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2 yr. ago

  • I have genuinely no idea how any of that works. I'm a monkey with a smart phone. I just want to be able to connect all my shit. Lol. I have a mouse, keyboard, external drive, et cetera. I ended up getting Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, but I prefer my USB keyboard much more.

  • How long before you were able to drink coffee again? I couldn't even smell the stuff for at least a year after I quit.

  • Yes! Exactly. Right in the back of the throat, that fullness in the chest, and the exhale that felt like you'd been holding your breath all day and you could finally breathe.

    I am glad I quit, though. Picked them up again a few months ago when I was beyond stressed and good God, they taste like rancid shit.

  • No way

  • As a swamp person I can assure you there was no other way. Have you seen Stonehenge? The coliseum, the aquaducts? I mean, c'mon, it took how long for Europe to get a level of plumbing comparable to the indus valley civilization? Clearly we had help getting there. No other way.

  • Worst part is, you can't even really find a USB c hub that's just USB c. Bunch of other shit you don't need because everything uses A or C. I just want like 5 USB c ports and I'll be happy. I updated everything I own to USB C, and I never have enough ports.

  • As an American, it was also my breakfast for years.

    I don't miss smoking, but sometimes I do genuinely miss smoking, if that makes sense. Especially with coffee or tea. :/

  • I'm not sure if that show had it or not, did you get slimed? My ultimate goal in childhood was to get nickelodeon slimed.

  • I kind of want this framed on my wall. It's perfect.

  • Sponge is flat hand, like paper is currently. Fire is palm up, all fingers pointing up, wiggling, water is palm down, all fingers pointing down, wiggling. And you're right, that's an awesome variant.

  • You're forgetting lizard, and Spock.

  • I, too, pee beneath a looking glass, and I can assure you, my pee face is no where near as weird as my pee-shudder face.

  • Gonna just have to admit I do not know what that means. Lol.

  • One of the main characters in a story in writing is a huldra. Are you Scandinavian, or the only other American that knows wtf they are? Lol

  • Couple of small issues, but overall I do actually agree with you here.

    It currently is our primary season. We just don't get to have primaries, because the democratic party has decided we don't deserve a choice, because somehow Biden is the only person on the planet able to defeat the devil... Somehow... The time to find progressive candidates is, according to the DNC checks notes never. Yeah. Never.

    We're not allowed a primary because it could potentially weaken Biden in the general. A stronger candidate would be bad. That's the logic.

    Secondly, as far as third party voting goes, if you're in a red or blue state, it literally doesn't count. The electoral college system prevents any protest vote from actually being considered. The only time it could sway anything is in a swing state, where it is unlikely to actually matter except in very close races. If you're in a swing state, you have, IMHO, a moral obligation to vote for the democratic candidate, because while they may suck, they suck less than literal fascists. Otherwise, if you're in a solid blue or red state, vote away however you wish, and use that to help push a narrative.

  • Are you in college, or do you have a friend who is? Often you can sign in through your college's library for access.

  • Perhaps not, and far be it from me to defend electoral politics, being an anarchocommunist, but voting isn't necessarily a negative thing. If it's your only political action then you're playing directly into the hands of those in power, but voting green, or voting for actually progressive candidates within the democratic party can have the effect of moving the Overton window and creating conversation. Think about how much more popular things like universal healthcare are because of Bernie. While Bernie may not be as far left as I am, and while it's questionable if he would actually do, or be able to do, the things he wants (or claims to want, if we're going full jade), being on the ballot, garnering national attention has had a palpable impact on US politics. The democratic party literally had to call off the primaries in 2020 for fear the socialist who was effectively running the country during the early days of a pandemic might actually do something aboit healthcare and get elected. Since then they've had to push a "but trump!" Narrative to scare anyone else from even running.

    Yeah, politicians suck nasty ass, but expressing a view, a show of numbers, that you prefer one style to the other can and does have an impact. It just shouldn't be the only thing we do, that's what they want us to do. Mutual aid, direct action, and spend 1 day to vote.

  • It Is genuinely good interenetting. Solid 5/7, perfect score.