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Me chilling with my homie
  • Torille

  • Excuse me
  • Rest in peace Lennu. We still miss you

  • I don't want more issues

    I already get them for free

    Of course, we follow the rules
  • What does it read?

  • Title
  • Wait. Really? I thought tea is defined as drink made of tea leaves. Well, you always learn something new :)

  • Japanese is harder/easier than other languages in what ways?
  • Letters are pronounced always the same way regardless of the word. At least this is the picture I have gotten. Unlike in English, for example: car (/ka:r/), have (/hæv/) This was very nice thing, coming from a language where letters are always pronounced same way (Finnish) You can correct me if I'm wrong :)

  • remaster when?
  • Isn't there already a remaster? I came around this one from the KDE discovery.

  • What are your "weirdest" pizza toppings or other weird food combos?

    One I've tried is cucumber with tomato sauce. It didn't taste so bad.

    What do you think of people making memes/jokes about the recent Titan tragedy?

    I mean like even if someone is for example criminal or scumbag they are still human and hoping for someone to die or make jokes of someone's loss of life isn't right. Or does someone think it is justified? I think it's morally wrong.

    Is Meta coming to Fediverse? Facebook owner Meta plans to create Twitter rival

    A text-based version of Instagram could potentially let users carry across followers from other apps.

    > And it could potentially allow them to bring over followers from decentralised platforms such as Mastodon.

    Lemmy exceeds million users (maybe more accurately accounts)

    Lemmy has multiplied it's number of users (maybe more accurately accounts) in just few days. How much do you think is the percentage of bot accounts? Is Lemmy having problem with bot farming?

    1337tux 1337tux

    Refugee from the land of Reddit, burnt down by Spez

    Posts 11
    Comments 6