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Background noise requirements
  • Interesting, what's it called

  • On Self-Diagnosis
  • I'm sorry that happened to you

  • On Self-Diagnosis
  • Then they probably need some attention fr. Like Professional attention. Some need is not being met

  • On Self-Diagnosis
  • Same

  • What companies to look out for for next Gen battery/energy storage developments?
  • I'm interested in batteries/energy storage science and want to know who's the big players in R&D big picture stuff, so yeah cars included but that's not like my specific interest.

  • What companies to look out for for next Gen battery/energy storage developments?

    Not sure how to word this.. But who should I be following in terms of battery/energy storage research and development companies? I'm less interested in start ups and more interested in bigger companies who are investing heavily in R&D

    I don't understand the difference between Libertarian and Anarchist

    Most of what I've seen sounds like Libertarians are actually anarchists who've been misinformed by the dominant culture about what anarchism really is.

    What would you say is the reason you identify with libertarianism over anarchism?

    Skill Regression upon Diagnosis
  • I'm sure that's definitely part of it!

  • Today's New Accommodation
  • Yes to stages!! If I try to do the thing immediately I will get lost in an inception of side quests. So I have tables in every room dedicated to "things that need to go in another place". Then when I'm going there, maybe I'll remember to grab one of them 😅

    Yes to multiples of things in each room/my car!! Off the top of my head I can think of: phone chargers, cups of pens and scissors, fly swatter, fans, Chapstick, hair ties. If I have to move it, Ive lost it

  • Scientists face impossible choice over preservation of priceless blue crab blood: Let vital medicines wither or an endangered bird
  • Blue blood from a horseshoe crab yes. Blue crabs are also a thing and horseshoe crabs are always referred to with the word horseshoe in front. So calling them just crabs with the word blue in front is a poor choice if one cares about communication.

  • Today's New Accommodation
  • Where do you keep them? How do you ensure you put them away on the proper place?

  • Autistic Literal Speech vs. NT seeking hidden meaning

    Instagram reel transcript: "So you know how autistic people just talk and we literally mean like exactly what we say?"

    "So like I realized that when I'm talking to a neurotypical person, even when I'm saying exactly what I'm saying, they're looking for like, the meeting underneath it, which is nothing."

    "So the other day at work...I had a feedback session and one of the things they told me was that my communication wasn't clear... And their example was I asked 'What is so-and-so's job?' And she said, 'I knew exactly what you meant. I knew that you meant, 'She's not pulling her weight. Why is she on the team? Why haven't you fired her yet?"

    "And I was like, hold up. I asked about her job was because I didn't know what her job was and I wanted you to tell me what her job was. And she was like, 'Oh. Well, that wasn't clear and you should really give more context when you ask a question.' And I was like, 'Okay..?? so...'I don't know what her job is...What is.. her.. job?"

    Today's New Accommodation
  • Can you talk about the process of you remembering to put the bracelets on? How does that work?

  • Today's New Accommodation

    Today's new accommodation is a set of (crappy) shelves by my key hook next to the door so I can put stuff that needs to go to the car.

    What's your new accommodation?

    Skill Regression upon Diagnosis
  • Totally. What do you think we should call it?

  • Skill Regression upon Diagnosis
  • Since realizing I'm autistic I have had a few big areas of skill regression that have really concerned me. Mainly sensory sensitivity leading to overstimulation, and just total exhaustion after any kind of social activity leading to a deep sense of need to be alone for a long time, like many many days in order to recover.

    I think about this a lot about what it means because I used to mask everything so much that I could go all school semester passing as a normal human, just quirky. Then during break I would get sick and fall apart like my body was just waiting for permission to take a break.

    Summers were always a time of much deeper depression and I think about it now as burnout. But I always pulled myself back together to perform the requisite behaviors.

    Now I have given myself permission to give myself accommodations with regards to sensory overload and recovery after socializing, I recognize it better and understand more what I'm feeling. But that makes it seem like it's there * more *

  • Skill Regression upon Diagnosis

    Link to an Instagram reel Audio "I will grow under any conditions" Text "Me before I unmasked, working myself to what looks like irreversible ASD burnout"

    Audio "I'm allergic to tap water" Text "Me after unmasking and learning how real skill regression is"

    One ticket to Dissociation Station please
  • God damnit there was supposed to be a freaking picture lol

  • Procras-ductivity: What are you working on today instead of what you're supposed to be doing?
  • I finished installing the flooring in my laundry room instead of proofreading a report that is painfully boring.

  • Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • My problem with this is that while I don't like lying I also really don't want to talk about my personal problems with someone I'm not intimately close to. So honestly, I would prefer if people who aren't close to me don't ask the question in the first place.

    Like I'm not going to tell you that I'm having mental health issues this week and I'm about to lose my shit because everything feels overwhelming and I'm not sure it's worth it anymore. So no I'm not really "getting through it" right now. But it also is going to be very challenging for me to lie to you right now also.

    So maybe don't presume that we have the right to that information in the first place and just say something in greeting that doesn't require someone to divulge, honestly or not, private information about themselves.

    I'm going to try to implement a "Hi, hope you're having a nice day" instead of how are you to people I'm not close with in practicing this.

  • Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful

    Image text: @agnieszkasshoes: "Part of what makes small talk so utterly debilitating for many of us who are neurodivergent is that having to smile and lie in answer to questions like, "how are you?" is exhausting to do even once, and society makes us do it countless times a day."

    @LuckyHarmsGG: "It's not just the lie, it's the energy it takes to suppress the impulse to answer honestly, analyze whether the other person wants the truth, realize they almost certainly don't, and then have to make the DECISION to lie, every single time. Over and over. Decision fatigue is real"

    @agnieszkasshoes: "Yes! The constant calculations are utterly exhausting - and all under the pressure of knowing that if you get it "wrong" you will be judged for it!"

    My addition: For me, in addition to this, more specifically it's the energy to pull up that info and analyze how I am. Like I don't know the answer to that question and that's why it's so annoying. Now I need to analyze my day, decide what parts mean what to me and weigh the average basically, and then decide if that's appropriate to share/if the person really wants to hear the truth of that, then pull up my files of pre-prepared phrases for the question that fits most closely with the truth since not answering truthfully is close to impossible for me.

    Tell me you have AuDHD justice sensitivity emotional regulation impulsivity issues without telling me...

    I just spent way too much time tracking down how to report a scam on Amazon to Amazon and the FTC and then reporting it and writing a review to tell people how to report it for a $6 can of cat food that I personally did not order ever. 🥴😅💀✊😂😂😂

    What is it like to be Neurotypical

    I've had this question in my brain for weeks and I don't know where to put it. I guess I chose here because maybe someone else has had this same question and found answers. Maybe it's a stupid question actually.

    But what is it like to be Neurotypical?

    I am not confident I have known a single Neurotypical person, at least not well. They are apparently the vast majority of people, but I think everyone I've ever been close to was ND. As a late diagnosed AuDHD person, I find myself now analyzing every human I interact with trying to figure out how they are different than me, or how they are similar. I feel like I see the ghost of Neurodivergence in everyone and can't recognize neurotypicality when I see it.

    What are the signs and symptoms of neurotypicality?

    App Recommendation: Website, PDF text to audio

    Reading is hard. I often want articles and PDFs for work to be read aloud while I'm doing something else. Anyone have any Android apps for this?

    Happy Hopeful: I found an awesome Primary Care Physician and he prescribed me Guanfacine!

    I'm feeling really excited and hopeful and nervous. I found an awesome doctor who is not part of some huge corporate medical conglomerate, is LGBTIQ+ safe and is relatively knowledgeable and accepting of Neurodivergence! I could cry. Only an hour away from me (lolsob) but is open to telehealth if a physical exam is not necessary.

    When I asked if he was familiar with Guanfacine he said yes all casually(!). I forgot to pick it up on my way home so I'm going to wait and take it tonight. I'm nervous but I've been trying to get this for months now so I'm just really hopeful it can help me.

    For those unfamiliar, Guanfacine was originally developed in the 80s as a blood pressure medication but is approved by the FDA to supplement stimulant medication in support of ADHD. It was found to help with anxiety, RSD, irritability/anger and insomnia. Even inattention and impulsivity. Common side effects are sleepiness/fatigue, headaches, dry mouth, but generally get better as you get used to the medication.

    It will take several weeks to fully build up and feel the full effects, so I'll edit this post with the results in the coming weeks.

    Got my insurance quote for my diagnostic assessment

    I'm paying for the low deductible insurance at my company (higher cost, supposed to be better benefits). I made an appointment for diagnostic assessment at the beginning of the year, their next available appointment was SEPTEMBER 30. They called me yesterday with the estimated cost to me after insurance (I mean nice that they do that but you'll see why...) It's going to cost me $800.

    Yeah ok. Guess I'll just remain self-diagnosed.

    Got my insurance quote for my diagnostic assessment

    I'm paying for the low deductible insurance at my company (higher cost, supposed to be better benefits). I made an appointment for diagnostic assessment at the beginning of the year, their next available appointment was SEPTEMBER 30. They called me yesterday with the estimated cost to me after insurance (I mean nice that they do that but you'll see why...) It's going to cost me $800.

    Yeah ok. Guess I'll just remain self-diagnosed.

    Background noise requirements

    My lofi isn't cutting it today, but my podcast is pulling too much of my attention so I can't think on my work. I need that sweet spot of interesting enough to quiet my mind but boring enough that I can ignore it and think on my work. Gonna look for a history documentary on Carthage or smth

    help my safe breakfast is cancelled

    I need to eat something or there will be Consequences™ but the Good Foods© are now Bad. 😭 Safe food limbo is my deepest fear
