He got shit on for being inaccurate, not the sexual stuff. She was a keeper and he fucked up bad on someone who automatically gets a ring. Shame.
Kaliningrad was encircled anyway. Unless you mean Lake NATO.
I hear so many weird ass things from people in the US. Plenty of "why were we taught this and that" as if learning the countries in Europe is somehow some esoteric knowledge. And then I remember having to learn all the countries in the world, all of the US states, all of the capitals for 90% of the countries, all the seas, rivers etc. It's really funny seeing people complain about the tiniest of things they had to learn as if it was med school.
You need to meet different people. A crapton of marriages of my friends came out from them dating in highschool or university. All of them in their 20s.
How are you pretty sure? He could just as well have the phone without charge / powered off. Or broken or whatever.
That's not a "general rule" based on the statistics. Which you try to excuse by saying "all pitbulls have shitty owners therefore they all bite more and kill a shitload of people despite being less populous than other breeds". Except statistics doesn't work that way, not with a large sample, such as "the entire breed of dogs". So according to statistics with a huge sample size, pitbulls are more deadly than any other breed.
Your argument about human race and trying to somehow equate some sort of "dog racism" is ridiculous and I won't even dignify that with a response.
There is a new Tribes game, called Rivals. Was fun for free in early access, but they put a large price tag on it so no idea about it now.
What about the pitbulls that were raised properly and then attacked anyway?
Also the vulcan nerve pinch doesn't work. It was invented by Nimoy because he didn't want to punch a guy.
I wouldn't call it that. In the end, you aren't responsible for what you like or dislike. And once you find someones "ick" that you can't deal with, it's hard to get over it. I have a bunch of those - racism, unwilingness to learn, regular smoking. Theirs was just "man crying". Also, there is crying and then there is holding in emotions and exploding. Sadly, I'm guilty of the latter. I don't really blame them, rather I feel disappointed more than anything.
Yeah, but that'd be living a lie and hiding your emotions. Which is less healthy than being single. Meeting someone that likes you is something that can be done conciously rather easily with the right steps - but it does require a strong will, a lot of human interaction and a bunch of time. It also requires investing in yourself - living healthy, happy and mindful.
I lost a partner doing that. Like flipping a switch, any interest in me was gone. Was struggling with depression, we knew eachother for a very long time, even dated in the past. Oh well.
You don't have to sew anything more complicated than a square, just lay them over the previous square / rectangle.
Driver. There is wirtually no way to mess that up.
Yeah but 4x10 misses the entire point of it. Also, I work production + bueraucracy and holy crap would I not want to do 4x10, I'm done after 6hrs max.
155 hours over 20 workdays is 7.75 hours a day. They allow one day off per month now, and would allow four. The question that isn't answered is if it cuts your hours, or if you have to work it off as 4x10hrs instead. Also, I don't know about time off in Japan - is it in addition to regular time off or what.
Because Russia controls these sites and wouldn't let any sensible opposition in. Putin is trying to be a dictator for life with illusions of democracy (you need to give ambitious people the illusion that they could do something).