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Defederate Now
  • I've done the opposite and have mostly stopped posting outside of the megathread entirely. Love that we've done this to ourselves.

  • Defederate Now
  • Purpose is when you get to argue with a bunch of neurotic internet freaks and hope maybe one of them becomes 3% less freakish while also flooding the site with liberalism and transphobia. Purposelessness is when you have a friendly leftist community that gets people through the day.

  • Defederate Now
  • Federation has completely wrecked Hexbear. I've never been less engaged with this site, it's just not the same place anymore and that breaks my heart. And for what? How are we benefiting from sharing our space with weird nerds and chuds? Please mods, just get it the fuck together and stop the failed experiment.

  • NSFW
    [CW: transphobia] latest fad
  • The Y. stands for Y the fuck haven't more leftists read Angela Davis

  • NSFW
    [CW: transphobia] latest fad
  • Emperor Elagabalus unleashes a fully armed Roman legion into the chat

  • One day, comrades, one day
  • outdoor-cat The counter revolutionaries are at the gate

  • "Why I Left The Left" by AnarchaPrincess

    Went to get snacks.

    I'm back now.

    Anyone want a tato chip? !rotato-chip

    What if the real fascists...
  • If I were Fortunado I would simply punch through the bricks. This is because the way I am built is, in fact, different.

  • Anon is tired
  • The world i live in is considerably better for me than the world I was raised in. Everything's a shitshow but at least I got to transition.

  • Locked
    There are dozens of us.
  • crab-party sicko-jammin amerikkkasicko-jammincrab-party

    nasrallah الموت للشيطان الأكبر the-gunman amerikkka

  • Freedom units 💯
  • That's some serious dysphoria what-the-hell

  • did you guys know we are right wing pretending to be left wing?
  • I hope they're all in their early 20s or teens because otherwise this gets much sadder

    When I was born Reagan was still president harold-manic

  • Can we stop making fun of 9/11 here?
  • jeb national-mourning-period

    Kelsey Grandma be like

  • Can we stop making fun of 9/11 here?
  • One of the creators of Frasier died in 9/11. It was the only funny thing he ever did

  • English town says deeply shameful tradition is worth saving actually
  • And the Lord said, whack ye all the serpents which crawl on their bellies and thy town shall be a beacon unto others jesus-cleanse warren-snake

  • Successful bit: Ask a lib “Was Lincoln a tankie?” and get an essay in response
  • We had a good thing you stupid son of a bitch. We had the dunk tank. We had Xi posting. We had everything we needed and it all ran like clockwork. You could've kept us private, never logged off and got as many upbears as you ever needed. It was perfect. But no, you just had to federate. You and your mods and your lemmys! You just had to let in the liberals. If you'd kept it quiet, known our place, we'd all be fine right now.

  • A gamers paradise
  • Staceys HATE how little a true sigma needs to be happy

  • Rock bottom can always get deeper.
  • I wasn’t accusing you of meaning it in that way, I was saying that’s my reading of how it’s usually deployed. This isn’t Reddit where every comment should be taken as disagreement. Man this federation shit sucks.