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Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • I was more thinking any and all forms if sex work, however you want to transpose their equivalents in a post-scarcity society.

  • J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History”
  • This man is talking about rape survivors who want female-only care, the nurses currently suing their health trust for making them change in front of a man, girls and women losing sporting opportunities to males and female prisoners incarcerated with convicted sex offenders.

    It's hilarious that she's making these seem like widespread issues when most of them are literally just one incident, or aren't happening at all. These are the best examples she can come up with of legitimate grievances against trans people?

    How about "bullied to suicide, denied medical care, housing discrimination, employment discrimination, and getting violently hate crimed at enormous rates" for the other side of this issue? Even if you think trans identities are invalid, at least pretend to treat them with the same respect you would other human beings. But no, trans people who are just trying to survive day-to-day are nonchalantly grouped in with pedophile rapists, as if those two things are in any way equivalent.

    It's easy to hate someone when you just ignore what they really are and supplant it with something else entirely.

  • yikes rule
  • The more you read into the themes of Rowling's work, the more you realize she just has very poor media literacy in general.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • I hope you're right, because tools like these are going to be used whether we like it or not ha.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • I don't agree, I think it's possible to compartmentalize certain sexual activities as not romantic and also not obligation-based, while still being fulfilling and work-related in a post-scarcity society. Like helping clients overcome sexual insecurity or barriers with sex surrogacy, for instance.

  • lobotomite rule
  • Taxes exist to provide common goods, I think preventing mass food insecurity is a common good lol. Healthier population of your country is good for everyone in it, not just the people getting the food.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • Other commenter is right, I was thinking more things like creating pornography or sex surrogacy, things that people would find fulfilling and choose to do irrespective of what incentives may or may not be on offer, and would qualify as more traditional "work".

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • There are absolutely individuals who shame those who buy these things (think those who make fun of OF subscribers), but overall I would say you're right.

    I think a lot of that is the fact that sex workers are more public-facing than their clients, making them targets for stigma.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • This is absolutely true, I just think that it would be less stigmatized. I don't think it's possible to completely eradicate the stigma, it's just too difficult to compartmentalize these things for some.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • There are more forms of sex work than just prostitution, though. Porn, sex surrogacy, etc. People can find those rewarding outside monetary incentive.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • True, but there are more aspects to sex work than just exchanging sex for something else. Creating pornography, for instance, is something some people already choose do just for fun, even without economic incentive.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • Maybe you're right, but I also think that depends on the idea that other aspects of sex work beyond just sex for money wouldn't be fulfilling to anyone without incentive. Creating pornography, for instance. Maybe that's true in an "all work is degrading" type of way. Maybe it's just semantics around the word "work".

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • True, it would have to be post-scarcity to be ethical then.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • Post-scarcity is more accurate for what I was imagining, yes.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • It does if they formally define it as their career path and treat it as such.

    Sex work is more than just having sex with people for fun. There's layers, specializations, and skill to it. Not all of it is strictly physical. Someone might want to just go on a date after their spouse passed away, for instance. Handling that situation requires a lot of emotional maturity and your skill in those situations improves with experience.

    Edit: better examples would be sex surrogacy or porn creation.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • There can be other forms of compensation in currencyless societies, so not necessarily. There's also just the personal fulfillment aspect, which is supposed to be the main thing motivating people to work in this hypothetical.

    Edit: Other forms of compensation would re-introduce ethical questions, so that's probably a bad suggestion. It would have to be a post-scarcity society, as others have pointed out.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society

    Thinking about this because of a greentext I saw earlier complaining about OF models.

    It feels like a lot of the stigma surrounding sex work in the modern day (that doesn't just boil down to misogyny/gender norms/religion) is based on the fact that selling intimate aspects of one's self places a set value on something that many see as sacred; something that shouldn't have monetary value.

    Not to say anything about the economic validity of a society without currency, but I think that, hypothetically, if that were to exist, sex work would be less stigmatized since this would no longer be a factor. Those engaged in sex work would be more likely to be seen as doing it because it's something they are good at/enjoy, and less because it's an "easy" way to make money, as some think. It would also eliminate the fear of placing set value on social, non sex-work related intimacy (not that those fears were well-founded to begin with).

    Anon doesn't like simps
  • Take valid social commentary about capitalism's commodification of intimate relationships and the impact that has on our ideas of dating

    Turn it into ridiculous, hyperbolic, misogynistic, victim complex nonsense

    Oh yeah, we're greentexting today.

  • Anon doesn't like simps
  • To be fair, when you're touch-starved and attracted to women sometimes it really feels like they're the most important thing in life lol.

  • Grandma is republican.
  • Grandma is republican suffering from some sort of cognitive decline because this will get her sent to hell if Christianity is correct

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • Reduce teen literacy levels with this one easy step!!! Teachers hate it!!!

  • Cave Waterfall (gf for scale)

    Found this in the middle of nowhere in Kentucky on a road trip.

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