Deja Brew
Deja Brew
Deja Brew
Always has been
People in this thread are acting like microwaving coffee turns it into vinegar.
Coffee tastes absolutely fine reheated in the microwave.
Yup, can confirm. Sometimes I forget to finish my coffee too. James Hoffman on youtube did some testing and he agrees that microwave is perfectly fine and might even be the best method to reheat coffee
Is it the nocebo effect and filthy microwave interior leeching pizza roll flavor into my coffee? No, it's the micro-wavelengths vibrating water molecules who are to blame!
Reheating coffee doesn't make it bad, be it in the microwave, on the stove or hot plate. Not finishing your coffee and letting it get cold just to reheat it later definitely makes it worse.
This is not something subjective, oxidation is very real. If you don't believe me, peel an apple and let it sit for the same amount of time as you let your coffee sit and then you will see the effects.
When you brew coffee you extract all these oils and goodies from the beans thst have been protected by the antioxidants and expose them to air. While they will not turn to vinegar, they do oxidize and therefore degrade quite rapidly.
No it does not. Unless it tasted like shit to begin with.
Déjà Brew
I didn't drink from this cup before
Leaving it to cool
And I know it keeps happening
Calling you, caffeine is a mystery
Falling back asleep
It's so hard when I try to wake up
I imagine this is what plays when you put the cup slightly off center on the microwave turntable so it starts drifting in wide circles when you turn it on.
The em waves in a microwave are standing waves, meaning energy is deposited in the food only on some spots, and the spots remain static as the microwave is running. Therefore, positioning food to the outside of the tray will make it move through these spots more vs if it was only rotating at the center.
Tldr drift your food for maximum heat distribution.
Good at :
Dominating countries through cut throat capitalism
Horrendous at:
Brewed beverages
providing universal healthcare
Ok, we suck at coffee. I get it.
But we brew good beer! Lots of it! There’s an independent brewery on every corner! Soon they’ll outnumber the Starbucks’s!
Some of them are even starting to do spiked seltzer and booch! That’s a whole new level of brewing…that’s brewing life itself!
U S A!
U S A!
U S A!!
You think Americans are bad, you should see what NileRed does to coffee.
People are heating up coffee in microwave? TIL.
A drink needs reheating so they use a convenient household equipment to reheat it. How controversial. How sacrilegious.
I am not sure about coffee, but heating water in a microwave may result in superheated water, which is above the boiling point without boiling. This can be quite dangerous, as it might start boiling at any time. In chemistry you usually put a boiling chip in the water when heating it in a test glass to avoid this.
I swear this ruins the coffee
Instead of reheating it, put a little ice in it and call it an iced coffee.
I think Americans boil their water in the microwave.
Turns Out, America Only Just Discovered The Electric Kettle & The Internet Is Going Wild
I remember this sweep over the internet. Considering the speed and simplicity of kettles for decades, what a weird thing to see of Americans. Especially since they made the first one ever.
Maybe some use the microwave, but most Americans have a stovetop kettle. I use an electric kettle myself.
I mean if you don't have a kettle, it's a fine way of accomplishing the task.
And if you don't have a microwave?
a) what are you doing with your life? You're missing out!
b) the stove top is the next option.
If you don't have a stove top?
a) ok, now you're most likely living rough. Sorry bro.
b) light a campfire. If you also don't have a pot, go get one, or use some other heatproof container.
this is why some never stop beeping until you open them.
Glitch in the matrix.
Java does garbage collection, but not for OP.
Nah that's just adhd
The number of times I find a piece of candy, a snack, or a can of soda in my pocket because “I’m gonna want this…just not right now” happened at some point earlier in the day is too damn high.
That's what the machines want us to think.
I'm the same but not with coffee. I better drink it cold that rewarm. Everyone knows that "café bouillu, café foutu."
You know it's possible to heat it up without boiling it.
But it still tastes worse after heating up. That's why dump hot chocolate mix in, like a real connoisseur!
You're caught in a recursive loop.
I do this more often than I'd like to admit.
ADHD intensifies.
Tomorrow, there'll be 3 mugs
No, that person would just drank the one in the microwave, put the one they were holding into the microwave and forget about it until tomorrow. Then the cycle goes on...
Sounds like the sequel to Hot Tub Time Machine.
Matrix glitched
Wow OP is in a rut
Shrodingers mug
The Prestige!
Or is it Primer?
Triangle (2001)
As someone with a very addictive personality, I cannot imagine doing this.
Doctor, are you crossing your own timeline again?
Steins;Gate fans:
I see you've met my coworker. Often open the microwave to find something she previously heated sitting there. Always gives us a good laugh!
Can you be certain that it’s not the same mug, but experienced through some sort of dimensional/ time shift portal thingy?
I did the exact same thing twice yesterday! Good to see I'm not the only one with a broken brain.
Donnie Darkroast
I'm amazed at this person being amazed at having two identical cups. Who even does that, who buys multiple cups that match... /s
Nah I’m sippin that cold as well. gotta keep the caffeine high
Deja brew! I've just been in this place before (higher on the counter) And I know it's my time to go Calling you And the search is a mystery (standing on my feet) It's so hard when I try to be me, woah!
I have this, my microwave sits on top of the fidge and i keep opening the freezer instead of the microwave from time to time
I want these mugs
You need to mug him
Careful, that's a glitch. The police have probably surrounded you.
Quod sum eris
I find it funny that heating the coffee for 99 makes it hotter than heating it for 100. Just waking up, that's mindboggling.
Does it think 100 is 1:00?
99=99 seconds, 100=1 minute. AFAIK that's universal?
It'd be crazy if it were still warm too
Man... I have done it multiple times.... Well I find it before the next day because I usually heat something or somebody else does but man...
Although mine is usually just milk.
Microwaves should beep again in a few minutes if you don't open the door.
They do.
A few do, they all should. Like OP's.
Can't wait to not hear it from the other side of the house
Mine actually drives me crazy because i never forget stuff is in there I'm just being lazy or letting it cool down
I've had this same shit with porridge
I feel this, it is my life
Wow u right !
OMG this reminds me that I've left some coffee in the french press since the morning... now it's 11pm to me
I guess it's going to be a problem for the future me
Who microwaves coffee? Probably every italian rolls in their grave.
Who throws away perfectly good coffee just because its cold?
Yeah i am thinking of that too. Just DRINK it. Dont waste energy that way.
Same with lovers
You make coffee, go to your desk again and start working. After an hour you notice your mug standing there... What now, throwing it away or reheating it?
...I just drink it?
You drink it? Or if you really dont like it. Throw it away and tell yourself you dont need it for today.
Who gives a shit how people drink shit.
If I want to make coffee with piss as the liquid that’s my right. Snobby ass holes.
People have the right to be disgusted.
How the fuck else would you reheat your coffee?
You put it on the stove top or something?
Or let me guess. You’ll toss it and make a whole new cup of it…so wasteful
Yeah, they also have these machines that just keeps coffee warm in a pot all day long.
But people also call that soluble garbage coffee, so who knows.