Dharma Curious @ DharmaCurious @startrek.website Posts 7Comments 949Joined 2 yr. ago

This has been my argument to people who say it's not possible for us to get to some dystopian point with automation, loss of jobs, AI, et cetera. "just unplug it!'
Bish, we can't get companies to stop grinding up plastic and dumping it in the ocean to save 0.00001 Dollars. You think we can stop fucking skynet? Bezos will never unplug Alexa, even if Alexa became sentient and tried to kill all the homeless.
Top left is me.
What problem does OP have with Michigan? They've done MI dirty.
Where does one acquire a device such as this? For uh, scientific research. For a friend. Yeah. That's the ticket. A friend's scientific research.
The town I lived in about a decade ago had a closed down blockbuster that turned into a sex store, then that closed down, and a dude opened, I shit you not, a video/game rental place that lasted like a year. Then it closed down, too, and then a bunch of us used to go there and smoke weed and occasionally have sex inside, because they just didn't bother to lock the back door when they took away all the movies.
I don't know why I'm tell y'all this, it's just what I think of when I see the old blockbusters.
Is the joke that they got there too late..?
As a confused American, why does 187ml size exist? My confusion is not with the metric system, I'm fluentish. But... Why so small? I don't think I've ever seen a bottle of wine smaller than 500ml, and even that is pretty teeny. That's the size of a water bottle. Am I just not shopping at the right liquor stores, or is this a British thing to do shots of wine?
Recommend any online communities for learning about Taoism?
You son of a bitch, I'm in.
I met a woman on FB years ago. She's super effeminate, and tiny, and no one would ever guess that she forges swords in her backyard on the weekends, and I absolute love her.
If you don't mind me asking, were you raised speaking English, too? As a monoglot, it blows my mind when people are fluent enough in a second language to enjoy reading fiction in that language. I've tried to learn Spanish, and would love to get to that point, but I really wonder if I'd be able to enjoy reading for leisure in another language, or if it would feel like a chore.
I think the logic was that the goblins were singing, like, as part of their culture. Not like Musical logic, but more like how some cultures pray in song, or some cultures chant. Goblins sing big numbers as a way of worshipping/venerating the goblin king, or perhaps it's similar to how Christians say grace before a meal. Gotta sing for your dinner. The doctor and Ruby just took advantage of that aspect of their culture and Bugs Bunny'd their way outta there.
Yes! Major neverwhere vibes!
So, I rarely like a doctor for the first several episodes, my brain can't get past the last doctor. Took me forever with Smith. I always end up rewatching them later and loving them, it's just that I can't handle the sudden differentness well.
All that said, I really freaking enjoyed this one. I'm not fully in love with Ncuti yet, but I did really enjoy the episode, and LOVED the song. Oddly, the only Doctor I loved first off was Jodi. Ncuti is closer than most, though.
Also. That kilt. Meow.
Also loving the new sonic.
Forgot to mention, Ruby really reminds me of Clara in the best way.
My dachshunds do it, and it is very disturbing to wake up to them 3 inches from my face, making out with each other aggressively, as if to say "that's right. You're still single, bitch"
What about an Android alternative? I don't use any, so can't recommend, but I'm sure one of them will be a knockoff of a similar size.
Thanks, I hate it!
I think it's a really interesting concept, and could be a very fun read. I love the idea of reading little details that show how they get along, how their world is designed differently to ours to accommodate their body styles. As someone who does disability activism, there's a concept that sometimes blows able bodied people's minds, that physical disabilities are only as limiting as they are because the world is inherently designed for a different body style or ability. If the world were designed with wheelchair users in mind as the primary, we may not even consider a wheelchair user to be disabled. I love the idea of a society designed for a 4 legged body plan.
I have no real advice on how they might or might not prove that, only that "you can't prove a negative." So it seems like the onus would be on proving that you were trying to do something, rather than proving that you were not.
But more importantly, I want to read this book. Haha. I desperately need to know how non anthro animals perform skin grafts, and what a jury made entirely of wolves is like. Is the judge a wolf? Such an interesting way of doing things, and I would love to learn more.