sizes are in the 900mb to 1.5GB range for 60-90 minute features.

    300mb for a 90 minute live action feature even in SD is just not going to look good, some of the groups who get those sizes make them look even half-passable by running pre-filters in virtualdub that smooth, reduce grain and detail, etc before passing to the encoder. That kind of thing is way beyond anything you're going to learn in a few youtube videos though, that's advanced stuff with scripting.

    Think about it this way, if you shoot for 1GB encodes with 265 or AV1 you can store over 900 movies on a 1tb drive which can be had for well under a hundred dollars.

    I would like the best and fanciest algorithms to have least dataloss.

    There is no magic that will get you where you want. If you want detail preserved you need more bitrate which translates to larger sizes. Modern codecs like HEVC and AV1 mean you need as much as 1/5th the bitrate you needed with old MPEG2/4 encoding schemes used on DVDs, that's darn good savings but it has its limits.

    Do as you will but anything live action (non-animated) significantly under 1000kbps average bitrate is going to look awful on a 1080p screen and much worse than what it would look like if you popped your dvd in the disc drive and played it from there.

    Opus is fine if you're not worried about compatibility and just playing on a computer.

  • Is Memmy dead? No longer available on the Apple App Store
  • It's a shame. I'm using Voyager but it has some critical problems for me that make the experience unpleasant.

    Biggest one would be it doesn't show the username of the poster of a post in any views but when viewing the post. This is important. Certain posters regularly post good, reliable, interesting, funny, etc content. Some I'm even friendly with. Others I know post frivolous things, post straight up fake-news and "jokes" so seeing their name clues me in I don't need to freak out about something upsetting because it's fake. And so on. Basically having the name displayed saves me a ton of time otherwise wasted going into lots of threads to see who posted it before backing out again and I'm sure there are plenty of threads I'd otherwise engage with which I don't because I can't see the username. There’s also the issue of seeing what instance a user is from. If they’re from a home instance dedicated to a certain thing (perhaps vetted individually) I feel differently than someone from an outside instance.

    This was something reddit did on both old and new and it was correct to do so. It's also something I was used to with Apollo which I used for some time. It feels like half an experience without the user-names shown but I'm guessing it's an intentional choice on the part of the Voyager dev.

    Second biggest one would be the upvote and downvote colors are reversed and it's messing with me but I could get over it.

    If anyone knows any apps like Memmy or Voyager but with usernames always shown or an option to show them in the feed view I'd love to hear of it. I really like the aesthetic design of Memmy best but Voyager is close enough minus that one glaring issue.

  • Smart devices are turning out to be a poor investment
  • I really like the one I have. A relative has a much older model and it still works fine too.

    It’s very responsive and the 4k models are quite powerful and future proofed IMO. If you have an iPhone you can quickly use it as a remote too.

    Paired with infuse app it even does local streaming from my media server well.

    And it’s cheaper to get this year’s top of the line Apple TV than it is the 2019 Nividia shield pro.

  • Problem with Lenovo B50
  • Well re-applying thermal paste is a big matter. I’d try stressing it and seeing if you can force it after cleaning the vents.

    So do things to stress the processor and see if you can force it to happen repeatedly. If it is a thermal issue you should be able to cause it by inducing high load. If you can’t it points more towards other issues. A fault in RAM or the motherboard for example, a loose module or connection, etc.

    And just FYI if you need more help in future this community isn’t intended for it. Try posting in a tech or computer help community for a better chance more people engage.

  • Problem with Lenovo B50
  • Randomly or after a set time of use or intense use? Could be processor is overheating past safety thresholds (new thermal paste could fix this IF that’s the issue).

    I’d try cleaning vents and fans before changing thermal paste though. Could be they’re clogged and not working right.

    Failing that it could be multiple things. But I’d try to address cooling being adequate first. Make sure vents are unobstructed during use. Use it on a flat hard surface, clean the vents with a vacuum and/or canned air duster.

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