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2 yr. ago

  • This is why i exclusively eat baker's chocolate, and I chew my coffee grounds. I'm not trying to dilute my precious foodstuffs with disgusting things like water or sugar.

  • A prostrate exam is a good thing… as long as the doctor puts both hands on your shoulders in the middle of it.


  • The size of a corgi? That's nearly an 8th of a bald eagle. If it's really the weight of a baby elephant, then that's at least 200 pistols. That's hella dense, but i wish they'd use standard measures. I hate having to translate that into American like this.

  • Words to live by, OP, "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds"

    Fascism, a far right wing ideology, is often described as "capitalism in decline," and is what happens when capitalism desperately clings to any hope of maintaining itself, normally by calling itself back to some mythologized, fictional version of a perceived golden age.

    Its also worth noting that we use the terms left and right to described to describe relative position within the overton window (the narrow stretch of "acceptable" politics within a given society) of our current politics, as in, biden is left Bush is right, et cetera, but in a larger view of the political spectrum both the democrats and republicans are right wing parties. There isn't an objective defintion of who is left/right, but for a lot of people, the dividing line is capitalism itself. If you support capitalism, you're right wing, if you're a socialist, communist, or anarchist, you're a left winger. If, by some miracle, capitalism were to die out tomorrow and every country was some flavor of socialist the dividing line would change to some new metric, and x would be left while y would right. It's a short hand expression not a hard and fast rule.

  • Please make me your spicy ass food, please.

  • I'm generally very uncomfortable around bathroom humor/topics, but i gotta know. Are people really suffering down there from spicy foods? I love spicy food. Like, it took many, many visits before i convinced the indian restaurant near us to give me genuinely spicy food. Now they make it like they make it for themselves.

    And don't get me wrong, I've had the burning booty of death before, but the two things aren't really linked. Like, spiciness has no impact on my bathrooming. I only ever get the burn down there if I'm sick. Is this seriously a problem people have when they so much as smell a bell pepper, as the internet has led me to believe?

  • ... I want one so badly now

  • Jesus, for a second i thought this picture was taken at my house. I had an almost identical cat at the same time I kept chickens, and fed them from those same bowls. and that is exactly the kind of shit my cat would do.

    God speed, Fred, we miss you, and hope you found a good home where you can irritate all the chickens you want.

  • If there's one thing doctor who has taught me it's that the waters of mars of are completely safe, and they do good things for the body.

  • I do love a 20 episode season, but i watched it on netflix, so it flowes pretty nice. But yeah, as soon as they had found their groove, that show really rocked, and felt more trek than much of Lower Decks. I really enjoyed it.

  • I felt the same way until I got around episode 5, and holy crap, it's good. I cannot wait for season 2.

  • I haven't seen your other threads, so not sure how beginner we're talking. I'm not the most knowledgeable, but I'll share the best things I've discovered. :)

    A lot of tutorials will tell you not to tie knots in your thread on the back hold the thread in, but instead weave it into the thread on the back. This is true if you're planning on making somethihg on a pillow or similar, but if you're framing it and don't care that the back is lumpy because no one will ever see it or feel it, just do you and make it secure.

    They make cross stitch lattice thst dissolves in water, so you can cross stitch on tshirts, pillows, blankets, et cetera. It's amazing, and a game changer for making nifty little things you'll actually be able to wear or use daily. I love it so much.

    Splitting your thread so its a lower ply is common, but if you leave it 6 stranded sometimes, you can add an extra layer of depth to what you make. For instance, i made a goomba (mario mushroom looking villain) for a friend. I made the outline of the goomba 6 stranded, with all the background stuff 3 stranded. It made it appear that the goomba was closer to the viewer, and really added a 3 dimensional effect that I loved. I've also used more strands to cross stitch curse words in a more handwritten font whenever i do something funny/inappropriate for the lols. Fancy script for most words in 3 strands, curse word in a scrawly looking vulgarish font with 6 strands.

    Be mindful of hand pain. Carpal tunnel and damage is a real thing. Get a compression glove, take breaks. Our grandmas and mama's have carpal tunnel for a reason, don't follow in those footsteps. Take precautions.

  • I've made it a point to use it whenever i would use ? And ! Together. It's the best punctuation mark, and i want it to catch on so badly. Plus the name of it makes me guffaw and I dont know why.

  • We've been through half a dozen fridges at least in the last 10 years. They're all horrible now. The best one we've found Medea convertible. You can change it from upright freezer into a refrigerator if you want. We use it as a fridge, and got a chest freezer. I've tried every other brand i can get my hands on, and none of them last. It's horrible.

  • I have a cheapish samsung tablet that has blue light filtering, a black and white option, and super low screen brightness options. Low enough that if you're in a dark room, it's low enough that i can't have it all the way down and still read.

  • I hope you're getting royalties

  • I rarely drink anymore, like maybe one drink every 6 months, except for wine, which ill have a glass of every couple weeks. But, i save all my bottles, because i fantasize about making things like this. Eventually, i, too, will have problemstic candles!

  • Mama used a big Tupperware for us. She had it bronzed when we were potty trained. 🥲

  • I'm hoping to be able to order something in two weeks. It'll be my last paycheck for 3 months, so Imma do something for myself. Haha.

    Also, thanks for checking in. It's very sweet knowing there's someone vested in my tea journey! Hahaha