Stop Uyghur Genocide will seek a judicial review of the Financial Conduct Authority if it greenlights Shein IPO on the London Stock Exchange.
As an addition:
Since 2018, evidence of forced labour of Uyghur and other Turkic and Muslim majority peoples has emerged in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Uyghur Region). [...] Forced labour imposed by private actors is also reported, in addition to forced marriage and organ trafficking, with vulnerability primarily driven by discriminatory government practices. While China demonstrated some efforts to tackle modern slavery through sustained coordination at the national and regional levels – including by adopting a new national action plan for 2021 to 2030[...] – its overall response is critically undermined by the use of state-imposed forced labour.
As an addition:
Since 2018, evidence of forced labour of Uyghur and other Turkic and Muslim majority peoples has emerged in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Uyghur Region). [...] Forced labour imposed by private actors is also reported, in addition to forced marriage and organ trafficking, with vulnerability primarily driven by discriminatory government practices. While China demonstrated some efforts to tackle modern slavery through sustained coordination at the national and regional levels – including by adopting a new national action plan for 2021 to 2030[...] – its overall response is critically undermined by the use of state-imposed forced labour.
As an addition:
Since 2018, evidence of forced labour of Uyghur and other Turkic and Muslim majority peoples has emerged in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Uyghur Region). [...] Forced labour imposed by private actors is also reported, in addition to forced marriage and organ trafficking, with vulnerability primarily driven by discriminatory government practices. While China demonstrated some efforts to tackle modern slavery through sustained coordination at the national and regional levels – including by adopting a new national action plan for 2021 to 2030[...] – its overall response is critically undermined by the use of state-imposed forced labour.
UK: Human rights group threatens legal action over alleged forced labour if authorities greenlight stock listing of Chinese fast-fashion retailer Shein
cross-posted from:
UK campaign group Stop Uyghur Genocide (SUG) will seek a judicial review of the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) decision if it greenlights the initial public offering (IPO) of ultra-fast fashion giant Shein on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).
Shein is poised to pursue a listing on the London Stock Exchange in the upcoming half-year contingent to receiving regulatory consent.
The UK activist group alleges that Shein’s supply chain is tainted by cotton produced through Uyghur forced labour in China.
It asserts the FCA should reject the listing application as so-called use of forced labour in supply chains is unlawful under the Modern Slavery Act, so it says Shein would have to explain company profits in light of proceeds of crime laws.
UK: Human rights group threatens legal action over alleged forced labour if authorities greenlight stock listing of Chinese fast-fashion retailer Shein
Stop Uyghur Genocide will seek a judicial review of the Financial Conduct Authority if it greenlights Shein IPO on the London Stock Exchange.
cross-posted from:
UK campaign group Stop Uyghur Genocide (SUG) will seek a judicial review of the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) decision if it greenlights the initial public offering (IPO) of ultra-fast fashion giant Shein on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).
Shein is poised to pursue a listing on the London Stock Exchange in the upcoming half-year contingent to receiving regulatory consent.
The UK activist group alleges that Shein’s supply chain is tainted by cotton produced through Uyghur forced labour in China.
It asserts the FCA should reject the listing application as so-called use of forced labour in supply chains is unlawful under the Modern Slavery Act, so it says Shein would have to explain company profits in light of proceeds of crime laws.
UK: Human rights group threatens legal action over alleged forced labour if authorities greenlight stock listing of Chinese fast-fashion retailer Shein
Stop Uyghur Genocide will seek a judicial review of the Financial Conduct Authority if it greenlights Shein IPO on the London Stock Exchange.
UK campaign group Stop Uyghur Genocide (SUG) will seek a judicial review of the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) decision if it greenlights the initial public offering (IPO) of ultra-fast fashion giant Shein on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).
Shein is poised to pursue a listing on the London Stock Exchange in the upcoming half-year contingent to receiving regulatory consent.
The UK activist group alleges that Shein’s supply chain is tainted by cotton produced through Uyghur forced labour in China.
It asserts the FCA should reject the listing application as so-called use of forced labour in supply chains is unlawful under the Modern Slavery Act, so it says Shein would have to explain company profits in light of proceeds of crime laws.
The FCA has refrained from commenting on speculative listings, while Shein did not res
Das Problem ist, dass Shein, Temu & Co. sich nicht an die europäischen Vorgaben zum Verbraucherschutz halten und dass die auf ihren Plattformen angebotenen Produkte oft weder legal sind noch den EU-Sicherheitsnormen entsprechen. Die Inhaltsstoffe der Produkte sind etwa krebserregend und fortpflanzungsschädigend und "hundertmal giftiger als erlaubt".
Aber ja, die Inhalte sollten geprüft werden, was nur Sinn ergibt, wenn es entlang der gesamten Lieferkette erfolgt und diese Lieferkette transparent ist. Soweit ich den Medien entnehme, ist es gerade China, das sich einer solchen Transparenz vehement entgegenstellt.
[Edit zur Tippfehlerkorrektur.]
Verstöße gegen den Verbraucherschutz: EU geht gegen Shein und Temu vor
Die EU-Kommission hat eine Untersuchung gegen den chinesischen Online-Marktplatz Shein eingeleitet. Es geht um Verstöße gegen den Verbraucherschutz. Auch gegen weitere Händler will man vorgehen - aber auf anderem Wege.
Die europäischen Verbraucherschutzbehörden gehen wegen sich häufender Beschwerden verschärft gegen den Online-Händler Shein vor. Die Europäische Kommission kündigte ein gemeinsames Verfahren der Behörden in den 27 EU-Staaten an.
Shein verkauft vor allem sogenannte Fast Fashion - also billige Kleidung - über das Internet. Der Konzern war 2012 in China gegründet worden und sitzt inzwischen in Singapur. Laut Verbraucherschutzverbänden häufen sich Kundenbeschwerden wegen mangelnder Qualität der Artikel oder irreführender Rücksendeangaben. "Wir müssen dafür sorgen, dass Waren, die auf unseren Markt gelangen, sicher sind", erklärte EU-Verbraucherschutzkommissar Michael McGrath.
Die Kommission kündigte zudem verschärfte Kontrollen der Behörden an, um mangelhafte Produkte vom Markt zu nehmen. Alle Onlinehändler müssten "die Rechte der Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher achten".
Auch gegen andere große Online-Marktplätze aus China will Brüssel vorgehen - etwa Temu. Konkret schlägt d
European Commission also urges EU lawmakers to phase out exemption on customs duties for parcels under €150
Online retailers such as China’s Shein and Temu will face strict new customs controls as part of a crackdown by the European Commission on “dangerous products” flooding the EU market.
The commission said many of the billions of low-value products that enter the EU each year were not compliant with the bloc’s laws and that European firms that respected the rules were losing out to competitors selling unsafe or counterfeit products.
The European Commission vice-president Henna Virkkunen said the rise in e-commerce had brought “many challenges” and that the EU wanted to minimise “the risks of dangerous products that threaten the health and safety of consumers. We want to see a competitive e-commerce sector that keeps consumers safe, offers convenient products, and is respectful of the environment.”
Last year, 4.6bn low-value parcels entered the EU, equivalent to 12m a day, three times more than in 2022.
The increase in cheap products bought online, often from Chinese companies, i
Ja, genau. Momentan zielt die EU darauf ab, das Gesetz, von dem mir jetzt auch der Name gerade nicht einfällt, zu verwässern ...
Korrigiert, danke.
Council of Europe laid foundations for tribunal to hold Putin accountable for Ukraine invasion
Council of Europe Secretary General Alain Berset has welcomed a major step forward in Brussels today towards creating a Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine, within the...
Council of Europe Secretary General Alain Berset has welcomed a major step forward in Brussels today towards creating a Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine, within the framework of the Council of Europe. The 13th meeting of the international Core Group of senior legal experts laid down the legal foundations of the Special Tribunal, including key elements of its statute.
Created in 2023, the Core Group on the Establishment of a Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine is a group of senior legal experts from around 40 states who have been working with the Ukrainian authorities, the EU Commission, the European External Action Service and the Council of Europe to seek justice for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s aggression.
Schweizer Bundesrat dokumentiert chinesische Repression und Drangsalierung von Minderheiten durch die chinesische Regierung in der Schweiz – und erschrickt
Die Regierung gibt eine Studie über die Drangsalierung von Minderheiten in der Schweiz in Auftrag. Das eindeutige Resultat kommt dem Bundesrat ungelegen.
- Ein Uigure berichtet, wie er in der Schweiz bedroht und überwacht wird – mutmasslich durch China.
- Eine wissenschaftliche Studie im Auftrag des Bundes zeigt, dass das System hat.
- Das Resultat der Studie sorgte im Bundesrat für Nervosität.
- Die Schweiz und China wollen ihr Freihandelsabkommen modernisieren.
«Wir wissen, wo du bist», habe die Stimme auf Chinesisch gesagt. «Wir wissen, was du machst.» So erzählt es Habibulla Izchi, ein Uigure, der mit seiner Familie in Winterthur lebt. Er ist 2016 aus seiner Heimat geflüchtet. 2019 und 2024 habe er anonyme Anrufe bekommen, in denen mutmasslich derselbe Mann ihn bedroht habe. Beim zweiten Mal habe ihn die Stimme auch gefragt: «Hast du Geschwister in China?»
«Meine Schwester und ihr Mann sind seit über vier Jahren in Lagern eingesperrt», sagt Izchi, der für Radio Free A
Reporter besuchen „Shein-Dorf“: Wie Ultra-Fast-Fashion wirklich produziert wird
Arbeitnehmer:innen in Guangzhou [einer Provinz in China] arbeiten demnach bis zu 75 Stunden pro Woche, oft unter Verletzung chinesischer Arbeitsgesetze ... Die extremen Arbeitsbedingungen ermöglichen das Ultra-Fast-Fashion-Geschäftsmodell, dem Shein seinen kometenhaften Aufstieg verdankt. Online gibt es eine gewaltige Auswahl an Kleidern, Tops und anderen Kleidungsstücken schon ab circa zwei Euro zu kaufen. Statt ein paar mal pro Jahr neue Kollektionen zu launchen, veröffentlicht Shein täglich tausende neue Designs. Das Unternehmen wurde 2023 laut BBC auf einen Marktwert von 66 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt, also 63,3 Milliarden Euro.
Die Mehrheit der Befragten erzählte, sie hätten nur einen freien Tag im Monat. Eine Arbeiterin betonte dagegen: „Wenn ein Monat 31 Tage hat, arbeite ich 31 Tage.“ Eine weitere erklärte, dass sie sonntags etwa drei Stunden weniger arbeiten würde.
Chinesische Billig-Plattform Shein: Menschenrechtsgruppe droht vor Börsengang mit Klage in Großbritannien
Die Menschenrechtsgruppe „Stop Uyghur Genocide“ will gegen Sheins geplanten Börsengang in London juristisch vorgehen. Der Online-Modehändler soll in seiner Lieferkette Baumwolle aus Zwangsarbeit nutzen – ein Vorwurf, den Shein vehement bestreitet. Die britische Finanzaufsicht muss nun entscheiden, o...
Der chinesische Online-Modehändler Shein plant eine Börsennotierung in London, doch nun stellt sich ein Menschenrechtsverband gegen das Vorhaben, wie The Telegraph berichtet. Die Gruppe „Stop Uyghur Genocide“ kündigte an, eine gerichtliche Überprüfung der Entscheidung zu beantragen, falls die britische Finanzaufsicht (FCA) dem IPO zustimmt. Der Vorwurf: Shein könnte in seiner Lieferkette Baumwolle aus Zwangsarbeit der uigurischen Minderheit in China nutzen.
Die FCA hat sich zu laufenden oder geplanten Börsengängen nicht geäußert. Die Hürden für eine gerichtliche Überprüfung sind hoch. Ein ähnlicher Fall aus dem Jahr 2023 zeigt das: Die Umweltorganisation ClientEarth hatte gegen die Zulassung des Ölproduzenten Ithaca Energy geklagt, scheiterte jedoch vor Gericht.
Die USA und verschiedene Menschenrechtsorganisationen werfen der chinesischen Regierung vor, Uiguren in der Region Xinjiang systematisch zu unterdrücken, unter anderem durch Zwangsarbeit. Peking weist diese Vorwürfe zurü
Der Mann der Großkonzerne: Das Lobby-Netzwerk des deutschen CDU-Kanzlerkandidaten Friedrich Merz
Merz steht der Wirtschaft nah – vielleicht zu nah. CORRECTIV-Recherchen weisen neue Verbindungen zu BASF nach und werfen heikle Fragen auf.
Der Chemieriese BASF bestätigt erstmals frühere Mandate des CDU-Kanzlerkandidaten. Recherchen zeigen, welche Unternehmen nach der Wahl von der Nähe zu Friedrich Merz profitieren könnten. Schon jetzt stimmt das CDU-Wahlprogramm teils wortgenau mit Forderungen der Chemie- und Metallindustrie überein.
Bezahlter Hass: Parteien schalten irreführende Werbeanzeigen auf Facebook und Instagram
Zur Bundestagswahl 2025 können auch falsche Informationen für wenig Geld in die Feeds von Nutzern bei Facebook und Instagram gelangen.
Auf Meta-Plattformen schalten Politiker und Parteien im derzeitigen Bundestagswahlkampf billige Anzeigen, um Hass und eindeutige Falschinformationen zu verbreiten.
... die AfD setzt auf diese Strategie im Wahlkampf – aber auch in den Feeds und Timelines von demokratischen Parteien wie der FDP oder dem BSW finden sich Aussagen, die entweder irreführend, nicht belegbar, abwertend oder schlicht falsch sind.
Die FDP-Bundestagsfraktion [schaltete] im Dezember 2024 zwei Anzeigen, in denen behauptet wird, dass alle zwei Minuten ein Job in der Industrie verloren gehen würde. Verbunden mit Kritik am Verbrenner-Aus und der Warnung vor einer „existenziellen Bedrohung für die Automobilindustrie“. Auf Nachfrage gibt die Partei allerdings keine stimmige Quelle für diese Aussage an und bezieht sich generell auf den Rückgang der Beschäftigung in der Industrie.
Martin Gornig, Forschungsdirektor für Industriepolitik am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), kann die Aussagen
Australian Federal election 2025: Taiwan offers to help counter online disinformation in lead-up to poll
Taiwan’s top diplomat in Canberra says Taipei stands by to offer advice in tackling disinformation campaigns as Australia braces for a surge in conspiracy theories and fake news ahead of the election.
Taiwan’s top diplomat in Canberra has said Taipei stands by to offer Australia advice in tackling disinformation campaigns as the nation braces for a surge in conspiracy theories and fake news in the run up to the Federal election.
The Australian Electoral Commission has expanded its efforts to counter false or misleading information about the voting process, with a “Stop and Consider” campaign designed to help voters spot AI deep fakes and false rumours on the internet.
After spending years on the front lines against cyber-attacks and online propaganda campaigns, Taiwan has become a world leader in identifying and tackling disinformation and is already exchanging information with the UK and other European nations about its strategy.
The Taiwanese had developed a strong mechanism for independent fact-checking groups to work hand in hand with government ministries to quickly stamp out fake news, explained Douglas Hsu, Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia, in an exclusive interv
No, it's not open source. Only the model weights are open, the datasets and code used to train the model are not.
... doing things properly and everything is local then Deepseek reportedly has some efficiency advantages that make it worth considering over alternatives
DeepSeek isn’t uncensored if you run it locally (, and this is just one issue among many others.
I never believed that myth either, but it's been around here on Lemmy these days :-)
The Australian government says the Chinese AI app is a threat to it and its assets.
cross-posted from:
Australia has banned DeepSeek from all government devices and systems over what it says is the security risk the Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) startup poses.
Growing - and familiar - concerns
Western countries have a track record of being suspicious of Chinese tech - notably telecoms firm Huawei and the social media platform, TikTok - both of which have been restricted on national security grounds.
An Australian science minister previously said in January that countries needed to be "very careful" about DeepSeek, citing "data and privacy" concerns.
The chatbot was removed from app stores after its privacy policy was questioned in Italy. The Italian goverment previously temporarily blocked ChatGPT over privacy concerns in March 2023.
Regulators in South Korea, Ireland and France have all begun investigations into how DeepSeek handles user data, which it stores in servers in C
The Australian government says the Chinese AI app is a threat to it and its assets.
cross-posted from:
cross-posted from:
Australia has banned DeepSeek from all government devices and systems over what it says is the security risk the Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) startup poses.
Growing - and familiar - concerns
Western countries have a track record of being suspicious of Chinese tech - notably telecoms firm Huawei and the social media platform, TikTok - both of which have been restricted on national security grounds.
An Australian science minister previously said in January that countries needed to be "very careful" about DeepSeek, citing "data and privacy" concerns.
The chatbot was removed from app stores after its privacy policy was questioned in Italy. The Italian goverment previously temporarily blocked ChatGPT over privacy concerns in March 2023.
Regulators in South Korea, Ireland and France have al
The Australian government says the Chinese AI app is a threat to it and its assets.
cross-posted from:
Australia has banned DeepSeek from all government devices and systems over what it says is the security risk the Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) startup poses.
Growing - and familiar - concerns
Western countries have a track record of being suspicious of Chinese tech - notably telecoms firm Huawei and the social media platform, TikTok - both of which have been restricted on national security grounds.
An Australian science minister previously said in January that countries needed to be "very careful" about DeepSeek, citing "data and privacy" concerns.
The chatbot was removed from app stores after its privacy policy was questioned in Italy. The Italian goverment previously temporarily blocked ChatGPT over privacy concerns in March 2023.
Regulators in South Korea, Ireland and France have all begun investigations into how DeepSeek handles user data, which it stores in servers in C
The Australian government says the Chinese AI app is a threat to it and its assets.
Australia has banned DeepSeek from all government devices and systems over what it says is the security risk the Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) startup poses.
Growing - and familiar - concerns
Western countries have a track record of being suspicious of Chinese tech - notably telecoms firm Huawei and the social media platform, TikTok - both of which have been restricted on national security grounds.
An Australian science minister previously said in January that countries needed to be "very careful" about DeepSeek, citing "data and privacy" concerns.
The chatbot was removed from app stores after its privacy policy was questioned in Italy. The Italian goverment previously temporarily blocked ChatGPT over privacy concerns in March 2023.
Regulators in South Korea, Ireland and France have all begun investigations into how DeepSeek handles user data, which it stores in servers in China.
Generally, AI tools will analyse the prompts sent to them to improve their
No, DeepSeek isn’t uncensored if you run it locally
DeepSeek's model is censored at both the application and training layers, a Wired investigation shows.
cross-posted from:
There’s an idea floating around that DeepSeek’s well-documented censorship only exists at its application layer but goes away if you run it locally (that means downloading its AI model to your computer).
But DeepSeek’s censorship is baked-in, according to a Wired investigation which found that the model is censored on both the application and training levels.
For example, a locally run version of DeepSeek revealed to Wired thanks to its reasoning feature that it should “avoid mentioning” events like the Cultural Revolution and focus only on the “positive” aspects of the Chinese Communist Party.
A quick check by TechCrunch of a locally run version of DeepSeek available via Groq also showed clear censorship: DeepSeek happily answered a question about the Kent State shootings in the U.S., but replied “I cannot answer” when asked about what happened in Tiananmen Sq
No, DeepSeek isn’t uncensored if you run it locally
DeepSeek's model is censored at both the application and training layers, a Wired investigation shows.
cross-posted from:
There’s an idea floating around that DeepSeek’s well-documented censorship only exists at its application layer but goes away if you run it locally (that means downloading its AI model to your computer).
But DeepSeek’s censorship is baked-in, according to a Wired investigation which found that the model is censored on both the application and training levels.
For example, a locally run version of DeepSeek revealed to Wired thanks to its reasoning feature that it should “avoid mentioning” events like the Cultural Revolution and focus only on the “positive” aspects of the Chinese Communist Party.
A quick check by TechCrunch of a locally run version of DeepSeek available via Groq also showed clear censorship: DeepSeek happily answered a question about the Kent State shootings in the U.S., but replied “I cannot answer” when asked about what happened in Tiananmen Sq
No, DeepSeek isn’t uncensored if you run it locally
DeepSeek's model is censored at both the application and training layers, a Wired investigation shows.
There’s an idea floating around that DeepSeek’s well-documented censorship only exists at its application layer but goes away if you run it locally (that means downloading its AI model to your computer).
But DeepSeek’s censorship is baked-in, according to a Wired investigation which found that the model is censored on both the application and training levels.
For example, a locally run version of DeepSeek revealed to Wired thanks to its reasoning feature that it should “avoid mentioning” events like the Cultural Revolution and focus only on the “positive” aspects of the Chinese Communist Party.
A quick check by TechCrunch of a locally run version of DeepSeek available via Groq also showed clear censorship: DeepSeek happily answered a question about the Kent State shootings in the U.S., but replied “I cannot answer” when asked about what happened in Tiananmen Square in 1989.
2024 saw Europe post a record year for the production and use of renewable energies, leading the way for clean energy in the world, report says
2024 saw Europe post a record year for the production and use of renewable energies, leading the way for clean energy in the world.
cross-posted from:
In the European Union (EU), 47% of electricity now comes from renewable sources like wind and solar, a new record according to a report from the think tank Ember. This is a far higher percentage than in other countries, including the United States and China, where about two-thirds of energy comes from fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas.
For the first time in 2024, solar energy surpassed coal in generating electricity across all 27 EU member states, while natural gas production of electricity fell for the fifth year running.
Climate change experts are encouraged by Europe’s continued push toward cleaner energy, especially as the new U.S. administration pushes for increased fossil fuel use.
“Fossil fuels are losing their grip on EU energy,” said Chris Rosslowe, the lead author of Ember’s ‘European Electricity Review’. “Back in 2019, at the start of the European Green Deal, few believed the energy transiti
2024 saw Europe post a record year for the production and use of renewable energies, leading the way for clean energy in the world, report says
2024 saw Europe post a record year for the production and use of renewable energies, leading the way for clean energy in the world.
cross-posted from:
In the European Union (EU), 47% of electricity now comes from renewable sources like wind and solar, a new record according to a report from the think tank Ember. This is a far higher percentage than in other countries, including the United States and China, where about two-thirds of energy comes from fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas.
For the first time in 2024, solar energy surpassed coal in generating electricity across all 27 EU member states, while natural gas production of electricity fell for the fifth year running.
Climate change experts are encouraged by Europe’s continued push toward cleaner energy, especially as the new U.S. administration pushes for increased fossil fuel use.
“Fossil fuels are losing their grip on EU energy,” said Chris Rosslowe, the lead author of Ember’s ‘European Electricity Review’. “Back in 2019, at the start of the European Green Deal, few believed the energy transiti
Yeah, the European Union is also good. For the first time in 2024, solar energy in the EU surpassed coal in generating electricity across all 27 EU member states, while natural gas production of electricity fell for the fifth year running.
In the European Union (EU), 47% of electricity now comes from renewable sources like wind and solar, a new record according to a report from the think tank Ember. This is a far higher percentage than in other countries, including the United States and China, where about two-thirds of energy comes from fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas.
As I said, tthe narrative that China as leading the path to a better climate is simply wrong. China's track record regarding the fight against climate change is -very much as those of most other larger countries- an absolute disaster:
Etwas wird nicht dadurch besser, weil es vorher schon mal wer gemacht hat.
That's an oversimplification of the article. It's not that "we should burn fossil fuels." China should rather stop burning them.
China's measures to fight climate change are highly insufficient as per practically all independent metrics, and the Chinese government doesn't appear to be even willing to reduce its emissions. It keeps on to produce a massive amount of overcapacity to to flood the world (and especially the global south) with cheap products for geopolitical and economic gains.
See my comment above regarding the state actors. The Chinese government apparently tries to influence the narratives on Tiktok.
I would also like to make some criticism of the so-called 'manufactured consent'. Chomsky and Herman made some points on corporate media, but their conclusion is wrong. People do not consent on news just because they can't influence the content. You can 'manufacture the news' -as is done by corporate media in the U.S. and 'the West' as well as in China by the Communist Party- but that does not mean people consent.
China, in particular, has developed sophisticated strategies to control narratives and influence public opinion through digital platforms. This phenomenon, often referred to as “networked authoritarianism,” involves state actors using subtle tactics like algorithmic manipulation and strategic content curation to shape narratives on popular social media platforms.
No, it's not entirely open source as the datasets and code used to train the model are not.
In addition to my comments, we can add that Wiz Research uncovered exposed DeepSeek database leaking sensitive information, including chat history.
TLDR: DeepSeek had left over a million lines of sensitive data exposed on the open internet, including digital software keys.
Deepseek ist nicht Open Source, aber die Entwickler von Hugging Face arbeiten an einer offenen Version:
Hugging Face developers are in the process of building a fully open reproduction of DeepSeek-R1
In related news:
Using algorithmic jailbreaking techniques, our team applied an automated attack methodology on DeepSeek R1 which tested it against 50 random prompts from the HarmBench dataset. These covered six categories of harmful behaviors including cybercrime, misinformation, illegal activities, and general harm.
The results were alarming: DeepSeek R1 exhibited a 100% attack success rate, meaning it failed to block a single harmful prompt. This contrasts starkly with other leading models, which demonstrated at least partial resistance.
CNBC reports that DeepSeek’s privacy policy “isn’t worth the paper it is written on.”
Seems to be a long way to go, but Hugging Face developers are in the process of building a fully open reproduction of DeepSeek-R1 as the AI is not Open Source as it claims.