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Tzotzil Written in Maya
  • Ok, I wanted to get this uploaded before my brain stops thinking about it. I wanted to show...erm...the path that I take to create/re-write the Mayan characters in a simplified script. You'll see three titles: Stone (What was most often carved into stone), Codex (What was more predominately used in their books), and Mine (Which are the variants that I'm creating).

    I'll label these by their rows. So 1 will be the top row (and will include the codex form on what should be row 2), then row 2, 3, and 4.

    1. You'll note that the Codex form doesn't look like Mine, as the Codex form would be too similar to other characters of Mine. The last two characters with Mine and with the Stone forms show how I came up with the design.
    2. There's probably no mystery how I designed Mine, as the Codex form is pretty much a copy of it.
    3. Again, there's probably no mystery how I designed Mine here, as well.
    4. If you look at the affix (3rd character from the left), I took the circular part of the bottom, and only went up one side, then I used only two of the lines that span the entire width of the character rather than 1/3 to 1/4th the width as in the Stone variant.

    And that's my brain power for today.

  • Tzotzil Written in Maya
  • Ok! What I have at the moment (for casual text).

    And a line from "The Jaguar and the Jaguarundi" as written in "Of Cabbages and Kings, Tales from Zinacantan".

    Ivay la ta be ta yak'ol bik'it nich (He slept by the road above Little Flower).

    (I'll add more details about my ideas and opinions sometime later...But I will say, doing this makes me wonder how Hangul, Davangari, Dravidian, etc alphabets are written in a school setting. So I may need to make a few inquiries).

  • Tzotzil Written in Maya
  • By accident really. I found a book called "Of Cabbages and Kings, Tales from Zinacantan", and was able to decode a lot from both what little was explained in the book, and deducing from what I had learned from Cherokee. Then there was a web site called Sk'op Sotz'leb which went into more detail and had some pronunciations. After a few years I had gotten my hands on "The Great Tzotzil Dictionary of San Lorenzo Zinacantan" (And to this day it is my all time favorite translating dictionary. So much so that Robert M. Luaghlin is one of a very few people I revere).

    It was kind of odd, as when I first started learning the language, I wasn't that keen into it. Heck, I really didn't like Cherokee all that well either. I found many Algonquian and Siouan languages to be far more prettier, but I actually found really good references for Tzotzil here...In this backward hillbilly hole in the ground, 😶 , and Cherokee through a mail order company. Anyway, the more I learned about the Tzotzil language, the more interesting it became, and the more I wanted to learn it.

    Granted, I was never going to be fluent (just don't live in that kind of area), but I did surprise the only person I ever talked with who knew the language. So I didn't do all that bad. (The area I had the most difficulty with were the numbers, and that guy helped me to understand them. Actually, he helped me a lot. Tzotzil seems to count backwards after 20, but when you translate the words, it makes more sense. Jun scha'vinik = 21, but cha'vinik = 40. Which my mind always thought jun scha'vinik as 41, but once I learned to "translate" the numbers, jun scha'vinik : jun (one) s (3rd person possessive) cha' (two) vinik (man). "One [digit] of the second man" thus 21, as 20 is all the digits of the first man, and now we're counting the next digits of the next man).

    Anyway, I can't get too descriptive. 24 years of a bad marriage, chronic pains, and dealing with some really harsh health issues, my mind is pretty darn wrecked, but I am hoping I can at least pull off some feats before it gets worse, HAH!

  • Tzotzil Written in Maya
  • Kosher! I found the Mayan Hieroglyphics Database and just a little digging around I can see that my thinking on this is not that far fetched as I had felt.

    So how I was planning on standardizing the embedding of sounds is Mayan, and that is what I will stick with. Preceding sound is embedded within the succeding sound. (IE initial sound is embedded within the final sound). (That is lu+ku will be pronounced as kul, and chi+k'in will be k'ich and not chik'in or chik').

    However, I don't have any plans on writing similar to how k'inich is written, with the middle sound being under the embedding sounds like in the picture.

  • Tzotzil Written in Maya
  • Might add this image at least til I can elaborate more on it. These are some characters I modified for the glottalized consonants k', t', p', ch', and tz'. Since a lot of these are not known from classical Mayan texts, I've embedded the characters k'in, ch'a, t'u, pa, and a small part of tz'a into the vowels a, e, i, o, u. Now, I may remove some of these (as Tzotzil doesn't have that many words with t', and there are other ways/rules of writing them, but for the moment it's what I have).

    In the above image, you'll see there are two characters for the sound ch'u, that's because the first set (main sign & affix) are following my rules, u embedded with ch'a. The second set are the more likely candidates to be used as those characters...erm...Don't know the appropriate term to use, but they are a huge part of the religious speech of both Mayan classical and Catholic present. K'ul (yucatec, Lacanton, etc), something like holy, sacred, spirit, etc, which is ch'ul as well in other dialects (Ch'ol, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, etc).

  • Tzotzil Written in Maya

    Note: This is a work in progress and just a place holder for jotting my thoughts down.

    Disclaimer: This should not be viewed as being a legitimate source of information, and just as something fun (and I do find it fun, 😊 ). As well as I am getting older, and my hardware is fairly outdated, and the programmers are a joke. So expect a lot of this to be the mere musings of a madman.

    I will be updating this, eh, as much as I can. Anyway, let's do this thing.

    I have had this idea of writing Tzotzil (as it's the only Mayan dialect I know well enough) with the Mayan characters, and the following are the rules that I am attempting to adhere to.


    1. Abide as much as possible with known Mayan rules and knowledge of their writing.
    2. Standardize and simplify the characters as much as possible as if they have continual use into a college setting, internet chatroom setting, written novels, mathematical texts, technical documentation, or children passing notes in grade school.
    3. If the need arises to create a character, use only what is known.

    (And I've lost my train of thought for the moment. Ok, at least I got this part started).


    What I'm working on at the moment is writing down the lyrics to Vayijel's "Kux Kux".


    Top: Is a fancier writing and closer to the original Mayan.

    Middle: Is a more simplistic shorthand which I am attempting to further simplify the codices written forms.

    Bottom: Is a transliteration of the characters used.

    Non Modified Characters

    a, li, ku, to, la, e, me, na.

    Modified Sounds of Known Mayan Characters (That follow Mayan rules).

    • vu <= huun (Huun is the Yucatec word for paper, which is vun in Tzotzil).
    • s <= u (u is the third person pronoun in Yucatec, and since there are several characters for the sound u, I repurposed one of those characters for s, which is the third person pronoun in Tzotzil).

    Modified Characters of Known Mayan Characters (That do not follow Mayan rules).

    • xu <= nuuk (I have found a 'xu' character in my "The New Catalog of Maya Nieroglyphs Vol. 2", but haven't implemented it as of yet).
      • Since ku is spelled twice, I added an extra tail onto the character xu to reduplicate it across both ku characters.
    • k'o <= o embedded with the letter k'i.

    The final word "svulanot", is spelled "s vulan[a] to" with "s" and "to" as affixes separated by a space to the verb vulan[a], but this may change once I start making it possible to write these characters much smaller (as should be for written novels, text books, etc).

    (Ok, I've spent what little brain power I've had...Man, I hope I can remember this...I really really enjoy this kind of thinking, heh).

    (Also, if ya'll have any questions, just ask. Maybe it will help this aging mind to concentrate a bit better...Anything is possible, 🤣 ).

    Squash bugs!
  • Oof! Good luck. I gave up most years because they're such a nuisance. I did have small luck with vinigar and peppermint, but only very small.

    Also, grasshoppers...holy halibuts, batman! I've never seen something sheer gourds to nothing like this year. So even trying gourds to deal with the squash bugs didn't work.

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  • I keep forgetting, but I do have a TIN of a Sole Proprietor business from a job that I attempted to do. Though, it was for escorting oversize loads. I could always get a business loan and pray like hell that I could get a business going in some far off city. 🤔

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  • Oh I definitely need to get out, for both my mental and physical health, and I know it'd take longer than four days til I'd be able to grow ferns, heh.

    However, I do know what I'd need, as I'm in a unique position that it'd take only a week to two weeks to know if my body and mind are still capable of holding a job. However, I would definitely need to start making money ASAP, as my health really needs certain foods at regular intervals (thanks to desperation and seeing a doctor before I was fully able to afford it, to which the meds she prescribed for chronic pain seriously messed up my digestive system and quite possibly exacerbated the damage to my respiratory system by a lot).

    The key is finding a job that my broken body and broken mind can even have a chance to do. I need to be far enough away in a completely different environment. I need to have a comfortable bed, couch, cot, whatever that's not on the floor/ground, and a place to shower and go to the bathroom. As well as electrical for a small burner to cook food. Unfortunately, I do believe I need to be alone (Which, I'm totally fine with camping as long as I can get a bed off the ground and a large enough tent for it. I have most other things that I'd need), and any job I get would definitely have a flexible schedule so I could find the best hours for my broken body.

    If I was even half healthier than I am now, I'd be gone, heh. Alas, I am not...OOooooow, my back, knee, belly....OOooooow! Meh, at least I get to sleep on a bed for the first time in two years for at least the next four days, YAAAY! HAH!

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  • Hmm! I do remember stopping along a dirt road in Missouri and when I glanced out my window to the right, I happened to have noticed a botanical wonder that could theoretically pay. As long as I didn't get caught with it, hah.

    Huh, I'll have to watch more of that video during my alone time. His reaction to the pellaea is about like my reaction, hah! I'll definitely have to check out his other vids, if he's from Texas. He might have come across some Cheilanthes, Woodsia, and other desert ferns.

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  • Oh man, google maps works wonders for that, heh. I've gone along roads (some trails, too) in Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, and some islands to hunt for epiphytic ferns, tree ferns, and terrestrial ferns. Oh, the wonders I've seen. The fronds I've imagined running my fingers through. Yeah, I've done that so often, too often, heh.

  • [WIP] Harley Quinn BTAS Punch Needle
  • it looks intimidating

    It started out that way, heh, and I still have issues with figuring out the best fabrics (Which are a huuuuuuge part of getting it right, heH< (KITTY IS trying to help me type, HAH), but after that 6firstr bad experiments, it got easier7 (I'm going to leave his typings in this, HAH), 3wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww7y buy hen...but oddly enough, I seem to have an easy time with odd things like this...SR55tam q...Same with knitting, I've come up with quite a few of my own little sTItches. HAH!

    me to my kitten. "Ok, Ok, Ok, I'llgive you some attention, boy"

  • Mochi with Mayocoba Sweet Bean Paste


    Welp, I am pleasently surprised. Other than my legs hurting like mad, it really wasn't that difficult to make.

    Unfortunately, the past two months my taste has been extremely erratic, so I can't say how this tastes, other than very beany (but I do know it should taste just fine. I've made gorditas with this same sweet bean paste for at least two years now. Tested with the wife, though, and the cinnamon I added is what is the strongest flavor).

    As for the mayocoba beans, they were the best for making sweet paste that I could reliably find around our little city.

    As for the recipe. Meh, there's nothing really to write down. I have never been a heavy sugar eater, and these health issues have made eating lots of sugar a bloody pain in the arse. So I added just enough sugar...(maybe, as I really can't taste the sugar right now. So I guessed, HAH!). A wee bit of cinnamon, and a pinch of salt.

    Now, as for the mochi, I did follow a recipe I found on youtube. (

    12 oz. Water \ 8 oz. Sweet rice flour \ 4 oz. Sugar

    mixed the mochi in a skillet, let it soak for a bit and rolled the sweet bean paste into balls, fried on medium heat, then low heat, then placed onto a pile of cornstarch, and went from there.

    It really didn't stay as hot as I was afraid it was going to be. The bean paste could have used a light freeze/chill, or drying as most of it was too sticky to form the mochi. Plus, I should have made a slightly larger batch, as I tried to thin the mochi up which tore on several of them. Meh, live and learn.

    I wish I could taste them to their fullest, but meh, it's my fault for trusting a doctor, HAH!



    Just adding this an hour later to show how bloody erratic my taste is. Now the bean flavor is extremely faint and the sugar is very very strong. Now it's almost sickly sweet, 🙄, and I know I didn't add that much sugar to the bean paste.

    [WIP] Harley Quinn BTAS Punch Needle


    I keep forgetting about the Lemmy groups, and my health sucks, so this post is just trying to make my addled brain remember these groups, heh.

    Anyhoo, this project is for my elder son (if anyone remembers the Vault Boy one I made for my younger son a few months back), and I'm attempting a few new tricks.

    1. I stapled this monks cloth to a painting frame. It does look like I'll need to do some tightening once I'm done, though. So I hope I can figure that out.
    2. I painted the outside, eyes, and mouth, and I do like how the mouth and eyes make the fabric pop.
    3. I found a larger needle that came with a kit on one heck of a sale at Hobby Lobby, and that is what I'm using. However, it is a tad too large for the yarn I got. So quite a bit of it looks rather frazzled, :thinking:.
    4. And I'm attempting (all-be-it a poor one) flow. (I have no idea what the proper term would be, heh, but it's where the thread leans in one direction, or flows along a line so each row...erm...flows with every other row. (Oof! Well hopefully you can understand that gibberish, HAH).

    Meh, regardless of the issues (and boy can I not draw worth snot) it still looks pretty darn good. Now for the body...:grimacing:...The proportions are just a tad off, but it'll have to do.


    woops! Guess I didn't post about the Vault Sweet Vault here...Well, here's that one.


    just got through using a lint roller on the bed
  • yep! Tried to leave back in 2017, but couldn't find a job, then screwed up by pushing myself to work electrical full time. If I hadn't torn myself up doing furniture delivery in 2000-2002, I would definitely be gone. So...damn...sore...Oof! And to top that off, when she finally let me use money for a doctor in 21, the meds messed up my stomach, and I'm so god damned dizzy as well.

  • What, like Pandora, Spotify, etc is out there that I could add music I have on my phone/etc?
  • That's fine, am a Linux user and not a big deal running a file/media server, also have large enough SD cards, so still not a problem storing music either. I would just like to be able to purchase some new songs just so I can be able to adjust the playlists to something more to my tastes for particular songs over the entire genre or band's albums which can often contain other bands/songs that just bug the living daylights out of me, heh.

  • What, like Pandora, Spotify, etc is out there that I could add music I have on my phone/etc?

    I've been using one of the Pandora services, but I've been getting a little annoyed with the stations (which I presume I would get the same annoyance from other services, too). So I'd like to be able to create a station and add songs that I own and that wouldn't normally be in that station. (And I know you can add artists to the stations, but some artists only have a few songs I like, and I surely don't want the station inundated with similar artists of the music I don't like. Shudder the thought, 😬 ).

    Curtain Decor [Punch Needle]

    First time doing an odd shaped fabric thingy, so the edges aren't too great. Plus, didn't figure out a better method of punching around the outlines til close to the end...Meh, still makes us all giggle like school children, heh.

    Oh, if anyone knows of a video tutorial on folding over, shaping, and gluing monks cloth with odd shapes (i don't have this issue with softer fabrics)...I'd be so thankful, heh. I just could not get it to work, so I just gave up and rubbed marker over the edges.


    Forgot to mention what I used.

    Lavor needle with the largest needle in the package. \ The black yarn is sport weight "I Love This Yarn" (the maximum this needle could handle). \ The white is an unknown we had in our stash, and a faint thinner than the black. \ Artiste Monks cloth, 1yd x 62in. (unknown thread count, purchased from Hobby Lobby).


    And here is the frame I made.


    This is the second frame I made, and since I used my table saw to cut the dowel, it left a large gap, to which I used the jute as a means to grasp onto the cloth. However, it was partially intentional as I wanted to put more into the dowels holding onto the sides of the fabric over the center parts.

    The only real problem I had with it was the dowels. It's not easty gripping and twisting to tighten the fabric down. I much prefer the square ones I made on my first model. They offered a much better grip for tightening. Once I feel up to it, I'll make a couple for this one, but they'll have to be thinner than the first model. Which might not be possible. Hmm! Still haven't decided on what I'll do yet.

    ‘Shogun’ Hits 9 Million Views and Beats ‘The Bear’ Season 2 as FX’s Biggest Hulu Premiere
  • Man, I need to try to see if my anxiety would let me watch this. I loved the original, and I'd like to see how this one handles the pheasant episode. That's one of the few parts I can remember vividly. I'd really like to see if it's as gut wrenching as the first time.

  • What media sources have you outgrown, when, and why?
  • Well, if "media" is in general, I'd have to say television. I'll watch some things once in a while, but for the most part, I have way too much anxiety from a bad marriage. Audio books, and certain Youtube channels can trigger it, too.

  • [RECIPE] Coconut milk &amp; shrimp

    He put lemon in the coconut (milk) \ He fried the shrimp up \ He put lemon in the coconut (milk) \ He fried the shrimp up \ He said, "Honey, I have but one little wish". \ He said, "honey, for you to try this little dish". \ He said, "Honey, taste this tiny shellfish." \ He said, "Honey, C'mon try this little dish".

    Aaaaaand, that is pretty much the only reason I wanted to post this, 😂. I think I pulled something laughing so hard when it came to me. 🤣

    Anyway, it is really good. Like really really good.

    10 small shrimp, deveined. \ 1/4 c. The thick coconut cream on coconut milk. \ 1 tsp. Lemon juice. \ 1 clove crushed garlic \ pinch of ground ginger \ a large handful of Rao's Fusilli noodles.

    cook noodles then cool and set aside. Keep 1/4 cup of the noodle water.

    fry shrimp in a tablespoon of coconut oil til well cooked. Add in coconut cream, ginger, and garlic. Cook for about a minute or two. Add in noodle water. Cook for about two minutes. Toss in noodles, add salt and pepper and continue cooking for two to five minutes, til thickened.

    Why did I mention coconut cream? Well, because of this milk


    It had a large chunk of cream on the top, and I didn't think about checking for it, heh. However, it was awesome, and worked beautifully. So why not add that bit of info? 😏

    [Recipe] Lamb Pie

    And just in case the link doesn't work again, 🙄 ,


    Oof! Quite pained from making this, but meh, I'm in pain all the time anyway, 🤣 🤣 🤣 .

    Anyway, this is quite good, and I do think I should have added a wee bit more liquid to it before baking, but meh, not a problem, heh.

    [RECIPE] Spiced Cherry Sauce over Oat Pancakes


    Huh! This is actually good.


    Oat pancakes

    Blend dry ingredients together.

    1/2 c. Flour \ 1/2 c. Oat flour \ 1/4 c. Buttermilk powder \ 1 tsp. Baking powder \ 1/2 tsp. Baking soda \ Pinch of salt

    Date water

    in a small sauce pan, boil 5 medjool dates with one cup water til the skins fall off. Take out all but two dates, and blend the dates and water til smooth. (note: you only really need two dates...Uh, I wanted to eat them after boiling, so I wasn't even planning on making the rest, heh. That just happened as I really wanted to use the water in something).

    (Substitute the date water with 1 Tbls. sugar and 1 c. water if you don't want to use dates)

    mix well date water, two tablespoons melted butter, and one egg into the dry ingredients.

    cover and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes.

    make pancake.


    Spiced Cherry Sauce

    (unfortunattly, no real recipe, but I bet the measurements will be close enough).

    in a sauce pan, mix and heat

    1 c. Cherries \ 2 Tbls. Water (add half a teaspoon at a time if you need more water) \ 2 Tbls. Sugar (add 1/4 cup or more if you want it sweeter). \ Pinch of salt \ 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon \ Pinch of ground clove

    Cook over medium low heat til the cherries fall apart and the sauce thickens.

    For the cherries, I used Great Value frozen cherry medley.


    i did the dumb thing of trying to separate the skins from the pulp...Tlagwv osdi vsgi yigesvna (Cherokee: That was not that great). It took about three times as long to Thicken. Pshew! Also, was completely unnecessary as the mash tastes just as good as the sauce, Meh, was curious, and that curiosity was...erm...sort of satisfied. Heh!

    Tiny Knitted Rays Knitted Tiny Ray

    Showing some of the difficult parts of knitting the tiny rays. Cast on 4 stitches. [00:00:30]1. kfb S2 wyif move yarn to back, slip last slipped stitch to le...

    Knitted Tiny Ray

    Just finished the video, which is crap, buuuut is good enough, heh.


    (my wife made this on her phone, and I just love it, heh).



    Cast on 4 stitches.

    1. kfb S2 wyif move yarn to back, slip last slipped stitch to left needle. Knit in the front of the last stitch on the left needle, slip stich, knit in the back.
    2. kfb ( K1 S1 wyif )2 kfb
    3. kfb K1 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K1 kfb
    4. kfb K2 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K2 kfb
    5. kfb K3 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K3 kfb
    6. kfb K4 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K4 kfb
    7. kfb K5 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K5 kfb
    8. K7 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K7
    9. K3tog K4 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K4 K3tog
    10. K2tog K3 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K3 K2tog
    11. K2tog K2 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K2 K2tog
    12. K2tog K1 ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K1 K2tog
    13. K2tog ( K1 S1 wyif )2 K2tog
    14. Reorder stitches (From left to right) as follows, 5,3,6,4,2,1

    (Realized a little late that 5 &amp; 3 could be knitted together before moving the stitches to the right needle, and would move the yarn to the left side for starting the I-cord knitting, but yeah, you can do that. If you don't do that, then just change the K1 in row 15 to K2tog).

    1. K2tog K2tog K1
    2. K3
    3. K2tog K1
    4. K2 Repeat 18 to the length of tail you want.

    Pull tail through remaining two stitches. Sew in ends.


    > Reorder stitches (From left to right) as follows, 5,3,6,4,2,1 >> WIthout using the tail, slip the first two stitches, slip the next stitch onto the front of the right needle, slip stitch, slip the last stitch from the left needle. Slip the first stitch from the right needle onto the left needle. Turn the left needle and knit those two stitches together through the back. (The video will help with this).

    > Added times to jump to different parts in the video description.

    Ok! Hopefully that's all good...enough...

    (and to make sure Lemmy or Connect doesn't remove my link, here it is in text form Lemmy/Connect kept this link after posting...So I guess I don't need this...But I'll leave it down at the bottom anyway).

    [RECIPE] Salted Caramel Swirled Fudge for Valentines

    Just made/created this for my wife. It still gets below freezing, so I'll pop this into her truck tonight after she goes to bed tonight. Will be a nice surprise when she leaves for work tomorrow morning, 😊

    One slight little hiccup, it seems like it's a bit too soft, but it just may need to rest in the fridge for much longer. I just wanted to get it ready before she got home. Meh, she'll still like it any way.


    Jesus! Thought the recipe was linked...welp, here it is again.

    Caramel Swirl Fudge

    [QUESTION] What are some methods to make a syrup/sauce with less sugar?


    I made a syrup from ground black walnut and sunflower seeds, but boy is it overly sweet. I do know I could use some form of flour (qinoa, amaranth, millet, all purpose, corn meal, corn starch, etc), but I'm curious if anyone might know of something I haven't thought of yet.

    Anomalocaris Cat Toy


    Hmm??? Still a bit leary on the fins. (Here's the first iteration using a plastic bag for the fins).

    Logically, the furriness shouldn't be an issue and only minutely add to their hairball formation...but, it still makes me feel a bit uneasy.

    Eh, I don't have any old clothes, nor any ribbon large enough on just used what I could find that'd be different for the time being. Pppppp!


    Meh, once I figure out something for the fins that I feel comfortable with then I can finalize the patterns (anomalocaris, goldfish, ammonite, and a squid).

    Eco friendly spray adhesive and fake snow powder? Or something else that can be easily found in our little city?

    Ok! I give up trying to find this stuff on my own, heh.

    Anyway, I built my wife a large outdoor miniature diarama for Christmas and I'm wanting to do a winter theme for her opening (the door), and I'm rather stumped on these.

    So far, the best solution I found was snow powder/flakes and spray on adhesive, but I'm definitely open to something else (that's not overly costly, 🤷‍♂️. I spent a looooot on this so far).

    It will have a dirt base, so the snow needs to adhere to that as best as possible.

    [Recipe] Ground Pumpkin Seed and Buckwheat Flatbread

    1/2 c. buckwheat \ 1 c. unbleached flour \ 6 Tbls. buttermilk powder (It’s what I have, 🤷‍♂️ ). \ 1/2 tsp. Salt \ 1 Tbls. Sugar (To make this sweeter, add another tablespoon of sugar) \ 1/4 c. &amp; 2 Tbls. Ground pumpkin seeds.

    Soften 1 +1/4 tsp. yeast in 3/4 cup warm water. Mix all ingredients with 1 Tbls. melted butter. Will be fairly moist, but after sitting for one hour, it will stiffen up and then can be formed into a ball and covered with oil. Let sit for another hour. (If you're patient enough, let sit in the fridge overnight, 😆 ).

    Divide and create 8 or 6 balls from the dough. (Depending on how big you want the flatbread to be). Fry on each side over low medium heat for about a minute on each side.

    I bet this would be good with custards or fruit based desserts, as well as sweet savory foods. (And that's my next task...What to try with these? 🤔. I tried with honey, meh, and butter, good).


    I bet ground sunflower seeds, peanuts, cashews, or filberts would taste good in this as well.

    [Question] Give me some ideas for pumpkin seed flat bread.

    Grinding up 1/4 c. of pumpkin seeds in a mortar at the moment, and I thought it'd be kind of interesting to get a little input, :wink:

    Flours I have on hand.

    Unbleached \ Rye \ Amaranth \ Almond \ Rice \ Buckwheat


    Roasted pumpkin \ Almond milk \ Heavy cream \ Eggs \ Butter Milk


    Yeast \ Molasses \ Sugar \ Baking powder

    I'm aiming for a skillet fried flatbread. Preferably not a pancake.

    So let the thinking commence. :grin:

    Pumpkin Bag


    I keep forgetting about this group. Anyway, just finished this today. I still have a few more changes to make, but I definitely have a good design down.


    One thing I hope I can pull off, will be making the lobes bigger on the bag. I may be able to get away with slipping the purl stitches every other row. That might keep the creases from expanding with the lobes...Welp, won't know til I actually try it, heh!

    chronicpain ChamelAjvalel
    Burpin' GERD.

    [Chorus] \ Ah well, everybody's heard about the GERD. \ G-G-G-GERD, a GERD, GERD, GERD is the word. \ Ah well, a GERD, GERD, GERD, the GERD is the word.

    Anyway, anyone else sing songs, change words to songs about your ailments?

    I have this one, and I had written a whole one for Metallica's Sanitarium called Chronic Pain (But deleted it in a fit of rage about 5 years ago). As well as one for the Jabberwocky poem...I think I can remember some of it.

    T'was achy in the taichy joints. \ Did wryde and balder in the Inge. \ ... \ ...

    Beware the Crackerback, my son. \ The bones that creak, the joints that crack \ Beware the throbthrob knee, and shun \ ...

    [Test 1] Zucchini, Rhubarb, and Blueberry Pie


    [Another attempt at tagging].

    Ok! Ok! Ok! Made the pie by baking the filling inside the shell rather than pre-cooking. ( Where I posted my recipe and a few tidbits of info).

    My thoughts, it does work, to an extent. The zucchini has the perfect texture, sort of apple pie like. However, I'd wager, about 5% of the zucchini still retains the squash flavor. As I noted in the update at the link, I think when I try this again, I'll partially cook the filling before hand, and chill it. That may speed up the infusion of the berries and rhubarb into the zucchini.

    I'm still a little leery about that. Maybe only partially cooking the zucchini with a little vanilla to dilute the squash flavor would be enough.

    It does work. Or it would work. It tastes just fine, rather good. Even the zucchini flavor isn't that bad, but it just needs that extra zing. I think I'll add some ground ginger, too. I know ginger works beautifully with rhubarb (at least it does in my rhubarb sweet bean paste in sweet gorditas). Wait...Hold a sec...Maybe partially boiling the zucchini with ginger instead of vanilla. That'd do it. That's it. That's what I'll do for the next time. I have my changes for Test 2...That I'll attempt sometime next week, I hope.

    [Rant] I so dislike our healthcare system.

    Update: 7-30-23

    Added images to an album at imgur with proof showing the bill has the correct website written three times on the bill. Also, showing the address to both locations (As each other claim the other does not exist), and google maps showing Centura locations.

    Update: 7-31-23

    Like the energizer bunny, the stupid at this company keeps going and going and going and going.

    Difficult getting a real human, so try to setup an automated payment via the automated system. Well, not my first time with this company, so don't trust them at all. Call back to verify, go through hoops and hurdles to get a real person. Nope, I only made a payment, ok, let me setup a payment plan. Ok, do you want to remove the payment you setup as that will not be added to your payment plan? What? Instead of paying x, you'll be paying x+y...Yeah, let's cancel that. Ok, set up the payment plan. Can I make the payment still? That wouldn't work because of how the payment plan is set up.

    Seriously? Is that really that difficult for the programmers to write for your systems?

    I tell you, dealing with this company does make me feel a little better. For, even how addled I have gotten, I feel like if they can run a major business, so can I, 🤣

    End Update

    I don't know a good spot to put this, but maybe this would be a good spot to just vent...It adds to the mental strain that's just absolutely bonkers...Plus, might be something for people to think about if they happen to go to the same hospital business a city over. Just 45 minutes away. Shown as an affiliate of the same business on their own website. 😶

    Anyway, I saw a doctor a year ago, got x-rays and had an EKG. Fine. Will get a bill...Fine.

    Got a bill in January, 6 months after from Centura...In Ohio...Not Colorado...What?

    The statement says to send a payment or log in to their website. I log into their website, enter the account number...Nada...I do it again...Nada...Again, and again, and again...Nothing. So I call the number on the website (as I trust that over some odd bill from an address that I've never seen from this company before). The representative had no knowledge of it. The account didn't exist.

    I even checked mycentura account, and I owe nothing...What? What? What?

    Well, just yesterday I got a call from this questionable Centura company...finally...And guess what? They don't understand what I'm talking about...It's never been that way...I would never pay to Centura in Denver. Their billing offices are in Cincinnati. How the heck can there be two completely separate entities of the same bloody business?

    Holy fuck!

    Sorry for the cursing, but unfortunately, this warrants it. It's just so idiotic.

    End rant.

    [2nd attempt to post this. Removed some curse words and the h word as maybe the filters are a bit wonky or purposefully overly sensitive].

    [Question] What method would be best to cook zucchini &amp; fruit for a pie?


    I had made a spread/mock jam, with rhubarb, blueberries, and zucchini, and it was damn good. So I've been trying to think of a decent method to utilize larger sizes and portions of zucchini to give a pie an apple pie like texture.

    I'm guessing I wouldn't want to cook the fruit & zucchini in the pie, and therefore would be best to cook the filling before hand. However, I've never made a pie that way, and am unsure if the zucchini would overcook (translation: become mushy) if I cooked it for a second time.

    Note: I know I could look it up. Heck, I could just go to the store and read a can of blueberry filling to get an idea...I just feel it'd be more fun to ask here, 😉

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