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Saw this and thought I’d share just cause of how much I HATE Garand Thumb
  • Yes, had to pull a collab with a Banderite shortly before Slava Ukraini

  • Worst Summer Camp ever. 0/10, brainwashing doesn't work.
  • (Cw: concentrated evil, if you are on the lookout for CWs at all I advise you skip this) is an autobiographical conic by a survivor of one of these.

  • Looking For Electronic Music Recommendations
  • Ed Rush and Optical - Wormhole Pendulum - Hold your color Noisia - Split the Atom Black sun Empire - The Wrong Room

    These four albums showcase the evolution of DnB over 3 decades.

  • New Pokemon Go to the Polls just dropped
  • What's with these jabroni ass ninjas tryna see Compton?

  • Solarpunk: Succeeding Where Cyberpunk Failed
  • As co-opted as cottagecore, abandon ship.

  • A centrist dipshit on dive bars
  • then stumble out and drive the rest of the way home.


  • bummed out about losing an opportunity

    got appointed to a position with the federal government with onboarding scheduled to start in about two weeks.

    took an at-home THC test after a month abstinent and it was positive

    i was recommended for the post by someone I knew and now they're going to look bad to their higher ups

    feels bad man

    Football Manager Network Save?

    Inspired by the DF community save, I was wondering if we had enough footy fans here for this.

    My availability is probably limited to other Turtle Islanders and western europeans due to my sleep cycle.

    I have FM18, FM20, FM22, and will be getting 25.

    I don't like going back earlier than that because Dynamics really improved the game in my opinion.

    Debil's Finger: A cautionary tale (Only applicable to fucking idiots)

    So, I went to a fancy dinner at a country club over the weekend, and ate the caesar salad (rookie mistake).

    Naturally, I woke up Sunday with food poisoning.

    After a brief study of literature regarding the effectiveness of Gatorade compared to $20/litre pediatric ORS, I went to the supermarket, only to discover that powdered gatorade was apparently not a thing anymore in my neck of the woods.

    So instead, I bought iced tea powder, thinking that I would just add salt to it (you can probably see where this is going now)

    I chugged down multiple litres of delicious iced tea with a few teaspoons of salt in them over the next few days as I shat water.

    On the third day, I stub my toe, and wake up with an intense pain in my big toe.

    I go to the clinic the after calling into work, beleiving that I had dislocated my toe due to the pain when moving or putting weight on the toe.

    I get the requisition for the X-ray, and I am able to get the results reviewed the same day.

    The X-ray is normal, and lo and behold, I found out that I have fucking gout as if I am King Henry the whatever

    I'd been making and chugging 2l Jugs of 50% less sugar partially stevia'd iced tea.

    For a week straight.

    I bought a 715g container of powder that has maybe half a cup left.

    TL,DR: The 3:1 sugar to salt ratio for diarrheal re-hydration is sacred, and violating it will hast thou smote by divine retribution.


    Vampire Weekend - A-Punk

    POV: you are in a 2000s dramedy

    How the founder of 'legal loan shark' Wonga made a comeback as London's fintech messiah How the founder of 'legal loan shark' Wonga made a comeback as London's fintech messiah

    Short-term, high-interest lender Wonga was one of Britain's most controversial and fastest-growing businesses. The government forced it to write off hundreds of millions of pounds in loans in 2014 and Wonga's CEO and founder left the business. While the business has floundered since he left, its f...

    How the founder of 'legal loan shark' Wonga made a comeback as London's fintech messiah
    J4That0oter x PFA Leek x Rivtwer AJ - F*ck All The Opps (Music Video) [Shot by @Mookiemadface]

    >What are your pronouns, I'm on your block > >Him, Her, They, Them, fuck it, everybody getting shot

    Court challenge seeks to legalize magic mushrooms in Ontario Court challenge seeks to legalize magic mushrooms in Ontario

    As magic mushroom stores pop up around the province, there's a constitutional challenge at Ontario court that seeks to remove psilocybin from the list of controlled substances. Xiao Li reports.

    Court challenge seeks to legalize magic mushrooms in Ontario