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Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 29th
  • Let me try this

    I have been playing City of Heroes, which is a superhero MMO and I'm surprised how much I dig it despite multiplayer games not being my thing. PVE is much more comfortable for me and the game let's you make any kind of hero you want, and u can make ur own battle cry as well which is funny.

    Also it has one of the best gender options in gaming: Male, Female or Huge. Badass

    Another one I'm playing rn is Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, this is a remaster of the old Alex Kidd in Miracle World game which I never played but I'm digging this remaster as well. The new graphics and art is gorgeous and the ability to switch seamlessly from new to old graphics is spectacular. I have always loved old 2D side-scroller even though they are always more challenging than modern games, I like having to fight through something after multiple tries. I was having trouble with the game and after reaching one of the later levels of the game, my save file glitched and reset everything(cloud sync issue probably, I need to turn that off) which almost made me quit the game but I had learned so much so I gave it another try and was surprised that I got to where I was in an hour and beat the boss I was on before in first time. Very very satisfying

    There are some other games I'm playing rn but I don't wanna write too long so here are just their names: CLeM (amazing, intriguing puzzle game), Skies of Arcadia (emulated through Flycast with RetroArch, has achievements even!) and Peggle which I'm trying to 100% even after 30 hours haha

  • how's your week going Beehaw
  • Started a Spanish language course! Also trying out a bunch of new games

    But today was messed up, someone that is a friend said something messed up about my religion and I don't know what to think now. Part of me is mad that I let it happen and that the other person thought it was okay to do that since I always take things lightly

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Playing video games and waiting for university to open uppp

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Temperature has been haywire for a month or so. Yesterday it said 29° feels like 37°, how lol.

    Other than that I have had a pleasant week, I haven't hangout much with irl friends but that's because helping out dad with work has kept me tired. Gaming side, I haven't let go of Peggle Deluxe despite ending the Adventure mode a while ago, it's such a genuinely fun game that I can't help trying to 100% it.

    Excited to try Portal this week, always wanted to play it.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th
  • I was playing Rise of the Tomb Raider pretty much non-stop, a lot of fun. Gorgeous game and runs really well on my potato but...hehe Epic Games did something and now ROTR along with a lot of other games just appear as "OS Unsupported" in my library :) and after a little searching on the other site turns out everyone is having the same issue.

    Oh well, atleast Epic Games gave away DRM free versions of those games so I can still play my copy

  • What is your favourite game console?
  • Xbox 360, it was my first console and I had a jailbreaked version so I could play anything and it introduced me to achievements haha

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • That's nice. A lot of people use uni for that purpose as well and you get a library so you can read in peace

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • That must have been infuriating, how did you guys pass the time?

  • Hades II - Sign Up for the HADES II Technical Test - Steam News
  • I signed up, I have a potato PC but this looks like something I could run and would like to test run it

  • It's finally up! Please sign it if you're in the UK :) Petition: Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state.
  • Is it possible to spoof the website into thinking you are in UK? I just signed using a Google searched UK Postcode and after an email verification it counted my signature. If this works people from everywhere should be on this!

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • That title takes me back to The X-Files, I never watched past the fourth episode but man, that episode is so good. It's the one when we first understand where "I want to believe" comes from for Moulder.

    My week is still going, Wednesday today. Mon and Tues sucked cuz I live in an underdeveloped country and the town transformer died so no electricity for two days. It's back now and I have started Rise of the Tomb Raider on my potato PC while listening to A Short History of Nearly Everything!

    Uni started this week as well, mediocre so far.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 14th
  • Recently started Rise of the Tomb Raider, still at the main menu adjusting settings. My PC is a little crap so I gotta take a hit in performance and graphics

    Specs: R5 430 Core i3-2120 10gb RAM

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • First day of Eid here and I happened to twist my foot while getting out of the shower. Hurts. Tried to play Command & Conquet but man....i have never really gotten into RTS games and strategy making.

  • [Google Play] Various Android games
  • Thanks, i'll try Evertale cuz that one looks decent

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • It's been a week since Ramadan started and my sleep schedule is fucked. Staying up all night then eating a hefty eat before sunrise is enough to put me down for half a day until Iftari where you break the fast and eat another hefty meal. I haven't been able to go to uni because of this, the only to break the cycle is to sleep early at night but i don't feel sleepy when i have been asleep.for half a day haha

  • Lemmy Recap - See your stats for the past year
  • I got a scholar too

  • Lemmy Recap - See your stats for the past year
  • Lol never thought about myself like that

  • how's your year going, Beehaw
  • Feels like nothing's changed, only worries admit the future getting uh worriering

  • 20 Indie Games That You Could Beat in the Time It Would Take You to Watch That Hbomberguy Video
  • Thanks man, I won't be playing those games and I just subscribed!

    Edit: I just realized I know Brothers: A tale of Two sons, the only game I have from the list.

    Finished it back on Xbox 360, time to dive back on PC?

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • What IS even Steve? Not an american

  • Legendsofanus Legendsofanus

    I'm an ass and that is the legend.

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