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  • Just take some fucking rest and a proper food.

  • NSFW
    Do you like my outfit? (OC)(f)
  • I'll only say that I saved it on a phone 😎

  • aviation 33550336
    Chinese airliner totally independent on western tech /s
    America is in danger of Fascism
  • we’re seeing it again with the Russian-NATO conflict which led to the Ukraine invasion

    So it's the NATO's fault in your opinion?

  • America is in danger of Fascism
  • And this is why 405000 Americans lost lives fighting against nazism and Japan imperialism? I do not belive how this is both offensive and stupid.

  • Average US presidential debate
  • I suppose that you prefer russian, north korean or iranian presidential debate more.

  • Name this monstrosity
  • Blyatmobil

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • I had one. Besides, I love 80s/90s aesthetics.

  • Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • It's like my breakfast and i'm an european. Some american vibe in an eastern europe shithole. But I would add a spicy sauce to the pizza.

  • Elections
  • For example, explain China increasing in manufacturing output as a percent of their economy as they enter and push into the middle income bracket?

    Exploiting cheap workers in inhumane conditions, resembling 19th century capitalism. Exactly what communism was supposed to end. China is getting robotized somewhat, since its society ages dramatically, but they want to keep polluting the world with cheap throwaways.

    Also, how the hell is the DPRK imperialist?

    DPRK constantly threaten South Korea and Japan. Apart the famous missile launches, it performs abductions, drug smuggling, marine poaching, and spying. And we have cyber attacks as well. The country is too shitty to invade another country full scale, but it does what it can do to be a bully, officially uses imperialist rhetorics and throw threats.

    If you can’t explain how the soviet councils were layered and how elections were carried out then don’t pretend like you can argue about this in an informed way.

    The elections were carried out in such a way, that an average worker had no chance to vote for a social demoratic party, anarchist party, or liberal democratic party. They even killed their communist opposition, Mensheviks. There is no democracy with a single party system, don't be ridiculous.

    China uses a similar system

    And is a similar authoritarian regime.

    This is holocaust trivialization. The gulags were not meant to kill people, and the mortality rate in them reflects this.

    Setting aside manufactured famine in Ukraine and genocides like Katyn, very cautious estimates says that around 30 millions of people were victims of gulag, with lethal 2,7 million victims. This is probably massive underestimation, since many of gulag documents were destroyed in 2014. But hey, the mortality rate was smaller than in Nazi death camps, great job USSR! /s

  • This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • I would not say that we can completely get rid of cars, or that all cars are evil, but such absurdly big, extremely inefficient trucks with negligible visibility just should be taxed to shit.

  • Elections
  • I think that’s a fair take and perhaps indicates you’d lean anarchist-left.

    I perceive myself as a social democrat, maybe with elements of anarchism, such as decentralization and down-to-up elements of organization.

    I have mixed feelings myself, that kind of natural transformation won’t just be left alone to evolve, it’ll be actively resisted by powerful political and global forces, the United States and its allies would not allow it, for example.

    This problem is actually a hard one -- otherwise no one wouldn't need to argue about it, and there is no simple choice. If someone thinks that there is an obvious simple solution, then he/her may be just very ignorant. Maybe I will sound controversial here, but in contrast to Marxist-Leninist, I do not blame United States for damping revolution. Revolution will not come simply because we are not in 19th century capitalism anymore. Capitalists adapted, provided more humane conditions to workers to not be swept by workers' revolution, and Antonio Gramsci saw it something like 100 years ago, but Marxist-Leninists still live in 19th century and do not see that low-income class would rather choose far-right options like Trump or AfD. The United States indeed massively interfered with damping of "socialists" republics in South America, but I think we do not need another "red" imperialism country like USSR or Russia's vassal. Humanity needs real communism, not "red" authoritarianism.

    I think this pretty clearly demonstrated that the USSR wasn’t interested in anything but Empire.

    I think so, and with time this was becoming more and more obvious. Western leftists were surprisingly long (like 1956) under the charm of USSR, maybe with an exception of people like Emma Goldman.

  • Elections
  • This sounds like western chauvinism. Hoe can you be sure?

    And how can you be sure? Given nontransparent smokescreen of all red imperialist countries like USSR, China and North Korea?

    The other was democratically elected

    Oh yes, USSR, the famous standard of democracy /s

    end the holocaust

    *replace it with the gulag system

  • "Genocide is good if an Anti-Imperialist Country(tm) is doing it!"
  • This is fucking accurate. I am concerned by the number of downvotes.

  • Elections
  • The term is wide and sometimes misinterpreted, but actually not meaningless, since tankies are mainly associated with marxism-leninism (maybe sometimes maoism) and whitewashing of regimes as China, USSR, or North Korea. Same as the term "woke", which is even wider and horribly overused. Thus, I wouldn't call a western postmarxist leftist a tankie, and a lib or neocon probably would call this person a woke one :)

  • Elections
  • Yes, Marxists have been on and this is a good thing. But there is difference between Marxists and supporters of authoritarian regimes like China, Russia or North Korea, who are denialists of genocides like Bucha, Katyn, Tiananmen, etc. and who are cheap wumao/govnoyed propagandists.

  • Elections
  • The “tankie bubble” is Lemmy.

    Not so. The tankiest instances are lemmygrad and hexbear, while I think is neocon or lib at best, not to mention nazi "exploding heads" so we have a whole spectrum. I think had tolerable tankiness, but since lemmygrad and hexbear were rightly defederated from most instances, the tankies and wumaos are poisoning and much of fediverse with genocide denialism, authoritarian propaganda, etc.

  • The Capitalist Manifesto: Why the Global Free Market Will Save the World
  • I've read the title and skimmed the wiki article on it. I found it surprising, and I posted it in the same way as some people post memes. Do you also ask people who post meme or shitpost "did you investigated all aspects of this problem?" or "have you researched enough to post this meme?"

    The rule of this community is "Be Nice", not "read the whole book, think through, and study it diligently".

  • Elections
  • Thank you for a quite objective response.

    I also see how a state which transforms into socialism or communism must be “authoritarian” in that it has to take away factories and land from those that keep it as capital, so that it can be shared.

    I think this will never work, or with a very small probability. Power simply corrupts and attracts a nasty kind of people. Personally, I believe that upwards, organic, evolutionary changes are more probable to bring us closer to the ideas of communism, as industrial evolution moved most of the world from feudalism into capitalism in a natural way.

  • Four US college instructors injured in ‘brutal’ China stabbing attack | CNN Four US college instructors injured in ‘brutal’ China stabbing attack | CNN

    Four US college instructors who were teaching in China were stabbed while visiting a busy public park on Monday, in a rare case of violent crime against foreigners in the powerful security state.

    Four US college instructors injured in ‘brutal’ China stabbing attack | CNN
    Books 33550336
    The Capitalist Manifesto: Why the Global Free Market Will Save the World

    I wonder whether the author discussed the horrors of 19 century capitalism, since he despises "tariff barriers, building regulations and confiscatory taxes".

    Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next | CNN Business Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next | CNN Business

    Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has court...

    Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next | CNN Business
    Aerospace – If You Believe the Hype, We Should All Be Looking for Work If You Believe the Hype, Pilots Should All Be Looking for Work | AIN

    Convergent Performance's Chris Lutat explains why he believes pilots need to worry more about airmanship and less about being replaced by AI technologies.

    If You Believe the Hype, Pilots Should All Be Looking for Work | AIN
    Should Airships Make a Comeback?
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