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When is the last time you changed your mind about something big?
  • There being totally different personalities that just don't mix was something new to me when I started university in a different part of the country. Totally changing my social circle and meeting entirely new people was an eye opener. Growing up I thought that with a little conversation everybody could come to a single conclusion that would benefit everyone and work together. But now I know that there just are different people that want different things and there is no way to please everyone. And some even actively work against others just because they don't like them without a valid reason.

  • Norris isn’t ‘running out of time’ in F1 2024 championship hunt
  • I can understand people being against team orders when it's early in the season or when the lead in the championship is large enough. But to get the drivers championship I think team orders are a valid way of achieving it.

  • Lemmy users, what is / are your favourite countries
  • What did you not like in all of them?

  • I'm excited for Cosmic Desktop
  • Depends on what you want to do I guess. I'd rather have a clean desktop that cannot accumulate clutter like in windows where applications add shortcuts to the desktop automatically which you then have to remove manually.

  • I'm excited for Cosmic Desktop
  • I actually really like not having icons on the desktop in gnome. It always ends up a collection of random garbage anyway after some time and Icd rather have that in my home directory. Now i can just press my keyboard shortcut to hide all windows and then I have a clean screen with nothing distracting me.

  • Recommended alternatives to SketchUp?
  • I wish they'd add lofting. That would make it more versatile than it is now. Otherwise I really like how it is made.

  • Grammatik in Europa....
  • Deutsch 2 just dropped

  • Linux on non-PCs/Laptops
  • It's Aldi in Germany. Running Linux however does not prevent these machines from getting errors all the time so often times there are only 3/6 machines available since an employee has to reset the software manually.

  • Linux on non-PCs/Laptops
  • I saw the self checkout machines in my supermarket being restarted a few times and caught a glimpse of what was shown on the screen. Before they were upgrade some time ago they showed that CentOS was running and now I think that I saw Rocky Linux running on there. So yes, these are definitely out there and used widely.

    Also I've see pictures of Raspberry Pis being used almost everywhere.

  • Firefox Vertical Bar
  • The addon Tree style tabs itself shouldn't have been the problem, or was it? It's hiding the default tabs what's not a smooth process for me.

  • What web browser extensions would you highly recommend to others?
  • I got it work too but wouldn't call it easy. My process involves going to about:config to enable some variable that has a super long name. Then find out where the profiles are saved and remember not to use the "cached" directory version which I always end up on first. Then selecting one of the cryptic profile names and creating some specific directory structure and copying or linking (but no soft linking) my config there.

    A simple checkbox in the settings would be nice, or another browser extension. Or is there an easier process?

  • What web browser extensions would you highly recommend to others?
  • If only it was easier to remove the default tabs from firefox so you don't have duplicate tabs. I recently had problems getting the userCSS to do its thing, trying different directories. In the end the problem however was that I tried to link it with a symbolic link which for some reason doesn't work.

  • X verklagt Firmen, weil sie keine Werbung schalten​
  • Ich gucke mir ehrlich gesagt ganz gerne die Videos mit ihm und Everyday Astronaut wenn sie sich die Space X Produktion angucken an, denn da hat man das Gefühl, dass er wirklich was voranbringt. Das steht mittlerweile aber in starkem Kontrast zu allem was ich sonst von dem Typen höre. Wenn er nicht so viel Müll reden würde hätte er sich die Fassade eines "Genies" denke deutlich länger aufrecht erhalten können.

  • Oklahoma schools in revolt over mandate to teach the Bible
  • In the article it does not say that the bible has to be portrayed positively so I guess you could look for examples of how Christians misuse what is written to justify horrible actions. There are probably also enough examples of how current (repulican) politicians are actively acting in anti christian ways while claiming to be following god.

  • Oklahoma schools in revolt over mandate to teach the Bible
  • I guess you would comply with that if you were to compare the bible to other religious scriptures everytime it is talked about and show how they influenced society. I don't see why this should be not allowed.

    Edit: This was meant in a malicious compliance kind of way. In no way I am saying that this is a great law.

  • Any immutable distros like Chrome OS? (Desktop part of the project)
  • I'm using Aeon and I'm happy with it, especially the auto updates since i now never really have to actively think about updating (just reboot when you can to get the new stuff). It has a minimal immutable base system and the recommended way of installing apps is to use Flatpaks from Flathub for GUI and distrobox for terminal apps (GUI apps can also be exported from Distrobox to be launched like all the other flatpaks). Distrobox even allows you to install packages from different distros in separate containers so it doesn't really matter that your base system is openSUSE.

    It's not made for tinkering but rather to have one very similar configuration on all Aeon installs to make troubleshooting easier. However it is still in release candidate stage so it might be required to reinstall once a new RC version comes out or once it is released.

  • Are We Too Dependent on Microsoft?
  • What would you suggest to solve this?

  • Trump Dodges ABC and Demands Fox Debate With Harris.
  • One might even say snowflake

  • How was your experience using Linux in college?
  • Studying mechanical engineering at a university in Europe at the moment and using Linux exclusively on my main laptop for a few years now. Mostly it's totally fine since I almost always work with PDF documents while studying and when working in groups we always use something cloud based (Office365) to enable simulataneous editing anyway so no problem there.

    However recently we had had to use a program to get bonus points that only runs on Windows and not even inside a virtual machine. Also CAD software is essentially Windows only (I got by using Fusion360 online but it's much slower than the native app).

    So I guess you should be fine, especially since some university/college staff are also Linux enthusiasts but it will probably vary wildly based on where you're studying.

  • Most enjoyable content for the least amount of storage
  • Soem years ago I played a few hundred hours of Terraria and was always surprised how much enjoyment you could get out of the ~ 30 MB that it was when installed. Don't know about it today though since it has received quite a few updates since then.

  • Karmmah Karmmah
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