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2 yr. ago

  • Yes. But smaller, and with a screen where the keyboard should be, and no bezel between the screens. Media consumption device, not something for any real productivity. Very lightweight, good for watching youtube or hulu, but clamshell so it protects the screen.

  • Extended family. I only ever associated with parents and my brother. The rest of them consider us to insane people because we didn't vote for trump.

  • Is there somewhere to buy these? I'd love to send them to about 75 relatives.

  • Same! I had the LG v60 dual screen case, and loved it. Thats the farthest I'm willing to go, though. It was unwieldy, and almost impossible to use a popsocket with, no way to use a wallet case, et cetera. It's not worth that price tag for less options just for the occasional use of a bigger screen.

    Now, foldable tablet? That's something I'd be down for (in theory. I am poor.). Closes up small enough for a pocket, folds out when you use it. Only screen on one side, so it can tossed in a bag without worrying about it, because it's closed up and the screen is protected.

  • Adding them to my list. Thank you so much! :)

  • Ooh, I'll try it! Thank you. :)

  • I do like earl grey. I'll try the others. A smokey tea sounds super interesting!

    By weak I meant watery, i suppose? The tea I grew up on was my mom's and grandma's southern sweet tea. Loose leaf Tetley tea, added to a cold water, brought to a boil, and steeped for 20 minutes. Add three quarts of cold water, and 2 cups of sugar. I can't drink it that sweet anymore, but that strength of the tea I loved.

    What I tend to drink in the realm of hot tea is Twinings Irish breakfast tea, 3 tea bags in about 15ish ounces of water, steeped for 7 minutes. I drink it with some sugar and cream. I've been wanting to branch out into loose leaf, as I've heard the quality and strength is much improved.

  • Aw, shit, have you tried Reddit?

  • My best friend was an usher at Dollywood, and freaking loves flashlights. Collects them and has a shit ton.

    I like crafting. Anything with fabric or yarn or thread.

  • So, I'm going to preface this by saying I know far less about the actual conditions in Afghanistan and the political structure of the Taliban than I should, other than far right wing and fascistic. Embarrassingly so.

    If women are considered property under their rule, if there were a massive labor shortage leading to the economic need to employ women in the workforce, would it not be a less extreme change to their status quo to enslave women to work in their factories, paying them nothing, or only paying their male family members (fathers, husbands), than it would be to employ the women, pay them directly, and risk women having some level of agency?

    I don't know if Islam has rules surrounding slavery, but it seems that even if it is outlawed in their holy book, if it is, the Taliban is really only using Islam as a cover for extremism. They're not exactly a spiritual movement, they're a a far right political movement using the trappings of religion to get the state they want. And if it isn't outlawed, if it has conditions for the treatment of slaves, the way the Bible does, then that would make it even easier, i would think.

    Again, may be talking out of my ass. I don't know much about the actual workings of the Taliban, or the material conditions of women in Afghanistan.

  • Today on Watch The Irishman Suffer, Gul Dukat pokes O'Brien with a stick while taped to an exhaust manifold!

  • I never said i got these temperatures. I just said I'm uncomfortable otherwise.

  • Believe it or not, i did used to work in a walk in fridge, and the shifts typically ran 16 hours, but 24 wasn't unheard of.

  • Between 50 and 63 I'm in heaven. Anything higher than that and all i want to do is go swimming, which as an adult with responsibilities, i never get to. Anything lower than that, and i have to wear more clothes and look fatter than i am.

  • That's clearly Odo pretending to be O'Brien because the chief was late for his shift.

  • ... I think I'm in love with you.

  • Well, there'll be a lot less billionaires pretty quickly, from there it's gonna be a lot of references to star trek, doctor who, dead philosophers and general southernisms.

  • milk

  • Thanks! 13 thousand for one, dang! I'll stick with the auto blow for now I guess. Lol

  • milk

  • It's only showing me a still image, but the comments imply there's a story here. Is there more?