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2 yr. ago

  • Haven't ordered anything yet. Finances imploded a bit, will order when I get a chance.

  • Hey, hey, hey, I'm not saying there aren't higher priorities, but you be careful how you talk about butt stuff. Butt stuff has feelings, and despite what people think, she's a perfectly worthy thing to spend money on!

    #ButtStuffForAll #UniversalButtStuff

  • This is, I guess, the yank equivalent of the four Yorkshire men. Haha

  • Well... The world is a lie.

  • Does China use a compatible electrical system to us?

  • I've been using it for a few years now. It's great.

    Couple tips:

    Add a colored bar with the date being the first of each month, and the name being AAA. It makes it easier to read to have month separators in

    Add a column that says what account you paid it out of if you use multiple accounts

    Don't forget to update it with new bills you acquire

    Get the Google sheets app on your phone, and log every purchase. Candy bar at the gas station? Log it. Secret fast food purchase you don't want anyone knowing about because you're ashamed? Log it as a gasoline purchase. Bought some weed from that dude Tommy who was at your buddy's house? "Walgreens" lol. Just make sure you get in the habit of logging minor spending

    Also, there's a cool graphic that you can set to be emailed to you once a month that you link to the budget, giving you a break down of your spending in certain categories. I'll find it and update the original comment with it.

  • I know you have my life mapped out, because as someone who desperately wants kids, it's impossible not to do that. But don't assume a kid is going to follow that plan. Some kids are gay. You both handled that news really, really well, but for real, why did you have to assume I was straight to begin with? I wish I could have told you when I was 14, but I had to deal with not being the thing you thought I was. As a result, I'm 32 and still don't have kids, because I got a really late start on the whole dating someone thing, and I've still never brought anyone home. It's not your fault, but next go round, try not to box your kids the way you were boxed in.

    Also, Mama. Leave his ass. Do not marry him. It doesn't matter how upset Grandmama will be, she'll get over it. Just tell her you love her, and go raise that baby alone.

  • I plan on convincing my mom to leave my dad. Sadly, 6 isn't young enough to prevent him from ruining her life, though. But at least she'll get out earlier, and also I can hopefully prevent her from having a surgery that completely changed her life for the worse.

  • (Finally something I can almost answer!)

    So, I don't have an app, but I use this, and it's amazing. Takes around 30-45 minutes to set up.

    Yes, Pipedbot, that is a YouTube link. Proceed with your public shaming.

    a graphical chart you can link to the original spreadsheet and have emailed to yourself monthly

  • Luck

  • Is there a double meaning here I'm not aware of? That does just straight up say anals, right?

  • There's something fishy about that lot. Not to be trusted. Would defo censor.

  • It really depends on how the rest of their society looks. Think about mining towns, with miners paid in tokens, and spent entirely at the company store.

  • It's really the best. I have a 1 liter and a 2 liter. The 1 liter i use around the house, the 2 liter i take with me when i run errands, especially in the summer. Ice water all day. It's amazing.

  • Can confirm. Thirsty for years. Me and my brother both. To the point when people would be like "here, try this food item" both of us would normally refuse, because eating made the thirst too much to bear outside of meal times. I would drink 4-5 16oz bottles of water every night. I'd take em to bed with me, and they'd be empty by morning. Most of the time i wouldn't even remember drinking them. I'd wake up, drink, sleep, wake up, drink, repeat.

    Turns out both of us had really bad A1Cs. Mine was 12.4, his was 11.8, i believe.

  • I'm very much so the same. My advice, to fill that craving, is a smoked sausage, cooked until it's blackened. So good. So much better than hotdogs.

  • Iunno, the capitalist pigs love that reserve army of labor.