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You just gotta know how to talk to Euros
  • It's OK maybe it'll still grow.

  • Let me play among the stars...
  • Then you probably kick ass

  • Why don't you...
  • Was talking mostly about YouTube videos, think PewDiePie minecraft series, with millions of views.

    Fun stat: Bitch Lasagna counted 8 million views in 2023 alone, despite being released in 2018.

  • Why don't you...
  • Being skillful at some random computer game doesn't fill anyone's pockets.

    Being entertaining, however, brings in ridiculous amounts of cash, if you're "the peak of talent and skill for it".

  • Why don't you...
  • You're totally missing the mark: many of these guys are very, very good at creating entertaining content. They pull more views than NFL matches on the daily, so if anything, I'd say they're beating top athletes.

    The game they happen to be playing doesn't even matter all that much, because it isn't about the game being fun. It's about that specific guy being fun to watch.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • Maybe this invention revolutionised how we clean our butts, or maybe it was utterly trivial and 20 different ways of cutting paper rolls were patented that same year (note that present day rolls don't even use this method).

    But that's irrelevant to the point that seems to be implied here that patents somehow contributed to it's success. They don't, an invention will be useful or not based on its own merits, not on the fact they're patented.

    They exist to ensure whoever registered it makes a profit, which is why they're being exploited way past the point of making up for any good they were supposed to bring...

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • Suppose someone was on the fence here, and willing to hear you out instead of believing OP.

    Because, as I said, while I agree with most of what you said, you're doing a big disservice to spreading your message.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • I understand very well the implications of the negative price, which is why I advocated NOT to spend trillions in nuclear, when issues of balancing demand and production can be solved for a fraction of what nuclear costs.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • I agree with most of what you're saying, but the way you're presenting it is almost confrontational.

    True, self-diagnostic in a strict sense isn't a thing, but as you point out after, a collection of symptoms can speak to one's experience. Finding this insight, in my case, was an eye opening moment because so many things in my past and in my day to day suddenly started to make sense.

    Coming to terms with this realization is especially useful for people who have strong negative views on mental health issues, and driving people to "self-diagnostic", as in recognizing that they may be neuro divergent, is a worthy effort.

    It doesn't replace actual professional help and diagnosis, but it's a first step that needs to be encouraged.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • This.

    Also, tie together more countries' power grids to even out production and demand of renewables, and reduce the need for other backup sources.

    For a fraction of the cost of nuclear, increase the storage capacity as well. We've had days where the price per MWh was negative in many hours, because of excess production.

    The barriers to carbon free energy aren't technical, they're purely political.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • So the innovation that was patented is literally "cut it partway through".

    Patents are inherently stupid and only serve to stifle progress. Change my mind or otherwise just downvote away, works as well.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • People here be discussing the wrong thing, or am I the only one thinking that patenting a roll of paper is incredibly stupid?

    It's a damn roll of paper. How much of a genius do you have to be to come up with that? People have been doing it for millennia, the only difference is that it used to be so expensive that no one would think of whipping their butts with it.

  • If only it was that easy
  • This was my ISP and I a few years ago. I'm a beta tester for some of their features, and I argued this was necessary for ages. They finally implemented it, and now err on the side of way too many prompts for 2FA, but at least we have it.

    My current beef is arguing that we NEED IPv6 settings in the router. One size does NOT fit all. It's an uphill battle...

  • Literal
  • Thank you kind stranger.

    It still took me too long, so if you're like me: it's a literal tramp stamp. It's a tramp stamp of a stamp with the tramp.

  • You can fit two cars there
  • This shit is like tobacco. We all know it's fucking awful and makes no sense, but some assholes insist.

    So treat it the same way: massive taxes (upon purchase, but also yearly), banned in many public places (underground parking, city centers, ...) and there you go.

  • A Cool Guide Comparing US Letter and A4 Paper Sizes
  • I like my A sheets, but no paper format is good on screen, it's a whole different medium.

  • Apple Intelligence won't launch in EU in 2024 due to antitrust regulation, company says
  • Data privacy AND not having to deal with more bullshit AI? Oh my, how will we ever cope with this... /s

  • National Park Service unhinged...
  • If not frien why frien shape?

  • Flat to not flat
  • We've come full circle

  • What a Hobby
  • This is what they want you to believe...

  • Temporary pull-up during boot (ESP-01)

    Hi everyone!

    I'm trying to control a "dumb" led light strip segment with an ESP-01S. This is fairly low current, the strip will pull 150mA-200mA max (depends on... artistic? needs).

    I have two NPN transistors (2N2222), one to control the 12V supply to the white "channel" and the other the red+blue (don't need the green).

    I had to pull-down the gates as I had some flickering, and it works perfectly if I manually connect the GPIOs after the ESP-01S boots.

    The ESP will boot if I have the RX pin (GPIO03) pulled down on boot, but not if I pull down any of the others.

    I'm not smart enough to come up with a way to have that extra pin I need to be high only during boot, while the gate it's attached to needs to be pulled down...

    Any thought, other than getting something with more IO pins?

    ByteJunk ByteJunk
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