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The decentralized web is growing
  • They could, but they're pretty much guaranteed to not be as bad as the big corporations because they lack the resources and know how. The fact that you could also host your own instance is a huge plus considering that you could basically ensure that your data won't get collected.

  • Italy investigates Placebo singer for calling far-right PM ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’
  • You probably think this is a galaxy brain gotcha, when in reality it just shows you're incapable of comprehend the concept of context. I gave an opinion. You can either agree or disagree. If you disagree then either state that you disagree and leave or explain your disagreement. Leaving ad hom and pretending it's an explanation is literally the textbook example of why this fallacy is a fallacy. It doesn't make you any less wrong or me any less right. It just showcases your inability to actually rebuttal what was said. With that being said, if some moron is clearly engaging in bad faith,, then there's nothing for me to explain. There's literally no argument for me to counter, therfore, these morons just get a reflection of their engagement

  • The decentralized web is growing
  • Lemmy is basically just a decentralized clone of reddit. A public profile containing comments, posts, upvotes, and the like are considered an integral part of the Reddit experience. I personally don't like it as a feature, but that's why it exists.

  • What's something that's viewed as socially acceptable today that you think will become unacceptable 20 years from now?
  • Being an omnivore just mean that your diet consists of both meat and plants. We have evolved to eat both for a reason, and we will always eat both. Humanity is not going to abandon meat, ever. The most that will happen is that meat will be produced in labs as opposed to farms, but that's about as far as it'll go. Ideological veganism is a bullshit ideology built on denial, utopias, and misinformation... Just like Marxism. It simply won't happen because it's not realistic. Like can humans technically form a utopia where there's perfect equality, no government, and no money? Sure. Will it happen? No. Same applies here. Can all humans technically live off of plants? Sure. Will it happen? No.

  • Woman suing Texas over abortion ban vomits on the stand in emotional reaction during dramatic hearing
  • female slavery

    Exaggerations like this end up hurting your cause rather than helping it. It shows that you need hyperbole to make your points, which just delegitimizes them. If you just stated things as they are, more people would appreciate your honesty and would be willing to consider your arguments. Banning abortion is authoritarian, harms women, and the bans don't actually reduce abortion rates per the research. That's all you need to say to have most people support you.

  • The decentralized web is growing
  • They're private in the sense that there isn't a corporation stealing your data without your knowledge, selling it without your consent, whoring you out for ads against your will, and/or making your experience shittier to manipulate you into buying their paid features. These alternatives offer a much more pure experience for the typical user. Things like comment and vote history being public is just a part of the design of the forum, they're not tools to farm your data.

  • Woman suing Texas over abortion ban vomits on the stand in emotional reaction during dramatic hearing
  • On one hand, these "protestors" are mostly unhinged nutjobs. But on the other hand, Texas conservatives are also mostly unhinged nutjobs. It's makes it hard for me to sympathize with either, but I hate authoritarianism that much more so I guess I'll side with protestor nutjobs against these bullshit abortion bans.

  • What's something that's viewed as socially acceptable today that you think will become unacceptable 20 years from now?
  • I mean unless someone is living under a rock, one can easily see the massive backlash against the movement and ideology that's going right now throughout the west as pretty good evidence of that. I know you're going to try to defend it, and I don't really care tbh. I'm just pointing out that in a couple of decades this fad is going to be pushed into obscurity and it'll be remembered as a sad and unfortunate thing that was propelled by good intentions, for the most part. Similar to how we view treatment of the mentally ill in mental asylums or the forced assimilation of Native Americans in North America.

  • Italy investigates Placebo singer for calling far-right PM ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’
  • You're a complete retard. This is a semi anonymous decentralized forum. Everything stated on here stands for itself on its own merits. I'm not going to use my Bachelor's in CS to make myself any more "qualified", and neither is anybody on here. The fact that you think there's any sort of qualifications for opinions on a place like lemmy just shows how shallow your mindset is. The reality is that you're just looking for any excuse to dismiss or shut down what I said without feeling like a complete idiot for not being able to provide a rebuttal. You're trying to shield your ignorance with arrogance by pretending that you're "qualified" by having the "right opinions". If you have to resort to do something as desperate and intellectually lazy as digging through someone's profile to provide an ad hom as a replacement for any substance then you already lost. It shows that you have nothing whatsoever.

  • Italy investigates Placebo singer for calling far-right PM ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’
  • I don't have a disdain for ad homs if they actually come attached with something. Whether it's an argument, explanation, rebuttal, literally anything. But if the ad hom is used as a replacement for substance then is it meaningless and fallacious, but also shows a great deal of intellectual laziness.

  • Ok but what is an actually good solution to the whole AI art debacle?
  • The current AI models are going to get fed more data from more sources, have new algorithms to sort and process information, and deliver more sophisticated output. They're going to get better. That's not theory, that's already the case. Regardless, it's already displacing a lot of artists. It's not going to replace artists entirely like how cars didn't entirely take out horses from the economy or how the internet hasn't completely taken out CDs, but these types of professions are going to be a lot more rare and niche. Just like how professional horse riders or CD manufactures tried to protest technology and lost, the same will apply here. Artists have to adapt to the new technology, they can't stop it.

  • Italy investigates Placebo singer for calling far-right PM ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’
  • I agree that it shouldn't affect existing family units, but at the same time this isn't anything unusual. The non biological parent has to go through the normal adoption process to be considered a legal guardian. The same thing should apply to heterosexual couples where one, or both, of the parents aren't the biological parents of the children.

  • The state of Playstore
  • Psst listen up losers. There's this godly app that you could download off the web called Blockada. It can block add inside of games and apps. If you're not a masochist, you should get it.

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