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TheLinuxExperiment: Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with?
  • I'm talking about people downvoting from all - if you're seeing content from some niche or geographic community because you're viewing all then downvoting something you're not interested in is a dick move.

  • TheLinuxExperiment: Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with?
  • I haven't watched, but assuming it's good I'm guessing it's idiots viewing the all feed and downvoting anything they're not personally interested in.

    It doesn't help that the official Lemmy docs say downvote things you don't like, which is only good guidance when you have an algorithm you're training.

  • Wikipedia graph for generational spans over time
  • I know right, kids tomorrow...

  • Wikipedia graph for generational spans over time
  • xennials

    Ah, I was trying to remember what the term for that micro-gen was (I didn't think it was xennial but it probably makes sense than the one I forgot).

  • Brandon Sanderson's theory on why the film industry is floundering (YouTube Short)
  • I guess it's the King's English now. I'm always careful to avoid spelling things the US way, because as a programmer there's some things (yup, like color) that I type more often in the US version than international English and muscle memory's a sticky bugger.

  • Brandon Sanderson's theory on why the film industry is floundering (YouTube Short)
  • curtesy of zagorath

    fyi, you mean courtesy - curtesy is an old legal term.

  • SolarPunk Cities: Our Last Hope? [18:34 Youtube vid]
  • I've only just found the channel, and am currently watching the one on Biomimicry. Glad to hear the quality's consistent.

  • SolarPunk Cities: Our Last Hope? [18:34 Youtube vid]

    Piped mirror:

    This channel is about architecture, and this video (from Nov 2023\*) is about Solar Punk and covers some of the history and real-life attempts.

    I was amused that shortly after talking about Solar Punk's rejection of consumerism she did the sponsor section, but that's Youtube for you.

    \* it's been posted elsewhere on Lemmy but not here that I can see

    what's your take on SQL style guides? Especially this one
  • It makes sense, and would lead to cleaner diffs. Breaking my muscle memory for uppercase keywords would be tricky, though.

  • At least 1,300 hajj pilgrims died during extreme heat, Saudi Arabia says
  • I can't see the numbers in future getting any better, unless big changes are made. Many pilgrims are quite old, since some need many years to save up enough for the journey, and of course the temperature's only going to be going up (even after La Niña).

    It's part of the rituals to get the timing exactly right, so it's not like it can be moved to cooler months, like has been proposed for the Summer Olympics. It is moving earlier by a week and a half each year (because of the Islamic calendar) but when you're talking 51.8C that's not really moving the needle.

    I'd heard talk of health-monitoring bracelets, which seems sensible.

  • Instagram Apologizes for Bug That Briefly Allowed Users’ Posts to be Viewed by Their Followers
  • “Their analysts determined that frustrating the user results in more time spent on the app—and more time viewing ads—than if users are satisfied. Remember in ‘The Matrix’ when The Architect tells Neo that the first virtual world the robots created was a utopia, but the people rejected it? It works sort of like that.”


  • Grab life by the ball again: Happy 20th anniversary to 'Dodgeball'
  • I forgot that Lance Armstrong was in this - quite fitting for a satire.

  • Systemd 256.1 Addresses Complaint That 'systemd-tmpfiles' Could Unexpectedly Delete Your /home Directory
  • Fixes catastrophic data loss, er, bug, er poorly documented feature... user error

    Gotta love the Register

  • [Kronk voice] The Picard Maneuver, it's your cakeday?!
  • here's to you, everyone's favourite stargazing memelord! Without you, Lemmy would be a quieter and less funny place. Cheers!

  • Nobel Prize to Be Awarded to Forum User From 9 Years Ago With Same Niche Problem
  • Huh, I never knew there was a mobile version of the site.

  • [Forever-Free Friday] The Powder Toy
  • I've just had a quick poke around, and you can load up other people's work - there's a massive variety which shows just how much is in this simulation program.

    You can load up simulations with the bottom-left icon, then hit the pause button that's bottom right to start them off. If any talk about "sparking" they mean use the SPRK tool to put electricity in the thing they're talking about - you can search for SPRK using the search tool above the pause button, or find it under the Electronics menu (second one in that right-hand side with the plug icon).

  • Bitwarden releases phased beta for native mobile apps | Bitwarden Blog
  • Here's the post they made on Reddit:

    Hi everyone. I wanted to post a quick update on the plans that are progressing around the Bitwarden mobile app. For those of you that don’t know, our current mobile app is created using a technology called Xamarin, a framework provided by Microsoft that allows you to create a single app that works on both iOS and Android. I chose Xamarin in the early days of Bitwarden because it was a technology that I was proficient at (.NET and C#) and it afforded me the time to maintain a mobile app along with all the other apps I was building for Bitwarden. Xamarin is a real time saver, for sure and it has served us well over the past 8 years, but it comes with some downsides as well:

    • Our Xamarin app doesn’t “feel native”. It’s obvious to anyone using our app that something feels off about it. The design, responsiveness, and overall usability give a negative impression compared to native apps.
    • Our Xamarin app is a bit sluggish and uses a lot more resources on your device than you might expect.
    • Microsoft is making drastic changes to Xamarin’s future and are re-developing it into a new product, now called MAUI. Support for Xamarin is ending. Unfortunately, the transition to MAUI has been a subpar experience for us.
    • Xamarin doesn’t give us access to cutting edge features. When new features come out on iOS and Android we have to wait for Microsoft to support those features in Xamarin before we can use them in our app. This is why we have been slow to adopt passkey in our mobile apps, for example.

    Because of some of these things, and because we have matured as an engineering organization here at Bitwarden, Xamarin doesn’t make sense for us to pursue any longer.

    Early last year we began planning to retire our Xamarin-based mobile apps and made the decision to transition our mobile apps to fully native apps written in Swift (for iOS) and Kotlin (for Android). Over the past 6 months we have been actively developing these new native apps and at this time they are nearing completion. I wanted to share some sneak peeks of these new apps and rollout plans over the coming months with you all.

    The upgrade to MAUI

    In an effort to support passkeys sooner than later, we’ve had a parallel effort going on with adding passkey support in the existing Xamarin-based mobile app. This required us to “upgrade” the Xamarin app to the new MAUI framework. As anticipated, the upgrade has not been smooth, however, we are nearing the completion of that project and plan to release this temporary solution soon. Although this is largely a new app under the hood, overall, the new MAUI shouldn’t look or feel any different than the Xamarin app that we have today.

    Demo video:

    Native app release

    In a few months you will begin to see our completely revamped native mobile apps roll out. These new apps will look and feel different. They are completely new Bitwarden apps. Hopefully you will notice large improvements to the overall experience of using the mobile apps. The designs are different, using all native platform controls, but the layouts still follow similar user flows that we already have.



    Design iteration

    Now that we have new native apps to build upon, following their initial release we also plan to begin introducing other UX improvements and redesign how you interact with certain flows throughout the app. This may include things like redesigning certain screens entirely, optimization of critical user flows, and introducing onboarding walkthroughs for new users. These types of updates are informed by usability research conducted by our product design team and tested with volunteers from the Bitwarden community.

    In closing, we understand that our mobile app has lagged behind in recent years. Xamarin served us well, but it’s time to move on. When released, we hope you will all enjoy the new native apps we have been working hard at building. Your feedback is important to help make the experience of using Bitwarden great for everyone.

  • N.Y. couple finds safe filled with over $130K while magnet fishing in lake.
  • At first I thought it was another safe with even more money, and I was wondering if I should get a magnet.

  • Finally: ‘Fresh Kills’ Is the Best Mafia Movie in Ages
  • Its IMDb page is a bit sus: the reviews are an almost unbroken stream of gushing 10 star reviews, but there's plenty of people voting it 1 star too. Astroturfing or just polarising?

  • xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech

    cross-posted from:

    > xkcd \#2942: Fluid Speech > > > > for \#2942 > > Alt text: > > Thank you to linguist Gretchen McCulloch for teaching me about phonetic assimilation, and for teaching me that if you stand around in public reading texts from a linguist and murmuring example phrases to yourself, people will eventually ask if you're okay.

    xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech

    xkcd \#2942: Fluid Speech for \#2942

    Alt text: > Thank you to linguist Gretchen McCulloch for teaching me about phonetic assimilation, and for teaching me that if you stand around in public reading texts from a linguist and murmuring example phrases to yourself, people will eventually ask if you're okay.

    xkcd #2937: Room Code

    Alt text:

    > Sorry to make you memorize this random string of digits. If it helps, it can also double as a mnemonic for remembering your young relatives' birthdays, if they happened to have been born on February 5th, 2018.

    Photography Deebster
    The Frigatebird and the Diamond Ring

    This is "The Frigatebird and the Diamond Ring" by Liron Gertsman, shot on a Canon EOS R5.


    Article: How a Photographer Captured His Spectacular Dream Eclipse Photo (lots more pictures here)

    This year's (belated) April Fool's XKCD is written in

    This year's (belated, as is tradition) April Fool's XKCD is written in the physics engine.

    It's like The Incredible Machine, but each person can contribute a cell towards the larger machine.

    Abandoned industrial building 2/8

    cross-posted from:

    > Abandoned industrial building 2/8

    Taskmaster Series 17 starts on the 28th (or 29th online)

    > Brand new #Taskmaster starts 28th March on Channel 4 and 29th March outside the UK on YouTube.

    From this teaser (Youtube short):

    Contestants: Joanne McNally, John Robins, Nick Mohammed, Sophie Willan, and Steve Pemberton.

    I'm hoping they have musical tasks to allow Nick Mohammed to shine. I still can't hear the Jurassic Park theme without singing along with his words.

    Isolated for six months, scientists in Antarctica began to develop their own accent Isolated for six months, scientists in Antarctica began to develop their own accent

    Isolated for six months one winter, a group of scientists changed how they spoke.

    Isolated for six months, scientists in Antarctica began to develop their own accent

    > they were taking part in an unusual experiment, which involved tracking their own voices over time. This was done by making 10-minute recordings every few weeks. They would sit in front of a microphone and repeat the same 29 words as they appeared on a computer screen. Food. Coffee. Hid. Airflow.

    > One of those changes was the "ou" sound in words such as "flow" and "sew" that shifted towards the front of the vocal tract.

    I'm not actually sure what sound change they're describing there. Can anyone explain with examples or IPA?

    edit: Cheers for the answers (turns out I misunderstood which part is the vocal tract)

    Half of British Television Always Starts Like This [YouTube]


    Is there any good news about climate change? Yes. [8:53 video, YT link in post] Simon Clark — Is there any good news about climate change?

    Yes there is a lot of bad news around the climate crisis. But let's talk about the victories, and why there is no argument for despair.

    Simon Clark — Is there any good news about climate change?


    I posted a comment with the message "Don’t let doomscrolling lead you into despair and apathy over climate" and got a fair few downvotes, so I thought this was worth sharing.

    YouTube version:

    xkcd #2896: Crossword Constructors

    Alt text:

    > Also, we would really appreciate it if you could prominently refer to it as an 'eHit'.

    Movies and TV Shows Deebster
    Top Gun: Maverick Director Addresses That Grim Fan Theory Top Gun: Maverick Director Addresses That Grim Fan Theory

    Joseph Kosinski confirms that the Top Gun sequel is not Maverick's dying dream.

    Top Gun: Maverick Director Addresses That Grim Fan Theory

    Director Joseph Kosinski says:

    > "The original version of the script we actually followed Maverick in his freefall back to Earth, which would have I guess debunked that theory," Kosinski told Happy Sad Confused's Josh Horowitz. "It was a pretty spectacular sequence imagining what it's like to reenter from space in your spacesuit."

    > "I love it. Film is meant to be interpreted. I love that there's multiple ways to read it. It's, you know, hopefully it's a piece of art meant to be interpreted, and I love people reading those things into it. It's like The Big Lebowski Theory that Johnny's not really there so, no, I welcome that," he said."

    Taskmaster Champion of Champions 3 is on tonight! Taskmaster Champion of Champions 3 broadcast date, contestants and past winners

    The hit comedy show is back for a on-off special featuring some very familiar faces.

    Taskmaster Champion of Champions 3 broadcast date, contestants and past winners

    Spoilers for previous seasons, I guess:


    • Dara Ó Briain
    • Morgana Robinson
    • Sarah Kendall
    • Kiell Smith-Bynoe (standing in for Mae Martin)
    • Sophie Duker
    Gentoo Deebster
    Bard does Gentoo dirty

    cross-posted from:

    > Image Transcription: screenshot > > > I ask Google Bard "What's the difference between Funtoo and Gentoo?" > > > > Bard replies: Both Funtoo and Gentoo are Arch Linux-based distributions known for their source-based installation and high degree of customization. While they share a lot of similarities, there are some key differences to consider: > > I checked, and both Gentoo and Arch initially released in March 2002, although Arch is older by 20 days.

    Bard does Gentoo dirty

    Image Transcription: screenshot

    > I ask Google Bard "What's the difference between Funtoo and Gentoo?" > > Bard replies: Both Funtoo and Gentoo are Arch Linux-based distributions known for their source-based installation and high degree of customization. While they share a lot of similarities, there are some key differences to consider:

    I checked, and both Gentoo and Arch initially released in March 2002, although Arch is older by 20 days.

    Taskmaster's New Year Treat 2024

    Deborah Meaden, Kojey Radical, Lenny Rush, Steve Backshall and Zoe Ball compete(d) for the 2024 NYT prize on Channel 4 or YouTube. (A bit late, since it's the 4th now, but ah well)

    Let's discuss tasks and contestants! --- I'm really confused how Deborah Meaden didn't know how a toaster worked, even with an aga - has she never seen a Tom and Jerry cartoon!?

    Kojey Radical is clearly a fan and should have come on the main show, and I was wrong to be worried that having the child Lenny Rush on would take off the edge (even though I think the did self-censor a little).

    Other countries' Taskmaster shows?

    Do you watch any of the other Taskmaster versions?

    We watch the UK one (of course), plus the NZ one in my house (their second series is brilliant). I tried the US one but I'm not sure I even got through the first episode.

    I've heard that the Norwegian (or was it the Danish?) Taskmaster was good but I haven't tried yet. There's quite a few to chose from now, too many for me to try myself.

    Deebster Deebster

    New account since went down, other @Deebsters are available.

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