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2 yr. ago

  • That sounds pretty good, actually. Another I really like is ramen, cooked and drained, and homemade pimento cheese and fresh tomatoes. OMG, so good. Ramen is also excellent with poached eggs and sausage with cheese. It's an all purpose carb.

  • Try it first, then report back. If you despise it, I'll willingly give it up.

  • It's fantastic. For extra good good add some cayenne and really double down on the curry. OMG.

  • Y'know, I genuinely thought I was gonna be the weirdest one here, but now I'm not so sure. There's at least competition.

    My two favorite foods:

    "Tuna" casserole that is refrigerator cold. Tuna in quotes because I rarely ever actually add the tuna. It's just egg noodles, cheese, cream of mushroom soup, normally with broccoli or peas in it.

    Ramen Noodle Garbage Bowl: ramen noodles, drained, with cheese, mustard, curry, smoked paprika, blackened kielbasa/smoked sausage, and diced fresh tomatoes or halved cherry tomatoes. Often has other random ingredients. Add just enough boiling water to get everything to mix well.

  • is pretty good, and it allows searching with filters. Pretty easy to spot the cults.

    Also, if anyone is interested in doing a land trust cooperative in East TN, lemme know. 6 acres.

  • Holy shit. I wasn't even aware noncompete debated hin, tbh. I dropped out of basically everything for a few years there.

  • Nope, he's a leftist. He just feels like a right wing nut.

  • Hey hey hey now, I'll not have you disparaging the asspullers by suggesting the shitpissers could ever beat them!

  • in my best Karen voice

    Oh he's always been controversial. Constantly tipping over the water bowl, peeing on the bed, chewing up slippers. If you ask me, he should never have been asked to perform at the puppy bowl, but what can you expect from this culture of tabloids and extreme headlines. The 24 hour news cycle demands their clowns, and this is what happens when you let them run amok, you get one of them shitting during the national anthem of all things! I don't know what this country has come to!


  • It's not being jaded. It's a reality. The employers base interest is creating wealth for the company, the employees base interest is generating income for themselves. These two conditions are fundamentally at odds. That's why we speak about "negotiations" when it comes to wages. We are attempting to balance the two sides. The employer wants the employee to perform the most amount of labor for the smallest possible compensation, the employee wants the largest compensation for the least amount of labor.

    I'm not suggesting all employers are bad people, or that there aren't people who are employers who are friends with their employees. I am saying the employer, in their role as employer, is not a friend to the employee. Their interests do not align, and if they did, either you have a masochistic boot licking employee, or an employer who is going to fail and take their business down with them.

    My mom ran a successful business for 25 years, was good friends with her employees outside of work, but in her role as the employer occasionally had to do things that went against her nature, by the simple fact that her business needed to survive more than her friendship did.

    I ran a successful business for 5 years before illness took it from, and likewise, in my role as employer, I could not make the decisions I wished I could have. Had I known about worker's cooperatives at the time, I likely would have transitioned it to that to save the company when we were no longer able to do the work in the same way. C'est la vie.

    This isn't about being jaded, it's about understanding how our economic system works at it's core. A small, but significantly powerful group on one side, a large but mostly powerless group on the other. Each has their own interest, and the balancing act is figuring out how to get the most out of the other.

  • Employers are not your friends. Employers are people who want you to do as much as possible for as little as possible. Regardless of one's political views, employers are not friends. It is an uneasy alliance at best and an outright war at the best of times. Wanna be friends? Help me unionize this workplace, bro.

  • My brother had a 3 year gap, and when he applied for his current job (civil service job, even) and they asked about the gap, his response was "I signed an NDA about that, I can tell you in 2052," and just refused to speak further on it. Complete bullshit, but even a job with the US federal government just let it go.

  • ... Fucking really? OMG, that's good to know!

  • Are you asking how to express this information in a utilitarian way, as in, how do you convey the information to be understood? Or are you asking how to express it in a poetic way? The use of thither makes me think you're hoping to express this is a jokingly poetic sense.

  • This has been my dream for years. I long for the day when science splices human DNA and pygmy marmoset DNA, creating tiny little borrower people. I will build them doll houses and ask for nothing in return. They will be too pure and good for capitalism, they must be provided for.

  • No joke, it's why I switched to French press. I've been a renter my whole life, and with moving a lot from cheap(est available) housing to cheap housing over and over, ya gonna get roaches. Sometimes they're easily dealt with, sometimes it's an ongoing problem and you'll never be rid of them until you move. Rice and flour and sugar can be kept in cannisters, most things can be kept safe from roaches. But the coffee maker? Fucking thing is mecca to roaches. But a French press, water heated with the kettle? That can be washed beforehand every single time, and be guaranteed to be roach free.

    Switched when we had them bad, and never looked back. Even when there aren't roaches, because I love the taste of the coffee now, but more importantly, it gives me peace of mind.

  • awwww

  • Oh yeah, gotta keep it dolphin-with-a-brazilian smooth. The trick is to skip the shaving, waxing and Nair style stuff. Just use a Zippo and burn the hairs off. Baby smooth in no time.

  • It's less "everyone gets in" and more that finite crimes do not deserve infinite punishment. Universalists tend to believe that we will, with few if any exceptions, all be reunified with God. Immortal souls being punished endlessly is less than a loving concept, when any sins/crimes they committed were by nature not infinite or endless themselves. Advaita vedanta has a similar concept, as well as other branches of Hinduism such as kashmiri shaivism. Lots of religions have a concept of universal salvation or reconciliation.