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What's your most ridiculous pet peeve?
  • I hate to be prescriptivist at all, but for some reason my pet peeve is mixing things up like “peek” vs “peak”, “weary” vs “wary”, and “apart of” vs “a part of”.

    English is a silly language and has been imposed around the world by genocide and violence. It can’t even come up with spelling and/or pronunciation reforms to make itself more easily understood. Deeply unserious.

  • Raygun meant to do that
  • OP is cooking up some delicious copypasta

    Raygun meant 👀 to do 🤤 that 👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 Dr. 👨 Rachael Louise “Raygun” Gunn is a lecturer at Macquarie University, Australia, 🇦🇺 who 📷 has 👏 extensively 👀👣🦱👄🦱 studied and participated in 🔙📥 the Sydney breaking 😩 (more ➕ commonly known 💫 as break 💥 dancing) 👯‍♂️ scene. 🤝🌅 Her 👩 work 🏢 has 👍 primarily focused 😤 on 🔛 studying social 👥 dynamics in 😛 the breaking 😩 scene 🤝🌅 from 😮🐣 feminist 🙅 and queer 👭 perspectives: Gunn has ♌ also ✅😒 demonstrated outstanding ability in 📥👇 the breaking 😩 scene, 🎬 having 🈶 won 😉😉 numerous 👎🏻🐆💯💯 competitions across 🤭 Oceania and garnering wide respect 😱 from 👉 other 💰 Australian breakers. 💔 Gunn has 👏 also 👨 been 🍯 widely 🌎 reported 😱 as having 👉 a background in 👈🔱 Jazz, Tap dancing, 👯‍♂️ and Ballroom dancing. 🕺 I 👈 put 😏 it to you 😱🤯😳 that 📝 Rachael Gunn is intimately familiar with breaking, 😩 to a much 🙀💘 higher 👆 degree than 👉👉 most 💯👥 breakers, 💔 having 😋 both 🌜 personal 💻 and academic experience 😋 with the scene. 🎬 Her 🏻 academic work 😠📝 breaking 😩 down ⬇️ elements of the scene 📰📞 indicate a detailed understanding 🌞 of the moves, 🕺💃🌟 speech, 🗨 social 👥 and cultural contexts, modes of dress, 👗 relationship with gender, 🚹 and numerous 👎🏻🐆💯💯 other 💰 individual 🥖 aspects. She 💁‍♀️ also ➕👨😛 has 🌳 a detailed understanding 🌞 of her 👸 relationship to the scene, 🎬 having 👉 written a paper 🧻 titled The ethics of living 😮😮 a double 👥 life: 😷 rethinking ownership, authenticity, and identity 🆔 in 👇 hip hop 👆 culture, 🏛️🎭🌎 and spoken 😣 in 🙌👏 interviews of being 😑🙄 white 👨🏻 and middle 🤬 class 🏫 in 👏 a scene 🕑 that 🥀 grew from 😂🙃 socially impressed 😳 minorities. 👶 So how 🤔 could 👈 someone 👤 with the demonstrated knowledge 🥖😷🤒 and ability of Raygun not ⛔ score 💯 a single 🚫👆 point 👉🏻 at all, 💯 having 👉 reached the Olympics as the highest scoring competitive b-girl in 🧚🏻 Oceania? Indeed, 👌 Martin Gillian, head 🗣 breaking 😩 judge 👩‍⚖️ at the Olympics, praised 👏🙏 her 👸 performance, and she's 🏆💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ received 💌 extensive support 👍 from 🤤 the breaking 📦 community 💰 in 💖 defence of her 💁‍♂️ routine, so a score 🎼 of zero 👆🏻 seems 👀 impossibly unlikely. The inclusion of breaking 📦 at the Olympic games 🎮 was a controversial topic 🧕🏽😷 ahead 🏻🏻 of its debut, primarily due 💢 to concerns 😟 over ↘️ the corporatization and dilution of breaking 📦 culture 🏛️🎭🌎 inclusion would 💀 bring, 😑 and was widely 🌎 criticised by 😈 the breaking 📦 community. 👩👩 One ☝️ person 👫 who 🤷 studied the divide ➗ in 1️⃣4️⃣9️⃣2️⃣ opinions 👏👏 was Dr 👨 Rachael L 💀 Gunn, who 🤷👫 in 👏 2023 published 🤓 The Australian breaking 😩 scene 📹🎬 and the Olympic Games: 🎮 The possibilities 💡 and politics of sportification, which 👏 criticised the IOC and WDSF’s implementation and homogenisation of the scene. 📰📞 From 🚥 the conclusion 🔚 of the paper: 📄 >[...] the concerns 😟 are centred on 🔛 the impact 💰 upon 💰 culture, 🏛️🎭🌎 and a potential 💪🏼🧠 loss ❌ of agency 🧑🏼‍💻 and self-determination. Isolated from 👉 neighbouring countries, 🇺🇸 and consisting of distinct, localized scenes 🎬 guided by 😆 individual 🥖 agents, top-down decision-making led by 😈 the WDSF already 👋 impacts the social 🤳👬 organization, ✊ identities and hierarchies of respect 💯 within 🎉 the Australian breaking 😩 scene. 🎬 >While 🐏 sport 🎣 and the Olympics are framed as ‘great 👍 equalizers’, the exclusivity of Australia’s sporting institutions along 🕺💃 gendered, class 😛 and racialized lines ➖ means 🙌🏻😮 that 💯 breaking’s sportification may 🤷📅 in 👊 fact 😽 impact 💰 the accessibility of breaking. 📦 While 💯 the ABA aims to ensure 🤗 that 👹 Australian breakers 💔 retain self-determination and agency 🧑🏼‍💻 through 💸 this Olympic process, 💻 there 💓💔💑 are many 👬 obstacles that ⏪👀 come 🕺 with the introduction 🎮 of concepts like 💋❤️ governance, transparency and accountability. Making 🏽 global 🌎 what 😦 is essentially 💯 a localized practice invariably requires 📣 standardization, homogeneity, professionalism and risks 😐 further 🌉 moving 🚚 breaking 📦 away 😂 from 🧚‍♀️ its African American 🇺🇸🦅 and Latin 🔠 cultural traditions and histories. I 🙋🏻‍♀️ put 🚮🚮🚮 it to you 😈 that 👊👉 Raygun's olympic performance was in 🧚🏻 fact 📕 carefully 👌 calculated 🚜🚜 to show 📺 off 📴 breaking 😩 without ❌ meeting 🥩🥩 a single 🚫👆 olympic criteria, as a protest against 🚫 the inclusion of the sport, 🏁 choosing to show 🌵 breaking 😩 off 🎮 as an artistic 👨‍🎨🎨 medium 🔉 rather 👉 than 😻 athletic 👟 one. 😡 Using 🤳 movements 📦 that 😐 were 👥👥 specifically 🔵🔵 contextual to Australia's presence 🏽 in 👍🏻 an international 🌎🌎 space, 🌎 her 👸 performance was a criticism of the IOCs attempt 🚫 to represent 🇺🇸 breaking 😩 as a gymnastic sport 🚴 rather 👉 than 😻 artistic 👨‍🎨🎨 expression, and directly intended to sabotage the inclusion of breaking 😩 - and expected 🤰🙄 resulting gentrification of the scene 🎬 - in 👏 the Olympics. Currently 😗 it has 👏 been 🍯 confirmed 🚤 that 🚪 the 2028 Olympic Games 🎱 will 🔥 not 🙅 feature breaking, 📦 and there 😌 are currently 😗 no ⛔ plans 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 to include 📲 it in 🙈 the 2032 Games. 🎮 Raygun wins. 🏆

  • China's 1,000-km/h 'high-speed flying train' full-sized test line passes acceptance
  • The concept of a transportation system in a low-pressure tube was proposed in 2013 by Elon Musk, who called it Hyperloop, but his company focusing on developing the system - Hyperloop One - was shut down at the end of 2023, Reuters has reported.

    The official website of UK-based Virgin showed that its Virgin Hyperloop made its first successful passenger test in 2020.

    Is this hy🅱️er🅱️🅾️🅾️🅱️ but better and real?

  • NYT: "Why Paper Checks Refuse to Die"
  • From what I’ve read, it doesn’t look like FedNow is a person to person service yet. If your banks participate in FedNow, it looks like it depends heavily on how your bank decides to implement it

  • NYT: "Why Paper Checks Refuse to Die"
  • Payment technology and techniques are a rabbit-hole interest for me, and I think the advent of the FedNow system in the US is a very good idea.

    Of course, I’m not holding my breath. Payment in the US is historically very decentralized and change happens very slowly. ACH (Automatic Clearing House) is the main way USians make payments electronically. It serves as the backend for other technologies like Paypal and Venmo. It only came about in 1978, and was consolidated into one system in the early 90s.

    ACH kind of stinks, though. It’s slow (not unheard of for payments to take 3 working days), doesn’t operate on weekends or US holidays, and transactions require the sender to know the receiver’s routing number and bank account number which is hilariously insecure. With that information, it’s easy to drain someone’s account and make their life very difficult.

    Many checks these days are handled as ACH payments because they have all the necessary information to complete one printed on the check. But regardless, because banks don’t trust each other, checks were physically mailed and flown across the country between sending banks, their local Fed branches, any intermediary banks, the Fed branch closest to the receiving bank, and the receiving bank until 20 years ago.

    The reason for this? September 11!

    Thanks for reading, and remember that the US is a deeply unserious country.

  • When were you when shreks bear dies

    i was sit at home putting cat outside when sergei ring

    ‘shreks is die’


    and you??????????????

    The Steeldrivers - Where Rainbows Never Die [Bluegrass, Folk, Country]

    Country music heads may recognize the vocalist as Chris Stapleton. The Steeldrivers was one of his earlier projects.

    Mods are asleep, post cool airplane liveries

    Salmon Thirty Salmon is always a classic


    The newer version is even cooler. It’s called “X̱áat Ḵwáani” (Tlingit for “Salmon People”) and is designed by an Indigenous Alaskan artist.


    Stan Walker - Māori Ki Te Ao [Pop, Reggae] (2024)

    See here for the lyrics in te reo Māori and English:

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Jacobo_Villa_Lobos [he/him]
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