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So One Piece + Stoned = 😎 So One Piece + Stoned = 😎

[@trees]( What are y’all’s thoughts on this mass legalization? Don’t get me wrong, I’m verrrryyy pro green. Been a life changer. But I have been seeing things that the big

@trees What are y’all’s thoughts on this mass legalization? Don’t get me wrong, I’m verrrryyy pro green. Been a life changer. But I have been seeing things that the big backers for this are the alcohol and tobacco industries. Personally I want them as far away from my green as possible. I don’t like the idea of big business and green. Am I looking at this wrong? I like my mom and pop shop. Sure it’s a bummer when they don’t have what I want but I’ve some of the best shit this way.



To our Trans family, you are loved and needed. If you need support please know you can find it here.

Has anyone else noticed the amount of posts on social media tying the negatives of using tobacco to cannabis consumption ?
  • @NocturnalMorning @trees My doctor said it was a worldddd of difference between dry herb vape and smoking. Much healthier.

  • [@gaming]( anybody know much about Dwarf Fortress? Having trouble with stairs and digging out areas.
  • @lightnsfw thanks I’ll give that a more thorough look. I’ve been following it but it seems to conflict with the other info I have seen online. For example I am near my wagon, click m, then t, select the tile for a stair, hit e to go down a level, select that tile and then nothing. I built one randomly this way on a cliff but no idea how I did it and it goes no where. I was able to construct a few stairs with the construction menu and a similar workflow but those don’t seem usable either.

  • [@gaming]( anybody know much about Dwarf Fortress? Having trouble with stairs and digging out areas.
  • @ZombiFrancis maybe explain to me like I’m five how I would ensure those settings are on. Asking for a friend 🤓

  • [@gaming]( anybody know much about Dwarf Fortress? Having trouble with stairs and digging out areas.
  • @lightnsfw thank you!! So far I’m at the tutorial stage and couldn’t get the stairs placed or any digging done form the mining menu. I tried several new games to see if that was the problem but I think it user error.

  • [@gaming]( anybody know much about Dwarf Fortress? Having trouble with stairs and digging out areas.
  • @bionicjoey nope! I’ll take a look, brand new to the game so I didn’t realize there was one as it hadn’t popped up during searches. Thanks!!

  • A message to new users
  • @LongPigFlavor any thoughts on where you’d go?

  • [@mechanicalkeyboards]( thanks to everyone for their help! I went with the Keychron Q5 Pro and am beyond excited to try it out!
  • @Bill so far I love it. It's the perfect size with the ten key, not too big. I went with the banana switches because I like a good click. They're great, not too much where it's annoying but just enough for me to enjoy it.

  • Who else is a little bit stoned rn?
  • @pthaloblue @CrimeDad were you just playing MW2?? I swear to god I just played with somebody with that name.

  • [@trees]( Do y’all grind fresh every time you smoke, or pre grind a bunch and store it in something? Right now I grind every time I smoke.
  • @PutangInaMo makes sense. Sounds like what I do too. I usually just screw my grinder back together and call it good and use the rest the next day and haven’t noticed any particular difference but I don’t live somewhere dry.

  • [@trees]( Do y’all grind fresh every time you smoke, or pre grind a bunch and store it in something? Right now I grind every time I smoke.
  • @artemisRiverborne thank you. That is kind of what I was thinking as well. It seems I was on the right track given the other comments. I appreciate it!

  • GhostCowboy76 GhostCowboy76

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