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Anyone know wtf these are?
  • That's a raspberry.

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • It's not the heat it's the humidity. Also we don't really do AC in our homes.

  • Yea
  • Yeah it's relentless.

  • what's the difference between main and cth
  • Main is poopoo. CTH is peepee

  • It's really like that!
  • Good thing I am on

  • Holly Valance reveals she convinced Nigel Farage to run in the election
  • Huh I didn't know she was a fascist but she is Australian so I guess it makes sense.

  • This is a McDonalds Peace Theory I can get behind.

  • Are the grown up men in the room with us right now?
  • He looks like he is wearing someone else's face as a mask in that picture.

  • What does this expression say to you?
  • I'm an owl expert and this owl is actually orgasming.

  • Roderic Day talking about this site
  • We're a shitposting site. Sorry if that is not what he is looking for. shrug-outta-hecks

  • West or East? Which is it?
  • I am the meridian!

  • Proof Hexbear is dying. Imminent collapse any day!

    The data is incontrovertible. Hexbear is dying. The tankie admins do not want to face facts. We must privatise the posting economy now or all is doomed!

    Butlerian Jihad when?

    Obligatory it's not the computers it's capitalism comment.
