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Faith No More - Everything's Ruined
  • I really enjoy this album. RV is a highlight. Probably my favorite song on the album

  • Gamers, how is the latest vikky patch 🤔
  • My game won't start after the update on fedora linux so... 🤪

  • Can any of yall tell me how good dragons dogma 2 is?
  • It has denuvo smdh...

  • What game would you consider as good as disco elysium
  • I will just politely disagree

  • What game would you consider as good as disco elysium
  • As good as? Nier Automata. It's one of the few games I would tie it with on quality. As well as super mario world

  • I hate Microsoft.
  • Prism is the preferred launcher now. Polymc got taken over by some anti-lgbtq guy.

  • Featured
    We've moved to -- please update your subscription
  • I'm amazed at how many people can not imagine a world past capitalism. How stubborn must you be to push eugenics before revolution

  • John Prine - Your Flag Decal Won't Get You into Heaven Anymore
  • One of the best country albums period

  • Removed
    Is China Socialist? (No) | "Against Dengism" (2022) by Red Spectre (from S4A Livestream 116)
  • I'd have to really read on this. But I feel like a lot of arguments against china always boil down to comparisons to the soviet union. They are two very different beasts. I will read through this at work and maybe revise my opinion

    Edit: I don't think I agree with this. It feels like the sole focus is put on "here's what china did" and "here's what the soviet union did". I probably can't directly argue about what's been said but I will research some more and put my thoughts down.

  • List of really good AA games?
  • Hellblade is pretty cool. Not made by a huge studio but looks like it was. Combat is meh but presentation is excellent. Would buy on sale

  • Watches
  • A few months. I wear it to work and it's been pretty durable. No scratches or anything. I've been having to get used to having to wind it every day or two.

    You oughta try wearing a cheap watch. A casio f91 or something like that. I thought I would never wear watches much but I wear one every day now. They are so damn useful

  • Watches
  • I bought it on aliexpress. Or are you talking about the seconds hand?

    The seconds hand on the lumen version is usually a hammer and sickle.

  • Watches
  • I'm not sure if they do or not. But San Martin is a Chinese watchmaker that does homage watches for cheap. They are exceptional quality for really good prices. I would look at their website and see if they had anything like that. Then buy it on aliexpress for cheap

  • Watches
  • The seagull 1963. It's not actually made by seagull 99% of the time. But the movement is. This guy has a good explanation

  • Watches
  • That is a nice watch for a good price. Hopefully you'll be able to get it worked and not have to worry about replacing it.

    If you did have to replace it my favorite field watch is still the Weekender from timex. Honestly one should try it out just for indiglo.

    G-Shocks are great. Never really go out of style either.

    Mine is pretty thick. Not insanely thick but noticeably thicker than every watch I own. It's an old movement that hasn't really changed at all. It's a cool piece just for that. No overwind protection is a bummer and it is easy to overwind if you don't pay attention. A good watch with lots of quirks. Aliexpress has em pretty cheap. I think I got mine for 120 with lumen

    edit: wording

  • Watches
  • Grrrrr. I don't know why my link isn't working

  • Watches

    What sort of watches do you guys wear?

    I'm currently using the seagull 1963. It's a Chinese made watch that was ordered into production by the government. So this is a legit commie watch. Plus it's pretty

    Seagull 1963

    edit: fixed broken link

    I just finished setting up Linux Mint for an old buddy of mine on his old dog of a laptop, rendering it useful once again!
  • You may wanna try putting a solid state drive in. It will boost performance so much

  • What's everyone playing this week?

    I for one have been playing openmw non stop. Being able to replay morrowind on a brand new modern engine has completely enthralled me. The graphical enhancements you can add are superb, volumetric clouds and fogs keep the same aesthetic of the alien world Morrowind inhabits while also adding some much needed visual flare.

    Also the gameplay still holds up...mostly! Finding your quests is an experience in itself. I'm getting terribly used to quest markers and maps that tell me where to go. Morrowind says fuck you "Your quest is by the old rickety bridge south of town besides the river. Good luck" no markers just exploration.

    The game is not for everyone but everyone should try it.

    Bad news guys

    There I was planning my Cuban vacation for all of fifteen minutes and then I found out Americans are not allowed to go to Cuba for tourism. WHAT THE HELL OBAMA.

    But seriously. What a dumb fucking rule. Death to America

    A recommendation.

    Do you like roleplaying? Do you like space? Do you like furries?

    I have the best game for you SS13/14.

    The game takes place on a space station and you, a crewmember, must do your job. Be it cleaning the floors as a janitor, fixing the station as an engineer, ordering supplies as a cargo technician, etc...

    Mind you this takes place on a fully staffed spacestation. So you and sometimes up to 100 people are managing and upkeeping a spacestation.

    Some examples of what can happen

    • A perfectly calm shift where you meet and interact with a lot of new people while enjoying your job
    • A space dragon invades and sends space carps through portals to destroy the station. You and your fellow crew must work together to eliminate the threat.
    • A revolution! You and your fellow comrades are sick of the treatment from centcomm and revolt. Attempting to kill all of the commanding officers aboard.
    • You become a security officer/fascist. And arrest the station clown for being funny without a license

    This game has so many features and is hard to explain. Imagine an actual roleplaying game. That's what this is. A shift can either stall into boredom or be the most fun you've ever had in a game depending on your interactions with other people.

    This is my favorite game of all time and I seriously recommend it. SS13 is the original version of the game and has pretty much an infinite amount of content. But its old and aging. I've had so much fun over the years on this version but I've since moved on to the newer implementation.

    SS14 is a work in progress remake of the original with a custom engine and modern development practices. My favorite key feature LESS RACISM. Some of 13's most popular servers come from 4chan so.... I recommend 14 to most. It's much more user friendly, is available on steam and in my opinion has much more of a future. It also actually works on linux



    please try them out. They are free

    The Wobblies

    If anyone wants to watch a great movie about the IWW check out the wobblies. It's free here

    Unixporn BRINGit34
    [SWAY] Very simple setup

    Fetch: Afetch

    Bar: Waybar

    Launcher: Rofi-Wayland

    Distro: Whatever the newest version of fedora is

    Wallpaper: Fedora 8 Default Wallpaper

    So sixel...

    How does it work?? I have been trying google-fu for probably two hours trying to figure out how exactly you even install sixel. I found libsixel but it seems unmaintained. I just wanna try out images in my terminal. lol. Does anyone have any experience using sixel on linux and is it worth the effort to even setup?

    Theory recommendations

    Sorry to say comrades but with college I have been falling behind in my readings. But winter is coming and I will have a chance to catch up. I am hoping to read more about the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward. I was just wondering if anyone had any recommendations. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask

    edit: spelling

    Cities skylines 2 came out and it's not lookin good...

    That's two games today that I was hyped for that ended up being trash. Just gonna get hyped for indie games from now on


    Is there any way for me donate to those hosting lemmygrad? I want to show my thanks for hosting such a nice community

    edit: spelling. Word added

    BRINGit34 BRINGit34
    Posts 12
    Comments 137