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The East has truly fallen
  • Its really sad she and Jamie are so low tier because they are both insanely cool additions to the whole series and I really hope they stick around for a long time.

  • Liberals after Trump wins
  • This. Its all performative but guaranteed they will be unbearably self righteous and smug about not only how much they care but also about how Harris could have brought about a cease fire if the radical left would just be adults. Palestinians are just a fucking prop to them whatever they claim otherwise.

  • Sickening
  • Quite plausibly (by complete accident, but nevertheless) the single most moral thing Trump has ever done in his life was dodge the fucking draft.

  • Alexandria Ocazio Cortes: "voters should think about the conditions under which they want to organize, and what conditions each candidate would create."
  • Oh yeah, because this fucking administration totally didn't crack down on student led protests or break workers strikes. Shut the fuck up!

  • I hear see you, I hear you; but atleast I'll make the trains run on time(I will not make the trains run on time.)
  • They are basically one step removed, at best, from outright saying: "Palestinian lives don't matter." Thank you, I'm happy I voted green earlier this morning.

  • ICP has entered the arena.
  • JugGOlo TO THE POLLS!!!!

  • In rules-based order news
  • Said it before, and I'll keep saying it ad nauseum everytime its brought up:

    Even if we accept for the sake of argument there's a genocide in Xinjiang of the Uyghurs, I am an American living in America and therefore I (and any serious person in similar conditions) am more pressingly concerned with the currently ongoing genocide my own government is funding and assisting in.

    Anyone out there still moralizing and grandstanding about the uyghurs in the year 2024 is only interested in how they can be used as a political prop.

  • 2024 genocide convention
  • Wait...the hell is this???

  • Should we as hexbear continue to associate with Chapotraphouse?
  • I still listen. I agree they're kinda old and stale especially with half the hosts gone for various reasons but what can I say...I still have one of those parasocial relationships where I feel like I'm hanging out with my friends while I workout.

  • What's a small or silly thing someone has said that has changed your life?
  • Paraphrasing: "That noise and all those wild disjointed hurtful thoughts that your brain produces....did you know that that's actually NOT you and you can tell it 'shush'?"

    It never occured to me that my brain and my thoughts could be kind of externalized like an annoying roommate i'm stuck with but who doesn't define me. Also got me into thinking a lot more about how my body and other senses interact with my brain. I used to have crippling anxious episodes but I have some really good coping tactics/practices now.

  • Reddit criticising Jill Stein for *wanting her opponent to not win*
  • I think everyone should really pause for just a moment to reflect on this cultural moment and why I would submit it is the final nail in the coffin on why libs are not allies. What I find most incredible about their protestations that Kamala and the Dems represent "the best chance" that the Palestinians have and that Trump will somehow be worse on the issue is that all of that is essentially liberals and democratic party line voters basically internalizing and regurgitating REPUBLICAN talking points and propaganda that the democrats themselves keep denying at every single opportunity.

    If Trump wins: the entire democratic party and your liberal friends will suddenly be crying out about how monstrous Trump is and how he's made Gaza 10 times worse. If Kamala wins they can go back to just not giving a shit. Either way they will be smug self righteous assholes about it.

    I'm actually talking myself a bit into believing the idea that the democrats actually want to lose. Losing would essentially absolve them of the responsibility of actually doing anything and let them just sit in a corner and complain about everything.

  • AI Slop is good
  • Our crawdad, too hot in lemon, shallowed be thy bay.

  • Do Kamala and the Dems want to lose?
  • Its jaw dropping and I've been confused also but I THINK in my limited layman's opinion they WANT to win...but only if it can be on their specific terms.

    Like with Israel...I think they may be in a bit of a quagmire. I think they are aware the genocide is broadly unpopular but the problem is that they also fundamentally agree with the zionist agenda and can't decouple themselves from it. Its a bit shocking how they won't even bother to lie about it...but I think they've gamed it out and decided that politically its actually more dangerous/volatile to risk completely ceding that ground to the republicans.

    With the Cheney's....I don't know...I'd be curious what polls show because just anecdotally I know my grandparents and a lot of their Reagan era republican friends who switched during the Obama years fucking love her.

    Speculation: they may be primarily motivated to focus exclusively on that voting bloc because they don't actually expect the democrats to do anything different or material???

  • The Dems know how to get out the vote
  • Its gotten to a point where I'm not sure what the most existentially horrifying outcome of the election even is at this point.

  • The Dems know how to get out the vote
  • Genuinely Jaw dropping. I just went and watched the video because I couldn't believe it, but its just as bad as its implied., about 4 mins in if you want to hear it for yourself.

    I was already prepared to vote green but I'm stunned how little they're even trying to make me have cold feet about it. I don't fucking understand it...why don't they just fucking lie like they do about everything else?!??

  • Do you Hexbears think the Minecrafterinos Starring Jack Black will flop or be a hit?
  • I feel like my kiddo is a solid barometer for what will hit the pop culture.

    His take on the Minecraft movie is he doesn't like the way they screwed up the scale, the crafting, and the weird animation/live action hybrid....but he's still super excited for it.

    I think it will be a decent hit, turn a profit...then completely evaporate and leave no lasting cultural impact.

  • There's no way these ads work on people
  • Sometimes it feels like the American economy, the tech sector at least certainly, is basically just a series of pyramid schemes that are all sort of loosely connected and propping each other up.

  • Who was America's last bearded president?
  • Fifty points to anyone who can find a picture of a president sporting a beard after 1893.

    Do pre-presidency photos count? There's that infamous picture of Bill and Hillary from the 1970s looking like a pair of nerds.

  • Patch notes for Street Fighter VI season 2!!!!

    New season new meta comrade!

    I'm hype as hell for Jamie buffs. I didn't like hearing the news about them seemingly embracing "fuck it we palm" and making it safe but a lot of his updates look great. I'm super excited to test out Bakkais new i frames.

    Welp...I did a dumb thing and bought a VR what do I play?

    Valve index. Got a lightly used one for a great price.

    TBH I mainly bought this thing cause I want to play the Myst remaster in VR but I better get some use outa this. So what else is worth playing aside from Beat Saber? Any good VR mods?

    Costume 3 for street fighter vi drops tomorrow

    So excited comrades!! I can't wait to rock Jamie's #3 but I damn near want to pick up zangief as an alt just for librarian gief.

    What should I go as for Halloween this year comrades?

    I'm a 6'1 jacked as hell white dude with glasses I won't stop wearing and a beard I refuse to shave. What have you got for me?

    What's your back of the box quote, as written by your current partner?

    My current partner said this about me on a text chain with her friends:

    "Y'all this man's body is not a wonderland, it's a weird vending machine that sells caffeinated sludge & something pretending to be a protein shake."

    God I love her.

    A.K.I. Gameplay Trailer, Street Fighter VI DLC

    Before anyone says it:

    No Comrades. You can't fix her.

    ...cause there's nothing to fix 😍 😍 😍

    I just got back from Evo. AMA!!!

    It was an amazing time. I came. I saw. I got my ass kicked....and I might be going again next year!!!

    What are some examples in media of healthy, nontoxic, romantic relationships?

    I'm thoroughly convinced that 90% + of screenwriters have never seen, let alone had, a healthy functioning relationship and couldn't write one if there lives depended on it. What are the exceptions?
