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jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • I'm gonna keep using and recommending LibreWolf for the foreseeable future.

    But I wonder what other alternative web engines do we have with both Chromium and Gecko being run by advertisers now?

    I know Palemoon runs a fork of a really old version of a Gecko and I used it for a bit back when Firefox 58 broke most add-ons. But I'm a bit iffy of it's security these days.

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • As a newer Linux user I really like flatpaks.

    I don't use them for most things I install but proprietary apps I want sandboxed or programs that have weird issues with dependencies I grab the flatpak.

  • Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising
  • I switched a few months back after using Firefox /w ArkenWolf for years.

    It's great having an out the box product I don't have to immediately tweak settings or install 3rd party tweaks & plugins to have a decent experience with.

  • Version 256 of systemd boasts '42% less Unix philosophy'
  • I've been playing around with it in a VM and thinking of throwing over my old Windows drive I haven't used in months to see how well it works on my actual hardware.

    Getting Pipewire setup on it has been a pain in VM and all the fixes others posted online haven't helped me.

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • Half the reason I switched to Linux almost a year ago was to avoid Microsofts forced invasive Ai bullshit. Seeing stuff like Recall has only cemented my decision.

    I could go on a long rant about what I consider "right & wrong" when it comes to Ai but I'm just some dude and wanna use my own computer in the way I want to.

  • At first i thought it's ally
  • I had an original fat model PSP in white and that thing never looked truly clean after the first week no matter how hard I tried! It put me off buying white electronics ever since.

    People who insist on having all white everything scare me.

  • Tuning keys upgrade recommendation?
  • It's a glued neck with a wraparound tailpiece, but it has individual saddles like a tune-o-matic? I setup and intonated it a while back but I'll check it again when I can and see if the screw posts for the bridge have moved at all.

    I also did have an 3x3 LTD guitar before this and didn't have as many issues tuning.

  • Tuning keys upgrade recommendation?
  • New Klusons are a bit out of my budget but I'm seeing people say they get put on eBay 2nd hand semi often so I'm keeping on the look out.

    This seem like the best idea so far though thanks :)

  • Tuning keys upgrade recommendation?

    I got this Harley Benton DC Junior a few years ago and it's been my main axe since.

    Only issue is it has the worse tuning stability of any guitar I've owned, Not only going out of tune but getting it to correct pitch can be spotty in the first place.

    Any ideas for replacement tuning machines? I've already replaced the nut with a graphtech one a while back and it only slightly helped when tuning up. I also don't mind drilling new screw holes if need be.

    I've decided to switch to Linux Mint, but i have a lot of pirated games. How to play them with all the cracks and stuff in linux?
  • I ain't gonna say it's as easy as Windows but I personally haven't had too much trouble running cracked games using the Lutris launcher.

    Lutris also lets you show logs by right click on the game, So if you get an error while playing or loading it gives you something to look up.

    Also you can ask for help over at /c/

    Welcome to the club!

  • Your installation is about to get exploded
  • That was kinda my experience as well when I ran vanilla Arch for a bit, First day was just finding and installing stuff that already came on Endeavour.

    After I had an SSD issue had to switch to another drive I didn't really see grabbing regular Arch again as worth the extra hassle.

  • Why Do You Pirate Music?
  • Not only that but the original mixes of albums often don't get put on streaming platforms because of licensing bullshit or whatever.

    And especially for rock and metal the newer remasters of popular albums tend to be pretty bad and overly compressed or have weird post EQ added.

  • [Help] DeckMTP working in April 2024?

    I just got Deck a few days ago. At first I was trying to sync files (Minecraft worlds, Gamesaves etc) using Syncthing but my WiFi was too spotty for it to work consistently and kept disconnecting. It also makes downloading games take forever, I can download a 30gb game in around 2+ hours on my wired desktop but it took almost half a day to download the same game on my Deck.

    I eventually found DeckMTP which lets you just copy files over USB C like you would do on your phone. But even after switching my Bios USB setting to DRD it still wouldn't connect to my Linux desktop.

    Apparently some SteamDeck bios update broke the DeckMTP plugin? But I'm finding a lot of conflicting information on the cause and solutions online, People saying it still works fine or that I have to update the bios manually or downgrade it to a previous version. Please tell me someone here knows what's going on? Thanks in advance!

    First real Arch user moment [Mission Failed]

    (Bonus update) I'm back on KDE6 and it's actually working! I ran Cinnamon for about a day before missing KDE and tried a fresh install of EndeavourOS. It worked fine, Wayland still doesn't work but I'm only getting minor bugs with x11 compared to when I tried to update from 5.27

    (Update) Well finally back on my desktop but sadly not on my original install, Thanks for all the help and advice! Sadly every path just sent me into another brick wall, I'm starting to think my drive itself is physically failing as I couldn't mount it in chroot and even had trouble reformatting it...I'll keep an eye on it and not save anything important to it.

    I've decided I'm just not cut out for vanilla Arch just yet and gone back to Endeavour but this time with Cinnamon (for now) Thanks again!

    After upgrading to KDE 6 and experiencing too many bugs for it to be useable for me I went back to a snapshot I made right before upgrading.

    Now I've spent half my Friday tracking down different systemctl errors and trying to fix corrupted conf files from live USB environments, physically unplugged all but my nvme boot drive.

    Rn I'm in a situation where I'm getting

    [FAILED] Failed to mount /boot. See 'systemctl status boot.mount' for details [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Local File System.

    Then it's asking to give root password or press control-D, which I've dealt with before but this time my keyboard just doesn't work

    I tried to just sort it myself reading the Arch Wiki before begging for help on forums but I'm kinda at my wits end, This is a pretty new Arch installed and the first time using btfs on my main drive, I last updated maybe 4 days ago before today. I've also successfully restored from timeshift snapshots on this install before without issues.

    Any help where to go from here would be great, thanks in advance.

    [Solved!] Lutris/Wine outputting audio to disabled audio devices.

    (Solution) I was missing lib32-libpulse from my install, I guess it was a default on EndeavourOS and that's why I never knew about it.

    I have both my monitors in-build speakers disabled within KDEs audio panel and have my FiiO USB DAC set as the default audio output.

    But games running through Lutris are still outputting audio through my monitor and won't detect my DAC, even cycling through the outputs in game won't show the correct one. I've tried forcing the audio output using the Wine Configuration panel on Lutris and it seems to do nothing.

    This is on a fresh Arch install using pipewire, I never had this issue running the same games with the same system setup on Pop_OS or EndeavourOS.

    Hopefully someone has a fix, Thanks in advance!

    [Support] Steam Black Ops 3 white texture bug

    I've been playing Black Ops 3 through Proton just fine until a few days ago some of the textures mainly transparent ones like glass turned bright white, It happened after I switch from running the game on GE-Proton 8-9 to 8-25.

    I've tried everything I could think of, switching back to 8-9 and regular Proton Experimental, manually clearing the vulkan cache and even reinstalling the whole game after making sure no files were left over.

    Any ideas how to fix this? I am using an Nvidia GPU, which is normally the cause of my problems...

    Other dual panel file managers similar to Krusader?

    I've been using Krusader for a few months after looking for something similar to Double Commander which I used years ago, It's been mostly great but I've been having a few issues mainly when transferring or archiving larger files.

    I've found making zip & tar archives with in Krusader takes a lot longer than doing so in Dolphin, Also I've recently been having issues when trying to copy or move large amounts of data to separate drives, last night I had a transfer fail on me twice then take a lot longer than expected when I finally fixed that issue.

    I've already looked back at double commander and some of it's forks but stuff like most of them lacking a dark mode has been putting me off using them regularly. I'd ideally like it to be Qt based to it fits my KDE theming, But running a GTK program isn't a deal breaker for me.

    Any advice or ideas would be great thanks in advance!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    He/Him 🏳️‍🌈

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