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What addons/scripts,etc do you consider necessary for firefox?
  • Ublock origin is a requirement for all browsers, not just firefox. So definitely that one.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • Nothing you say matters, because you're defending pedophiles. Whoops.

  • Niche communities you're in that haven't had much interaction? EDIT: Thanks for all your suggestions!
  • I'm hoping the various plushies based communities that were made get more traction. The biggest one seems to be on an instance I've never heard of until now.


  • What are the best Video Game Soundtracks?
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV - Tokyo

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  • I've only adopted one so far, but I find that I absolutely love torties. The funny thing is I don't even like the color orange that much but I think my cat wears it super well. Black cats are a good second place. I almost adopted a black kitten but my heart just wasn't in it that day, and I ended up finding my tortie instead.

  • Should I buy A Hat in Time on switch?

    I remember the game had performance issues when the port first released but I'm pretty sure they patched it since then. So is it worth picking up now? Is the DLC available or part of the game already?

    What's the best Xmas gift you've ever got?
  • A fully working GBA SP and PokΓ©mon Red. I ended up not liking Red as much as other entries but I still use the system to this day.

  • What are some of your favorite music from Movies, TV, Video games, Anime/Cartoons?
  • I could name many, many things from video games. But for everyone's sake, I'll list just this one from Digital Devil Saga.

  • What are some of your favorite music from Movies, TV, Video games, Anime/Cartoons?
  • The song that plays when you know you're fucked. Especially in BW.

  • Gender Identity Scale
  • I've thought about this myself a bit, and I took the "binary" part a bit more literally. If a man were 0 and a woman is 1, I'd consider myself about a 0.4, which is non binary. Someone who isn't midway or in the binary at all might be a 2, or -1, but this is about the limit of what I've conceived.

  • What's the most hilarious or ridiculous Wi-Fi network name you've ever seen or created?
  • A while back I saw a reddit post featuring the name "WiFireNation".

  • How easy is it to get a real memory stick for PSP?

    I've had no luck with the micro SD adapters, as two of them managed to corrupt some of my files even with different micro SDs. I have an old memory stick but want to upgrade from 32 GB to 64 GB and I have heard before that there are a lot of fakes around.

    What's a good instance to sign up for to discover artists and pay for commissions?

    That's pretty much what I had tried to use twitter for when it wasn't giving me political bullshit on my feed.

    What are your favorite "ugly" games?
  • I never got far in it, but I didn't see anyone mention Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. It's fun to explore a world where everyone has noticeable neck seams.

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  • I live in southern california, so it doesn't really dip below 40 F. One time it got to 109 degrees here but the actual hottest I was was during a trip to Florida. 115 and humid.

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  • I was a dumb kid who liked pokemon and ace attorney (and still does). Switching usernames when your friends know you by it already is hard.

  • AceLucario Ace Lucario

    they/them, loves cats and music. Bad at gaming.

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