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Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • There's no better ad for piracy than the greed of corporations. Don't let ads shit in your head. They disrespect you, you disrespect them.

  • After months of reviews, the government has made its first move on the big supermarkets
  • And zero consequences for their egregious past behaviour...

  • After months of reviews, the government has made its first move on the big supermarkets
  • Oh no! A code of conduct! Please stop flogging me with that wet lettuce leaf...

  • Removed
    That's 3 for 3
  • Lol. Nice try. Don't think that works around here.

  • Should you disable AMD Adrenaline while in VR?
  • No, just running a game through steam link to the headset. Adrenalin looks to run it's own settings over the top of the application, thinking it's improving things because it knows the monitor specs, however it doesn't seem to account for the parameters when you are using something like steam link to stream to an external display device.

  • Anyone know what 'natural flavours' means on label packaging?
  • Thanks. I guess I'm still curious. One would think there is more nutrition from consuming, say, a peach extract made from grown peaches, over an artificial representation of one though, surely?

  • SteamVR 2.6 released with experimental improvements to async on Linux
  • Ahhh ok, that makes sense, thanks!

  • SteamVR 2.6 released with experimental improvements to async on Linux
  • Im confused with Steam VR for linux. I cant seem to get it to work, and the FAQs page says vr streaming for linux isn't ready yet. So are these updates just in preparation for a future working capability?

  • iOS 18 in one image. What are you most excited for?
  • I dont really care about any of this crap. Let me install my own internet browsers, fix the poor keyboard hit boxes, let me build my own predictive text library...

  • Purism (creator of FOSS friendly phones and hardware) 2023 financial report , income grew by 350% in three years and the company is profitable
  • Made a complaint to the California Dept of Consumer Affairs. I used the way back machine to show at the I purchased the phone, their policy was "full refund, no questions asked" which they silently changed a few years later and then hide behind as an excuse to deny refunds. Turns out that's illegal.

  • Purism (creator of FOSS friendly phones and hardware) 2023 financial report , income grew by 350% in three years and the company is profitable
  • A shady company that I had to fight tooth and nail to get my money back after literal years of false promises and moving goal posts. They've burned any respected reputation they had.

  • Blade & Sorcery Gets Full Release On Steam Soon, Quest Later This Year
  • Been waiting for full release before trying this out. Fingers crossed the campaign is fun and well fleshed out.

  • Anyone know what 'natural flavours' means on label packaging?
  • Yeh I guess so, but why not just say that?

  • Anyone know what 'natural flavours' means on label packaging?

    These words appear on almost all food labels these days, but they are kind of meaningless. Take something like those flavoured waters, "ingredients: water, flavour". They taste amazing, there's definitely a bunch of 'stuff' in there, but they don't tell us what it is on the label?

    I thought we used to have number codes for additives and what-not that they had to disclose so we knew what was in it. Did the food labelling laws change somehow? Or are these new additives something different which can just hide behind the word 'flavour'? Genuinely curious if anyone has some idea, there doesn't seem to be any explanations on the food standards website...

    Should you disable AMD Adrenaline while in VR?

    I'm using a windows partition for PCVR to a Quest 3 via steam. Some games seem to struggle despite a pretty beefy card (6750 XT).

    My question is whether using adrenaline is a good idea with VR? It doesn't seem smart enough to realise im using VR when it's running, instead choosing settings which match my monitor, meaning it's picking the wrong up scaling and other settings for my headset. Do most people just disable this software, or are there settings which help VR?

    The Talos Principle 2 | Road to Elysium Reveal Trailer | Coming June 14
  • Looks great. Talos principle is hands down the best FPS puzzler

  • Rule
  • Protection from universes beyond crap

  • New Details on Valve's New Game 'Deadlock'
  • "Hero based shooter" I'm out. This smells like Artifact all over again.

  • New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC
  • A lawsuit waiting to happen... someone needs to class action MS for systemic breaches of privacy. Think of all the critical infrastructure, government, medical, policing, etc. systems processing sensitive, private, and in some cases classified, information.

  • Anyone not playing draft due to expensive cost?

    Does anyone else not draft as much as you would on arena because of how expensive it is?

    For a casual drafter that just wants to play around with the new set for maybe 1 or 2 drafts a week, the cost feels so ridiculous I just don't play. I would love to draft MKM but I cant justify the cost to simply play a digital card game. With so many other ways to monetise the game via cosmetics now, it would be nice of WotC to ease up a little and make drafting more free-to-play friendly.


    What's the end state of Universes Beyond?

    The topic of UB is continuing to create controversy as the number of non-Magic IP products explodes. The Professor put out a recent video on the topic predicting a future Universes Within product to make up for all the unique UB cards being added to the mix, but looks like MaRo has quickly shut that idea down.

    What are players who don't like UB supposed to do when there are no Magic versions of those cards? This is now just reality.

    Is there an easier way to start a new post?

    It seems the only way now is to navigate to the community you want to post it, and menu>post. Is there a way to add a post button on the bottom bar perhaps, then have a post screen with a community selection? If not, might be a cool idea for future maybe if enough people think that would be useful. Cheers

    Blue cheese beer?

    I saw an article about a blue cheese beer by some US brewer. Got me thinking, I wonder that this would go? Anyone have an idea how to achieve this? I can only presume throwing some blended cheese into the fermenter would just cause a yeast infection.

    Help finding easter egg in Planet of the Apes

    My friend and I have spent far too long searching on old DVD and Bluray forums for spoilers on how to access the easter egg “Chimp Commentary” supposedly available on the BluRay edition of Tim Burtons infamous Planet of the Apes reboot.

    Hoping that maybe someone else out there may know how we can amuse our tiny ape brains by finding how to enable this easter egg. We’ve tried every combination of menu buttons and no online resources seem to work for the Bluray edition of this film. Has anyone else been able to find this thing?

    Where to tryout/demo VR headsets?

    Looking at picking up a quest 3, but want to try one out before I buy. Doesn’t seem like the usual places (JB, EB, department stores) offer any way to test them? Does anyone know of retailers who have demos?

    Can anyone recommend a better note taking app than the default?

    I’ve been using the notes app to write short thoughts, notes, poems, random ideas, etc and have found it really clunky for this. It has no simple way to edit formatting while typing or after, and a few other designs that seem to distract me. Wondering if anyone else had found this also, and maybe looked around for a better app?

    Thoughts on keeping Daily Discussion Threads?

    G'day all,

    We got a pretty quiet community going here, but hey, that's our CBR style sometimes. I am keen on collecting thoughts on keeping the Daily Discussion Threads going? They don't seem to be very active and can make the community look quite bare, cluttering up the feed.

    Keen for your thoughts

    Bug - Showing pending update despite being on latest ver (1.11.4)

    Have had this issue since the 1.11.4 update, wondering if just me? Icon shows 1 update available, despite being on latest version. Click install, icon still showing update available. On webapp 1.11.14.

    Trying to troubleshoot lower than expected FPS

    Getting around 130fps avg frames, sometime dipping down into the 80's, when playing CS2. Did a recent system upgrade and presumed performance would be better than this for the build?


    • Ryzen 7 5700x 3.4ghz
    • 6750XT 12gb ddr6
    • 16gb 3600mhz ddr4
    • m.2 SSD
    • 144hz , 1440 screen with freesync
    • Running Mint latest version

    Have tried in-game settings at lowest, still not managing to get a stable FPS above 144. Mucking with settings doesn't seem to change performance much. Have set game to run with '-vulkan' which helped reduce some stuttering issues, but not much performance gain.

    I also only get <100fps with other games like BG3. Figured this kit would be able to handle modern games a bit better. Any ideas what's going on?

    EDIT: For future reference, the following changes were made and am now getting ~200fps

    • Enabled asus EZ Tune in BIOS (rather than manually muck with each setting)
    • Updated gpu drivers via 'amdgpu -install'
    • Enable gamemode
    Strange scrolling bug, is it just me?

    I’m running BG3 through Proton (linux OS) so troubleshooting whether glitches are game engine issues or proton issues is tough.

    Apart from some graphical artefact pop-ins which I just ignore, one common glitch im getting is the game not recognising to scroll the camera when you mouse to the edge of the screen. This happens when in windowed or fullscreen mode.

    A work around seems to be using the arrow keys first, after which the game correctly recognises mouse scrolling at screen edge. You have to do this every time between interactions though, which can get annoying.

    Trying to see if this is a proton issue or known game bug. Anyone else experiencing this?

    Far out man, a new server!

    Nice to see a new dudeist community pop up in addition to . Take 'er easy!

    Privacy friendly alternatives to Goodreads?

    Are there any good quality, open-source or community-driven alternatives to goodreads? Something which offers the same discoverability service for similar or related books, including the ability to wishlist and review?

    Fluid Fluid
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