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The Garden of Earthly Delights - Hieronymus Bosch (1490 - 1510)
  • Fun fact, in the right panel on the left bottom ( under the chello (?) thing) is a guy with sheet music an his butt and somebody translatet it into todays music. You can listen to it here

  • Efficient
  • The cars were scared of me 😆

  • Thats exactly how you should do that
  • Look around.... you're in it 🙈

  • Thats exactly how you should do that
  • Klaus sollte es besser wissen...

  • Plasma KDE for Framework 16 Laptop
  • The only "solution" i found was goung back to kubuntu 22.04. Since then it works without Problems. I hope somebody finds the bug and fixes it sometime 🙈 I didn't seem to have problems with ubuntu 24.04. But i didn't try it very long maby i just didn't encounter them.

  • Plasma KDE for Framework 16 Laptop
  • Thanks Kubuntu22 works :)

  • Plasma KDE for Framework 16 Laptop
  • No I'm not sure what the default is I will compare it

  • Plasma KDE for Framework 16 Laptop
  • Thanks I will look into it

  • Plasma KDE for Framework 16 Laptop
  • It shows the Framework logo for a couple of seconds (but no ubuntu or kubuntu logo), and then the screen just goes black, no cursor, nothing. But the powerbutton glows. If I press esc, nothing happens (Normally, I think it shows the output of the boot process)

    I'm not sure what you mean with f12, and I haven't tried it, but I will probably tomorrow.

  • Plasma KDE for Framework 16 Laptop

    Edit: Kubuntu22.04 seems to work. Thanks for your help.

    I've tried to install plasma onto my new Framework 16. When I installed kubuntu directly, then after the second reboot, my laptop didn't start up again. It shows the Framework logo, but then nothing. Then I've tried to install Ubuntu first, and everything worked, but after installing KDE afterwards and rebooting, I've the same problem. Even esc doesn't bring anything up. What am I doing wrong? Does anybody have experience?

    I've used Ubuntu/Kubuntu 24.04

    What are you reading??
  • Jane Eyre - charlotte bronte

    Sadly my first one this year. Do you habe BookWyrm?

  • reasonable
  • Yes go for the grammar You're a hero :)

  • reasonable
  • :)

  • Magnet rule
  • The car is also made out of metal. Why do you need the metal in front?

  • egg😰😰😰irl
  • Sry shouldn't be directed to you.

  • Do you like the egg_irl Titel Rule? (Nr7)

    First of all, I'm not a mod, just a curious user. I was told the rules exist because it was a rule of the original reddit and the community demands it. For me personally, it feels like I'm told how to have fun, so I'm very curious if you like/dislike this rule or if you're indifferent.

  • What a stupid rule🙄 Having to tell people how to have fun🙈

  • On live TV... thats brave

    There are no accidents on this show... No never....

    Budget Cargo Bike
  • That's just genius 🤯 😆

  • What do you use to backup all your photos and documents, cloud or external drive or both?
  • Like I said I haven't found my ideal solution yet. I'm using multiple offline harddrives at my home and at my parents home. So my backup is more or less save from most problems/attacks. But its not really up to date and its a lot of manual work always pluging them in when I want to make a backup und copying the files.

  • What do you use to backup all your photos and documents, cloud or external drive or both?
  • I wouldn't necessarily trust a cloud so I would encrypt my files before uploading and wouldn't use the cloud as my only solution. Because they guarantee for nothing and could just delete your account or their service. But it can expand your backup with another layer.

    (Haven't found my perfect solution, just some thoughts)

  • Feeee23 Feeee23
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