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What is something you dislike but still begrudgingly use?

This question was inspired by my hatred of Temporal Anti-Aliasing which, in many games nowadays, is poorly used as a performance bandaid. On lower resolutions it will smudge and blur the image and certain bad cases of TAA will cause visible ghosting.

Yet in spite of all this, certain games won't let you turn it off or have hair/fur/foliage look like dogshit without it so sometimes I still use it.

How did you first get to know your neighbors?
  • My wife is quite sensitive to noises and my neighbor was often playing bass-heavy music in the evening but rarely late, until one night he played until 3 AM (stopped quickly after we ourselves got to bed so I didn't go and complain that night.) Next day, I knock on his door asking if he's the one playing music at 3 AM.

    To my surprise, the man apologizes, says he was baked and didn't realize how loud he was. Adds that if he ever is disturbing us in the future, to come and tell him right away.

    Now, we're surprisingly more tolerant of his musical habits just knowing how polite and apologetic he was about it. So what could have been a rocky start ended up with us being cool.

  • What are some quality YouTube channels that you recommend?
  • For in-depth game analysis: Joseph Anderson; Whitelight

    If you're interested in a dry-humored, game-reviewing owl with an upload schedule just as fucked up as his sleep schedule, try Shammy.

    For humorous but interesting, creative and well explained engineering: Stuff Made Here

    For interesting gaming challenges: Ymfah is absolutely amazing

  • What is the most unhelpful advice you have received?
  • "Do something that you love and you'll never work a day in your life."

    Bullshit. I worked in the video game industry in a field I'm very passionate about with great people who were all talented. But the industry burned me out and almost killed my passion for games as a hobby with the endless unpaid overtime, constant crunch and deadlines, fairly low wage and all that investment was rewarded by eventually being let go along with all the less senior staff because our studio was bought out and the parent company told to cut expenses.

    Don't work for the video game industry, people. Make indie games by all means. But stay clear of the big names.

  • Is there any plugin or way to block forced registration
  • That's what I do, use uBlock Origin to filter the pop-up. Then most site disable scrolling and that can usually be countered by finding the "overflow: hidden;" and turning it into "overflow: visible;" (you can also use uBlock Origin to inject "overflow: visible !important;" into the page for it to stay persistent.

  • What could governments do to reduce cars on the road?
  • I like how they made my street a one way street that changes way at each intersection, making it impossible to drive in straight lines. They also keep demolishing ugly concrete roundabouts to then rebuild a similar, just as ugly, vegetation-less concrete roundabout.

  • What could governments do to reduce cars on the road?
  • Oh here they just make it increasingly harder to use a car inside the city without a matching increase in public transportation offer and seemingly bank on everyone becoming a cyclist or using these dumb motorized scooters things.

    And given how annoying certain cyclists can be (not all of them, but many are) that ain't looking good.

  • What are your niche hobbies you’d like to share with other people?
  • Although the overlap seems to point in that direction (and also the fact that I do enjoy the Witcher books and games very much) it's rather coincidental:

    I actually prefer fully acapella, white-voice songs (but I do enjoy instrumental ones too) And regarding leather I'm more into making gear like chokers, cuffs and whatnot (though I'm not trying to make any money out of it as I don't sell)

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Not actually an egg IRL

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