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I always order Popular Problem.
  • Mmmmm.. I love the Normal doubt.

  • When you finally get to watch Discovery and realize it isn't actually an enormous pile of mugato dung
  • Some good, but many many meh episodes.

    To be frank.. if I had to choose between Discovery and Enterprise, I'd take Enterprise.

  • These cubes are not actually moving
  • It's true. I don't see any movement 😥 Why doesn't it work on me?

  • Wells Fargo fires more than a dozen employees for faking work using mouse jigglers and keyboard activity simulation
  • Oh lord. Glad i don't live in a country where that kind of intrusion and surveillance is legal.

  • Dette er ikke promotion, dette er ikke reklame

    Offentlig kunngjøring: Explo Pristine har bedre Battery-smak enn Battery.

    Over 80 percent of new cars sold in Norway were electric in 2023
  • Please provide more information. Thank

  • dall-e 3 "Nordmann som unngår sosiale situasjoner"
  • Haha, et fåkkings minibål på bordet. Han e on faiår.

  • any place to find a large collection of .CHDs (PS1)?
  •, is that your digital marketing partner, or is it mine?

  • ryggsekk til handleturen

    Kanskje noen har letet etter det samme og kan bli hjulpet av dette tipset.

    Jeg har brukt tid på å finne en god ryggsekk til handleturen.

    Kriteriene var at den skulle romme rundt 30 liter, helst ikke ha mange ekstra lommer, hovedlommen måtte være stor og uten noen skillevegger, og sekken skulle ellers være stiv slik at den kunne holde seg stående på selfservice-kassa.

    Denuoniss 32L Jeg kjøpte den fra

    Oppdaget først senere at dette er et "Aliexpress-produkt" så man får den nok noe billigere andre steder.

    (Først og fremst til de som ser etter et alternativ til handleposer og handlenett, uavhengig av miljøfokus. Jeg tror det vil kreve fryktelig mange handleturer før en slik ryggsekk vil være "bærekraftig".)

    Anon doesn't like smokers
  • Hav u seen wot happens if de customer has been doing anodder tobacco, like snus for eksempel?

    laparoscopic case (tiny incisions, camera in the abdomen)

    Thbak u 🌜💥💥😻

  • This (rule)s
  • Lol. That one car actually looks like a Podbike Frikar

  • Forest
  • What the nose be?

  • Telltale Games has reportedly laid off most of their staff
  • Thought Telltale recently got revived or summat..?

  • owo rule
  • If you see OwO written like on a wall or something like this, you are supposed to add a U at the end. "One world, One utopia"

    To show the original OwO messenger that you are part of the Owous.

  • Mozilla review of 25 car brands finds they're "a privacy nightmare"
  • At the very least.. cant the US implement one of the basic rules from GDPR?

    In simple terms, what data can companies keep?

    Data need to have: OK

    Data nice to have: Not OK

  • Spoiler - Shadow curse
  • Sorry, I was a bit quick. Did not notice this was a reply to another reply. 😬👍

  • Spoiler - Shadow curse
  • I used the site in a web browser, and selected the spoiler option in the text editor. Don't know what is going on. When viewing the post there the contents are hidden with a spoiler drop-down.

  • Spoiler - Shadow curse

    After merging(?) Thaniel and Oliver, defeating Ketheric, the shadow curse should be lifted and no more darkness or am I mistaken?

    The darkness is still there, and the quests are completed.

    YSK: You should dry off beef before cooking. Doing so promotes the Maillard Reaction, which will make the meat taste and look better.
  • When we cook food a chemical reaction called the "Maillard reaction" occurs. It has both positive and negative effects. Some products of this reaction act as antioxidants, which are good for our health.. but there is one product called acrylamide that is likely to cause cancer in humans. acrylamide forms from a substance called asparagine found in certain starchy foods like fried snacks, breakfast cereals, baked goods, and roasted coffee beans. The amount of acrylamide produced depends on how long you cook the thing, temperature, and other factors, making it hard to determine exactly how much acrylamide we eat from these foods.