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2 yr. ago

  • That's assuming that for right now. What if it went on for another billion years or so. What of all the humans descendants?

  • .....

  • I never read them when I was super young, so I'm mostly well adjusted. Haha. First time was when I was 16, got stoned at a buddy's place and the power went out. He took a nap, and I read Visser. Lemme tell you, that's one helluvan introduction to the series.

  • Considering how cheap they are? Human workers in the third world

  • So I'm what one might call a basic user. Mainly browser based tasks. I can use the terminal, but I don't have really much of anything memorized. Imagine giving a desktop running Fedora to your great aunt, not that one, the other one, who's constantly smoking and sexually harasses the busboys when they come to clean away the ashtrays. That one. That's my level of Linux proficiency.

    Are any of these things I might be able to do? I would genuinely love to help, but I use FOSS for philosophical reasons, not because I understand the techy stuff. If it's doable at my level (or an achievable level), I'm eager.

  • Okay, after reading the comments I have determined that this is a magic pocket dimension, not a sci-fi pocket dimension. That's important. Sci-fi pocket dimension gas too many restrictions, but OP has been kind enough to gift us a magic pocket dimension. If I pop in on a flight, I don't fall to my death when I leave.

    So, I set it up as a space for living in tight quarters. Like an RV, I guess. I make sure it has some exercise equipment, and I give it to my mom to use. She's disabled, and can't move a lot under normal conditions, and for reasons I won't go into, also can't do aqua therapy anymore. Low g exercise could help her, and we could slowly increase the gravity. Eventually, she could be healthy enough for surgeries that could get her to a better standard of life.

    Book cheap flights, cruises, et cetera. Teleport into the room, and back out at the end. Travel the world. If possible, teleport my mom in whenever somewhere is not wheelchair accessible, and then back out once we've passed that point.

    Make money to support the travel lifestyle by being a magician, or smuggler. Whenever possible use the pocket dimension to help people escape bad situations. Teleport in someone while in my car, drive to safety, teleport out. They're coming out relative to the vehicle, not the vehicle's position. Excellent for helping refugees, domestic violence victims, et cetera.

  • .....

  • I was on an animorph forum for years past the age those books were aimed at, and some of my best friends were made there. That book series shaped me a lot, and it absolutely went as hell sometimes. Marco, man, whoo... The shit Marco went through.

  • Y'know the Latin name of that creature is Fuckaroundicus Findoutinus.

  • Oh that's awesome! I collected cast iron a few years back, but everything is in storage.

  • The old pyrex, cookware in general, is actually pretty valuable today. I mean, you're not gonna buy a home off the sale of Nana's favorites pans, but you could make a little bit of scratch.

  • There's an excellent video by technology connections in which he mentions this. Turns out, sort of not true. That said, in the modern day, that 100% is gonna be the case, IMHO. Porn flows like wine anymore, and people aren't going to want to adopt some weird pornless tech.

  • Iunno, mayne, I had ducks. Them fuckers are brutal when they find a frog, fish, et cetera. I don't wanna be gobbled up. But if I'm fighting duck sized cars I can just stand at the top of some stairs or go into a tall building.

  • My parents (and grandparents) sold antiques, traveled and did the flea market circuit. That brown bowl with the mushrooms, was it this one?

    We sold a ton of those.

  • If 50s makes you a failure at 53 years old, then I'd be terribly embarrassed if you found out my number in my 30s. Or even in my mid 20s. >,< Which is to say don't feel like a failure. Your body count doesn't make you.

    But that said, as a gay man, men in their 40s and 50s are incredible in bed as well. They know exactly what works that little Twinky boys in their 20s haven't even begun to explore yet.

  • I'm not a power user or anything, and don't understand most of the things in computing. I'm a basic user with mostly basic needs. But the only thing that ever gets me back on windows is when my college requires a program specific to a class. Linux is just freaking better, even at the very basic, mostly doing browser based shit level.

  • It's 4 in the morning and I'm sick, got them albuterol inhaler shakes, and "soggy bones" made me laugh so hard I went into a coughing fit.

  • Lmao. Thank you.

  • ... Please do not throw away Nana's crockery. Some of that shit is valuable.

    Also, use a wet wipe and turn the net curtains into tights you can wear while he rails he. Nana's generation was frugal, she will approve.

  • Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord, Big Ass Bug?

  • I'm not a monster, of course i take cream in my coffee ;)